Chaplaincy events 22 - 26 March

Chaplaincy events 22 - 26 March

This is a past event

Next week's chaplaincy events are as follows:

Weekly Events

Sunday – 22 March

6.30pm in the Chapel                                                     Catholic Mass

Morning Prayer in the Chapel – Monday to Friday

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8.30am to 8.50am

Wednesday from 8.00am to 8.20am

 Tuesday – 24 March

7.30pm to 9.00pm in the TV lounge, Adam Smith Building, Hillhead, Free doughnuts, tea and coffee 

Wednesday – 25 March

9.30am to 11.00am in the Suttie Centre, Room 220           Chaplaincy@Foresterhill, come and meet Rev David Hutchison, Assistant                                                                                                               Chaplain                              

1.15pm to 2pm in the Chapel   The Eucharist led by Rev Dr Duncan Heddle, Anglican Chaplain

5.15pm to 6pm in the Chapel                                     

Choral Evensong for the Annunciation led by Rev Dr Duncan heddle, Anglican Chaplain, with the Chapel Choir

Thursday – 26 March

1pm to 2pm in the Chaplaincy                                   

Informal Bible Study exploring the story of Good Friday and Easter in Luke’s Gospel with the Anglican Chaplain


Special Event

Tuesday, 24 March at 12.30pm  Crocus Labyrinth, Cruickshank Botanical Gardens

We invite you to walk the labyrinth with us and take part in this ancient form of contemplative prayer.


For   information about any of these events please contact the Chaplaincy Office, 25 High Street, e-mail:, tel: 01224 272137 or pop in any time.