Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy launch event

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy launch event

The University was delighted to launch its Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy on Wednesday 9 November.

The launch was attended by around 100 colleagues, who had the opportunity to hear from a range of speakers who provided the context for the development of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and demonstrated how the range of services available to staff and students will further collaborate to deliver on the Strategy aims and objectives.  Following the presentations, attendees viewed stalls and enjoyed refreshments while networking with colleagues.  The presentation slides can be viewed by clicking here.  

It was great to welcome Alan Smith of People Asset Management (PAM) to the launch event.  The University has partnered with PAM to provide a new 24 hour confidential helpline for staff.  The experienced helpline counsellors can support staff with a range of personal and work-related matters and can be contacted on 0800 882 4102.  There is also a website which provides guidance, helpful tips and support

One of the key aspects of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy is to further engage the University community in its implementation and to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing concerns. Staff and students who are interested in supporting the University in delivering on the Strategy, either by being trained to become a Staff Wellbeing Coordinator or by sharing their expertise or personal experience, can contact Janine Chalmers, Equality and Diversity Adviser by e-mail

More information on the Employee Assistance Programme can be found by clicking here.