The Knight and the Lion

"Yvain Fights the Giant"

At that moment the lord's daughter came in with her mother, their cloaks pulled about their faces to hide their tears. Out of pity for the girl, and because of his friendship for Gawain, Yvain knew that he must help. He tells the girl and her mother not to cry, for as long as the giant comes before noon tomorrow he will fight him.

Still, the next morning passes and the giant has not come. It is noon and Yvain says he cannot stay for anything in the world - yet they weep and beg, and he does not move.

Just then the giant swaggers into sight, bellowing curses and boasting of what he will do to the lord's sons if he does not give him his daughter. The lord's sons are dressed in rags on four skinny ponies with their ribs showing and their tails tied together. A dwarf drives them along, beating them with a knotted whip.

Yvain has no time to wait and charges at the giant, piercing him with his lance. Harpin meanwhile lays about Yvain with his club - but Yvain ducks and slices off a piece of the giant's cheek as big as a steak.

The giant is in a fury, but the lion can hold back no longer and leaps on him with open claws. The lion's teeth tear the giant's bearskin coat, ripping it like bark. The giant tries to strike the lion with his club, but the lion is too quick for him and he misses and staggers forward.

As he does so, Yvain takes one swipe and cuts the giant's head clean from his shoulders. Like an oak tree, Harpin crashes to the ground.

Everyone comes running from the castle, but Yvain has not time to stay and celebrate. He and the lion must be off if Lunette is to be saved. Surely it is already too late.

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