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  • Development of the analysis of fecal stanols in the oyster Crassostrea gigas and identification of fecal contamination in shellfish harvesting areas

    Harrault, L. C. P., Jarde, E., Jeanneau, L., Petitjean, P.

    Lipids, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 597-607

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Chelovek, zhivotnoe, landshaft: Antropologiia sovmesnykh peremeshchenii (Man, Animal, Landscape: Anthropology of Joint Movements)

    Davydov, V.

    St. Petersburg, Russia.

    Other Contributions: Other Contributions

  • 'Hard Times Are Coming': Indeterminacy, Prophecies, Apocalypse, and Dogs

    Loovers, P.

    Contributions to Conferences: Papers

  • Book Review of The Worlds of Russian Village Women by Olson and Adonyeva

    Siragusa, L.

    Slavonica, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 78-79

    Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles

  • Sámi archaeology and postcolonial theory

    Spangen, M., Salmi, A. K., Äikäs, T.

    Contributions to Conferences: Papers

  • Severnyi antropologicheskii semnar MAE RAN 'Radioaktivnye volki (2011) - pokaz filma i diskussiia' (Norhtern anthropological seminar MAE RAS -'Radioactive Wolves (2011) film screaning and discussion')

    Davydov, V., Arzyutov, D. V.


    Other Contributions: Other Contributions

  • G. Henriksen, Hunters in the Barrens: The Naskapi on the Edge of the White Man’s World

    Westman, C. N.

    Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 181-182

    Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles

  • Evenki-olenevody v epokhu transformatsyi: Ideologiia poselenii i mobil'nost' (Evenki reindeer herders of Northern Baikal in times of transformation: Ideology of settlement and mobility)

    Davydov, V.

    St. Petersburg, Russia.

    Other Contributions: Other Contributions

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