High Performance Computing Service Launch

High Performance Computing Service Launch

This is a past event

A lunchtime information session to launch the University's new High Performance Computing (HPC) service

During the session you will find out how this effective and innovative use of IT can benefit and support researchers. The session will be introduced by Professor Phil Hannaford, Vice-Principal for Research and Knowledge Exchange. Lunch will be provided.

What is HPC?

The HPC service is a cluster of specialist computers that can provide large amounts of processing power. It can be used to solve difficult computational problems which are too large to solve on a conventional laptop/workstation or run too slowly because of the size of data or the complexity of algorithms.

Want to join us?

If you would like to attend this event, please register your interest by email to hpc@abdn.ac.uk. We will confirm your booking by return email. Please note that places are limited.

Craig Suite (Room 706) of the Sir Duncan Rice Library
