Chaplaincy Events - Sunday 7 December - Thursday 11 December

Chaplaincy Events - Sunday 7 December - Thursday 11 December

This is a past event

Sunday – 7 December

6.30pm in the Chapel, Catholic Mass


Wednesday – 10 December

1.15pm to 2pm in the Chapel, The Eucharist led by Rev Dr Duncan Heddle, Anglican Chaplain


Thursday – 11 December

1pm to 2pm in the Chaplaincy, informal Bible Study exploring John’s Gospel with the Anglican Chaplain


Chaplaincy@Foresterhill – Wednesday, 10 December, Rev David Hutchison will be in the Suttie Centre, Room 220, from 9.30am to 11.00am.

Feel free to come and meet with a Chaplain to chat, share or confide. We are at Polwarth, Suttie and IMS in weekly rotation.



Wednesday, 10 December at 7.30pm, University Carol Service with the Chapel Choir in St Machar’s Cathedral


Sunday, 14 December at 7.30pm, Candlelit vigil for bereaved families in St Machar’s Cathedral

This service is one of many which will be held for grieving parents around the world.  However, anyone who may be grieving is welcome to come.


Monday to Friday – 16 February to Friday, 26 March 2015

Retreat in Daily Life - ‘All are welcome - no expertise in prayer required . . . Just a desire to know yourself and God more’.  Contact the Chaplaincy for further details, or download an application form from the Chaplaincy Centre web-site.


Book Discussion Group: Being Christian by Rowan Williams

Mondays 12.15-1pm, Chaplaincy Centre.  Beginning Monday, 19 January 2015.

This book is an invitation to everyone to think through the essentials of the Christian faith and how to live it. "Full of sensitive pastoral advice and shot through with arresting and illuminating theological insights” we will read and discuss issues such as baptism, the Bible and prayer, asking why we believe what we say we believe! Come and join us; lunch provided.