An Evening with John Peters

An Evening with John Peters

This is a past event

The University of Aberdeen Executive Education Partnership cordially invites you to an evening with John Peters….

John Peters came to the world's attention in January 1991 when his bruised and battered face flashed onto television screens around the world.

On the first day of the Gulf War, a British Tornado bomber crewed by John Peters and John Nichol was shot down over Iraqi territory and the two men were captured. After four days of mental and physical torture, they were forcibly shown on Iraqi television. It was John Peters' disfigured image that became a potent symbol of Saddam Hussein's ruthless aggression. 

John's powerful and moving story focuses on how he coped with both the brutal physical and mental pressure inflicted on him by his captors. A compelling speaker, John Peters inspires and motivates people with his dramatic account of his experiences during Operation Desert Storm. It became a seven-week ordeal of torture and interrogation testing John Peters to the absolute limit and bringing him close to death. The audience is absorbed into a cruel and ruthless regime, but John skilfully weaves his story so that they question their own focus, attitudes and determination to succeed. He describes how to adapt quickly to ever changing circumstances and how to overcome seemingly impossible odds. His innate sense of humour and superb timing ensures the audience sees the funny and lighter side of his experience.

He was the sole reader representing the British Armed Forces at the National Gulf Memorial Service, in front of Her Majesty The Queen and Heads of State; presented the 1999 Sir James Martin Lecture. He has written two best-selling books and the documentary, 'Tornado Down' was Independent Documentary of the Year and a BAFTA Award Nominee in 1992. His corporate credits include Nortel, IBM, Sony, Lloyds to name a few. He has a Master's Degree in Business Administration and was responsible for a cultural change programme in the RAF. This initiative was awarded the 1999 Flight International Aerospace Industry Award for Training and Safety.

Linklater Rooms

To book: email or tel 01224 273721