Climate Change Perspectives

Climate Change Perspectives

This is a past event

Climate Change is arguably the biggest political, economic and scientific challenge of our age and many people at the University are dedicating their efforts to assessing the challenges and finding theoretical and practical contributions to address them. We are hoping to launch a series of interactive seminars to shine a light on the work taking place and how we as an institution are doing our bit for our planet.

The first event will give some initial contributors to the series an opportunity to briefly explain why climate change is important to them in their working lives.  The format will be several short talks of 5-10 minutes, followed by an opportunity for the audience to share thoughts or ask questions.  Anyone from the University community (staff and students alike) is welcome to attend. If you are interested in presenting either on the 22nd November or in the future, contact Prof Adam Price ( If the initial event is successful, a series will be organised where individuals from across the campus can share their efforts to highlight and tackle Climate Change.


Speakers to include:

Prof Pete Smith, School of Biological Sciences: Climate Change and Land

Ruben Onckels, Shared Planet Society: Sustainable Consumerism

Dr Tavis Potts, School of Geoscience: Training future green leaders – Reflections on postgraduate education in climate and low carbon activism.

Fraser Lovie, Estates & Facilities: Managing Carbon and Energy Efficiency Projects

Prof Adam Price, School of Biological Sciences: Climate Change Perspectives from a Rice Geneticist.

King's College F7