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Page 31 of 43 Results 301 to 310 of 426

  • Russian and European traditions of paleoecology: Fieldnotes from collaborative research

    Anderson, D. G.

    Contributions to Conferences: Papers

  • Domestication, Reindeer Husbandry and the Development of Sámi Pastoralism

    Bjørklund, I.

    Acta Borealia, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 174-189

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Le wihkôhtowin: le rôle des animaux dans un rituel des Cris des bois

    Westman, C. N.

    Contributions to Conferences: Papers

  • Naselenie gorno-taezhnykh raionov Baikalo-Patomskogo nagor'ia v zheleznom veke po dannym arkheologii i antropologii (Population of mountain and taiga regions of Baikalo-Patomskoe plateau in the Iron Age according to archaeological and anthropological data)

    Ineshin, E.

    Contributions to Conferences: Papers

  • Olen' i sobaka u nentsev Tambeiskoi tundry: dve strategii konstruirovaniia "animal society" (Reindeer and dog among Nenetses of Tambeiskaia tundra: two strategies for constructing "animal society")

    Arzyutov, D. V.

    Contributions to Conferences: Papers

  • Rol’ landshafta v otnosheniiakh cheloveka i olenia (na primere evenkov Severnogo Baikala, Iuzhnoi Iakutii i Zabaikal’ia) (Role of landscape in human-reindeer relations (among Evenkis of Northern Baikal, Southern Yakutiia and Zabaikal'e))

    Davydov, V.

    Contributions to Conferences: Papers

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