Digital Conservation Conference

Digital Conservation Conference

This is a past event

Digital applications in nature conservation have rapidly gained prominence and now span a wide range of areas, including: Digital public engagement and citizen science; eLearning and egaming; Novel monitoring tools; Database access and connectivity; Online decision making support systems.

Building on the optimistic view that digital technology has a huge potential to aid nature conservation, this conference will also critically address the multidisciplinary dimensions of the impacts of digital applications on nature conservation and society.Digital Conservation seeks to establish a new research agenda by fostering the exchange of ideas, insights and experiences between scientists and practitioners in a field that increasingly shapes our interaction with nature.

Three day conference on the role of digital tools in nature conservation
Hosted by
University of Aberdeen
Linklater Rooms, King's College
Digital Conservation Conference 2014
CPD Services, Research and Innovation
University of Aberdeen
University Office
King's College

Aberdeen AB24 3FX

Fax: +44 (0)1224 272319