The Knight and the Lion

"Harpin of the Mountain"

Yvain rode a little way with the lion trotting beside him until he came to a huge castle. The great stone walls were so strong and well built that no catapult or stone-throwing machine could have damaged them. Yet all the land around the walls was flat, with not a hut to be seen, and the ground was charred and black.

At first the gatekeeper would not let Yvain in, for fear of the lion, but Yvain persuaded him, and soon people were flocking around them - shouting words of welcome. The next minute, though, Yvain saw they were sad and could barely keep from crying. Then they would cheer and shout welcome again - but they did not really mean it. Something was making their hearts heavy and full of fear.

Yvain was brought to the lord of the castle and treated well -but he would not rest until he had found out what was troubling them all. At last the lord explained:

'There is a Giant named Harpin of the Mountain. He demands my daughter from me. I have six sons, knights like you, but he has captured them all. He has killed two already and tomorrow he is coming, and threatens to kill the rest if I will not hand over my daughter. For years this giant has stolen or burnt everything for miles around. Even the castle walls are new, for he knocked down the old ones and seized people and goods alike, setting fire to everything he found.

I sent for help to King Arthur's court. Gawain is my wife's sister, but he has gone to look for the Queen. The King foolishly let her go out with only Kay to protect her and she was stolen away.'

Find out if Gawain has rescued the Queen?


Continue with Yvain's story...