AUA lunchtime session

AUA lunchtime session

This is a past event

Changing Marking Scales - the new Code of Practice on Assessment

The Senate recently approved a change to the University’s Common Assessment Scale (CAS) and procedures for determining honours degree classification and progression and award in PgT programmes.  This session will provide some background to why these changes have been made, some information about the new marking scale and how it will be used, and the plans for implementation. 

It is intended that the new marking scale will be introduced from next session (2014/15) and so this session will provide a useful forum where you can help inform plans for its roll-out including how best awareness of the changes can be raised amongst staff and students. 

For further information on the new Code of Practice see and for implementation plans see

The session will be held in the Lower Ground Floor Seminar Room at the Sir Duncan Rice Library.  The session will be informal:  Bring your own lunch and join us for an interesting discussion!  If you would like to attend any of these sessions, please email to be sent a meeting request through Outlook.

Professor Peter McGeorge & Dr Gillian Mackintosh
Lower ground floor seminar room, The Sir Duncan Rice Library