Speed Mentoring

Speed Mentoring

This is a past event

Network with colleagues from across the University to seek potential mentors or protégés, contacts and sources of information.

Following on from the success of the first Speed Mentoring event that was held in January this year, another session will take place on Thursday 25 July 2013. 

Speed Mentoring is about networking with dozens of colleagues from across the University in order to seek potential mentors or protégés, contacts and sources of information to help you make the most of your career at the University.

After a short introduction session you will take your place at a mentoring station with up to 10 other people to join a senior colleague who will facilitate a 20 minute group mentoring session on a pre-determined topic (see below). After this you will have the opportunity to move to two other mentoring stations to discuss two other topics. You will be asked to choose your three preferred topics in advance as follows:



Order of


(1 – 6)

Professor Claire Wallace,

Vice Principal (Research and Knowledge Exchange)


Making the transition from academia to management



Professor Neil Gow,

Chair in Microbiology


Getting the best from your team


Professor Marysia Zalewski,

Head of School of Social Science


Dealing with difficult people


Ms Irene Bews,

Director of Finance and Information Technology


Time Management:  Balancing competing priorities



Mrs Pamela Thomson,

School Administrative Officer,

School of Social Science


From Grade 2 – Grade 6:  Progression through the ranks


Professor Miep Helfrich,

Chair in Bone Cell Biology


The Imposter Syndrome:  Self-belief and self-confidence


If you would like to attend this event please RSVP to Susan MacLennan, Staff Development Adviser at susan.j.maclennan@abdn.ac.uk indicating your order of preference for the allocation to mentoring stations.

It would be helpful if you could rank your preference from 1 – 6 to allow for maximum flexibility, however should you have a very strong preference or aversion to a particular topic, please make that clear.