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  • Hunter-gatherer situations: Response by David G. Anderson to Thomas Widlok’s keynote speech (CHAGS XI)

    Anderson, D. G.

    Hunter-Gatherer Research, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 145-148

    Contributions to Journals: Comments and Debates

  • Co-evolution of human-reindeer communities in the Russian Arctic

    Klokov, K.

    Contributions to Conferences: Papers

  • Notes from his «snail’s shell»: The Zabaikal’ fieldwork of S.M. Shirokogoroff and the ground-work for etnos-thinking

    Anderson, D. G.

    Contributions to Conferences: Papers

  • Etnograf s kinokameroi v rukakh: Prokof'evy i nachalo vizual'noi antropologii samodiitsev (The Ethnographer(s) with a Cine-Camera in Their Hands: The Prokofievs and the Beginning of the Visual Anthropology of Samoyeds)

    Arzyutov, D.

    Antropologicheskii Forum, no. 29, pp. 187-218

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • K 150-leyiiu so dnia rozhdenia Vladimira G. Bogoraza (On the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.G. Bogoraz)

    Arzyutov, D., Vakhtin, N. B.

    Antropologicheskii Forum, no. 29

    Contributions to Journals: Special Issues

  • Staking Life and Silencing Life: Mineral Exploration and Land Use Planning in Peel Watershed

    Loovers, P.

    Practical Anthropology, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 53-56

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Vmesto vvedeniia (Instead of Introduction)

    Arzyutov, D., Vakhtin, N. B.

    Antropologicheskii Forum, vol. 29, pp. 101-108

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • A study of a possible early reindeer domestication site on the Iamal peninsula (Russia) using geoarchaeological methods and lipid biomarkers

    Harrault, L. C. P., Milek, K. B., Dawson, L. A., Anderson, D. G.

    Contributions to Conferences: Papers

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