Campus consultation: Delivering a world class campus experience

Campus consultation: Delivering a world class campus experience

Colleagues are invited to provide feedback on the University's approach to enhancing our Kings College, Foresterhill and Hillhead campuses over the next 10 years.

Our vision is to deliver a world class campus experience for staff, students and visitors. In order to achieve this, we are currently developing a strategy which will be informed by continued consultation with the University community.

Among the proposals suggested, improvements include:

  • Enhancing our spaces for high quality teaching, learning and research
  • Integrating digital technologies across campus
  • Improving accessibility and ensuring people can find their way round easily by creating a more pedestrian-friendly campus with better signage, walkways, footpaths and linkages
  • Creating a more pleasant and welcoming campus through development of our green spaces, quads and plazas

The initial King’s College paper is available here. Supplementary papers on Foresterhill and Hillhead are also now available.

Please note these are initial drafts, that are expected to evolve as part of an ongoing process.

All comments on these papers should be sent to no later than Friday 9th June.