Will you have enough money to live on when you retire? - USS Pension scheme (9:30am)

Will you have enough money to live on when you retire? - USS Pension scheme (9:30am)

This is a past event

Lawrence Hodes, one of Prudential's Retirement Education Consultants, hosts a seminar designed to help you think about your financial future.

The University has been working together with Prudential since 1993. They can help you consider a tax-efficient savings vehicle which thousands of Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) members are currently taking advantage of.

The seminars are factual and informative and last around an hour. Lawrence will give you useful information, including the risks and benefits about making AVCs, but not advice. Here’s what you can expect to gain from attending:

  • An overview of how your USS pension works and answers to your questions.
  • Reassurance that you are aware of the savings opportunities available to USS members.
  • Valuable knowledge about how the taxman can help you boost the money you save.

You’ll need your unique Employer ID to book your place. Yours is PRUUNA001.

Court Room, University Office