Model Publication Scheme
Last reviewed October 2021.
- The University of Aberdeen has adopted the Model Publication Scheme produced and approved by the Scottish Information Commissioner.
- We publish information that we hold within the following nine classes of information.
- Once information is published under a class we will continue to make it available for the current and previous two financial years.
- The Publication Scheme is reviewed quarterly to ensure that information is current and links are working.
- Where information has been updated or superseded, only the current version will be available. If you would like to see previous versions, you may make a request to us for that information.
- A paper copy of the scheme and Guide to Information may be emailed or posted on request, or alternatively viewed on site at the Sir Duncan Rice Library. Please telephone +44(0) 1224 272596 or +44(0) 1224 273079 or email for assistance.
Please click on the relevant tab below to access the information published within each class.
- Class 1 - About University
Class Description
Where to find information about the University, how the University is run, and corporate planning on our website. Copies of the University's policies, processes and guidance are available on our Policy Zone.Last Reviewed: October 2023
General Information about the University
- A-Z of website
- Accessibility for Our Website
- Charity Information can be found at the footer of all webpages
- Complaints and Appeals
- Environmental Information and charges Guide to Information
- Freedom of Information and charges
- Publication Scheme, guide to information, and requesting information
- Social Media links can be found at the footer of all webpages
- Student Codes of Conduct are available in the Academic Quality Handbook
- Subject Access Requests (Requests for personal data)
- Term Dates
Key Contacts
How the Authority is Run
- Committees, including our Court and Senate
- Governance
- Legislative Environment
- Organisation and Key People
- Policy Zone
Corporate Planning
- Corporate Plan and Strategies
- Mission statement
- Statement of Primary Responsibilities
- Strategic Planning Processes
External Accountability
- Class 2 - How we deliver our functions and services
Class Description: Where to find information about how the University delivers our functions and services on our website. Copies of the University's policies, processes and guidance are available on our Policy Zone.
Last Reviewed: October 2023
Our Functions and Statutory Basis for Them
- Alumni
- Aberdeen University Students Association - AUSA and our Relationship Agreement, University of Aberdeen and AUSA
- Charity information is at the footer of each webpage
- Constitutional Basis
- External Relations
- Research
- Statement of Re-use of Public Sector Information
- Student Support
- Teaching
Strategies, Policies and Internal Staff Procedures
Grants and Funding
Fees and Charges
- Course Fees -Undergraduate
- Course Fees - Postgraduate
- Copies of Transcripts and Certificates
- Accommodation Fees
Concerns and Complaints
Reporting on our Statutory Functions
Service Schedules and Delivery Plans
Information for Service Users Including Fees or Charges
- Class 3 - How we take decisions and what we have decided
Class Description: Where to find key Committee information including agendas and minutes, regulatory reports and our public consultation and engagement pages on our website. Copies of the University's policies, processes and guidance are available on our Policy Zone.
Last reviewed: October 2023.
Decisions, Agendas and Minutes
Public Consultation and Engagement
Reports of Regulatory Inspections, Audits and Investigations
Environmental Impact Assessment Reports
- Class 4 - What we spend and how we spend it
Class Description: A full report on our finances, strategy and accounts is available from our Annual Accounts. All our financial related policies and financial regulations are searchable on our Policy Zone.
Last reviewed: October 2023.
Financial Statements and Annual Accounts
Finance Policies, Procurement Policies, and Planning
Expenses and Benefits
Pay and Grading Structure
Scholarships and Grants
- Class 5 - How we manage our human, physical and information resources
Class Description: Where to find our central Human Resources, Estates, and Information Governance information. All our HR, Estates and Information Governance Policies are located on our Policy Zone.
Last Reviewed: October 2023
HR Resources
Physical Resources
Information Resources
- Class 6 - How we procure goods and services from external providers
Class Description: Where to find information on how we procure goods and services with external providers and our current contracts. Copies of the University's procurement and financial related policies, processes and guidance are available on our Policy Zone.
Last Reviewed: October 2023
Procurement Policies and Procedures
- Buying Procedures
- Procurement Policy and Procedures
Register of Contracts and Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges
Procurement Report
- Class 7 - How we are performing
Class Description: Where to find information on how we are performing as an organisation and our Equality monitoring reporting webpages. Copies of the University's policies, processes and guidance are available on our Policy Zone.
Last Reviewed: October 2023
Reporting, Performance Indicators, and Outcome Agreements
- Annual Report
- External Review of Effectiveness of Court
- Outcome Agreements
- Performance Indicators
Equality Reports and Monitoring
- Class 8 - Our Commercial Publications
Class Description: Where to find information about our publications available for sale from the Aberdeen University Press, Elphinstone Institute and general publications.
Last reviewed: October 2023.
Commercial Publications
Online Store
- Class 9 - Our Open Data
Class Description: Where to find information about our open data and open data sets on our website. Copies of the University's policies, processes and guidance are available on our Policy Zone.
Last Reviewed: October 2023
Open Data Publication Plan
Open Data Sets