Chaplaincy events - 8-13 March

Chaplaincy events - 8-13 March

This is a past event

Next week's chaplaincy events are as follows:

Sunday – 8 March

6.30pm in the Chapel                                                     Catholic Mass

Morning Prayer in the Chapel – Monday to Friday

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8.30am to 8.50am

Wednesday from 8.00am to 8.20am 

Monday – 9 March                                                    

12.15pm to 1.00pm in the Chaplaincy Centre       Book Discussion Group:  Being Christian by Rowan Williams  (lunch provided)

Tuesday – 10 March

7.30pm to 9.00pm in the TV lounge, Adam Smith Building, Hillhead           Free doughnuts, tea and coffee 

Wednesday – 11 March

1.15pm to 2pm in the Chapel                                     The Eucharist led by Rev Dr Duncan Heddle, Anglican Chaplain

5.15pm to 6pm in the Chapel                                     Wednesday Worship with guest preacher Rev Samantha J Ferguson, Rector, Montrose and Inverbervie

Thursday – 12 March

1pm to 2pm in the Chaplaincy                                    Informal Bible Study exploring John’s Gospel with the Anglican Chaplain


Special Events

Sunday, 8 March at 11.00am in King’s College Chapel – Seven Incorporated Trades ServiceThe annual invitation of the Seven Incorporated Trades to a Chapel service in March celebrates our historic link with the tradesmen of the City.  These links are as important today as they were over 500 years ago.  Today’s members of the Seven Incorporated Trades are leaders in the City, and important supporters of the University. This year we welcome Rev Howard Drysdale, Aberdeen Harbour Chaplain, to preach. 

After the service, a short reception will be held in the Linklater Rooms.


Friday, 13 March at 12.30pm in the McRobert Building, MR 613

Carl Wilkens, founder of World Outside My shoes.

Restorative Justice: Lessons from Rwands in Healing and building Peace

For information about any of these events please contact the Chaplaincy Office, 25 High Street, e-mail:, tel: 01224 272137 or pop in any time.