Microscopy goes VR and 4D!

Microscopy goes VR and 4D!

This is a past event

Come along to our demo of next generation Virtual Reality (VR), and advanced 4D analysis software for Life Sciences.

The University’s Microscopy and Histology Facility is holding a demonstration of InViewR VR software and Vision4D 4D analysis software from arivis at IMS on Tuesday 24 April. If you’re interested, why not come along?

You’ll also have an opportunity to take part in a hands-on workshop on either Tuesday 24 or Wednesday 25 April.


Tuesday 24 April
General Overview 09:30-10:30 IMS Level 7
Open Demo of arivis VR system (InViewR) and 4D analysis software (Vision4D) 10:30-14:00 IMS Atrium
Hands-on Workshop – Group 1 14:30-16:30 IMS Level 5
Wednesday 25 April
Hands-on Workshop – Group 2 09:30-11:30 IMS Level 5


No need to register for the General Overview and Open Session - just turn up!

However, if you would like to take part in one of our Hands-on Workshops, please pre-register by contacting Kevin Mackenzie at k.s.mackenzie@abdn.ac.uk. We’ll need a few details from you - see Contact section below for guidance.

About arivis software

arivis Vision4D

“The most advanced 3D/4D imaging software dedicated for working with multi-channel 2D, 3D and 4D images of almost unlimited size, independent of available RAM.”

The major difference to other rendering software is the degree in interactivity and speed when handling image data with arivis Vision4D. Other key benefits include:

  • Easy import of most image formats from microscopes as well as biological formats
  • High performance interactive 3D/4D rendering on standard PCs and laptops with 3D Graphics Support
  • Intuitive tools for stitching and alignment to create large multi-dimensional image stacks
  • Possibility to apply color mapping, rendering methods or image analysis routines intuitively with immediate feedback and preview of the corresponding results

Find out more

arivis InViewR 

“The next generation Virtual Reality software for imaging in Life and Medical Sciences. arivis InViewR […] displays real image data in Virtual Reality (VR) by utilizing patent pending direct volume rendering techniques with no need to convert data or make surface models.”

InViewR renders microscopic image data so that full immersion is possible at high speed and maximum quality and each voxel is made visible and “touchable” (true volume rendering). Control navigation using hand gestures or hand controllers; the fully-immersive VR experience is supported by use of Occulus Rift data goggles and devices.

Find out more

Hosted by
Microscopy and Histology Facility
Institute of Medical Sciences

If you would like to take part in one of our Hands-on Workshops, please pre-register by contacting Kevin Mackenzie at k.s.mackenzie@abdn.ac.uk, stating:

  • Which workshop you would like to attend
  • Your level of interest
  • The type of datasets you want to look at during the session, e.g. confocal z stacks, micro CT, XRM, TEM tomography