Chaplaincy events 10-14 May

Chaplaincy events 10-14 May

This is a past event

Next week's chaplaincy events are as follows:

Monday to Friday 11.00am to 1.00pm in the Chaplaincy Centre – Free tea/coffee and cake

 Need a break from studying?

Tired of looking at that dissertation?

Pop in to the Chaplaincy Centre, 25 High Street for a boost!


Sunday, 10 May

6.30pm in the Chapel : Catholic Mass

Wednesday, 13 May


9.30am to 11.00am : Chaplaincy@Foresterhill

Please drop in and meet Rev David Hutchison, Assistant Chaplain, in IMS, 5.15.6. 


1.15pm to 2pm in the Chapel : The Eucharist led by Rev Dr Duncan Heddle, Anglican Chaplain


5.15pm to 6.00pm in the Chapel : Ecumenical Contemplative Services for the Exam & Dissertation Period.

During this tough time of revision, dissertation writing and general stress, you are welcome to come along to our short, ecumenical, contemplative worship services every Wednesday until 13 May in the Chapel. Services begin at 5.15pm and will end by 6pm. Each service will include an informal Communion (Eucharist, Lord’s Supper) for those who wish.

Thursday, 14 May

12.15pm to 1.00pm   Ascension Day Worship, Prayers and Meditation


For information about any of these events please contact the Chaplaincy Office, 25 High Street, e-mail:, tel: 01224 272137 or pop in any time.