Transforming Foresterhill - The Joint Hospitals Scheme

Transforming Foresterhill - The Joint Hospitals Scheme

This is a past event

Episode three of the 'PodFest 2020' podcast series.

Foresterhill Health Campus forms one of the largest hospital complexes in Europe. The idea for this campus originated 100 years ago in 1920 as the Joint Hospitals Scheme.

Using records held by NHS Grampian Archives, Fiona Musk an Archivist at NHS Grampian, looks at the history of the three hospitals involved in the scheme, exploring the reasons behind their relocation to one site.

The collections held by NHS Grampian are some of the finest in the UK and show not only decisions made by administrators and doctors in charge, but also what happened to the patients. Some surprising reasons for admission are noted, and the podcast will explore how these records can be used to find out more. 

To learn more about the collections and view some of the images in the archive click HERE.

FREE to listen to from Tuesday 2 June HERE

For more information on the whole podcast series click HERE
