Upgrade of Classroom Displays

Upgrade of Classroom Displays

Easter break sees the delivery and installation of replacement classroom projectors and monitors in Zoology and MacRobert.

What is happening?

Over Easter, our Media Services team will be coordinating the replacement of existing classroom displays in Zoology and MacRobert teaching rooms.

Work should be completed by 24 April.

All new displays are full HD, allowing for presentations in 16:9 format and helping to ensure we meet the teaching and learning needs of University staff and students

We are replacing displays in the following rooms:

  • B19
  • B17
  • B18
  • B19
  • MR055
  • MR101
  • MR106
  • MR117
  • MR120
  • MR252
  • MR256
  • MR257
  • MR261
  • MR266
  • MR268
  • MR301
  • MR302
  • MR303
  • MR310
  • MR314
  • MR315
  • MR317
  • MR418
  • MR509
  • MR609
  • MR613
  • MR614
  • MR721
  • MR815

What does this mean for me?

Our Media Services team may need to book out rooms in Zoology and MacRobert during the Easter break while contractors from CHES and StreamTec carry out this work.