Publications | Research | The University of Aberdeen


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Page 162 of 256 Results 1611 to 1620 of 2560

  • Using differential signalling to mitigate pointing errors effect in FSO communication link

    Abadi, M. M., Ghassemlooy, Z., Bhatnagar, M., Zvanovec, S., Khalighi, M., Maheri, A.

    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings

  • Distinguishing tectonically-and gravity-driven synsedimentary deformation structures along the Apulian platform margin (Gargano Promontory, southern Italy)

    Korneva, I., Tondi, E., Jablonska, D., Di Celma, C., Alsop, I., Agosta, F.

    Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 73, pp. 479-491

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Laboratory investigation of the dependence of waterflood oil recovery on wettability under mixed-wet conditions

    Christensen, M., Zacarias Hernandez, X., Tanino, Y.

    DEVEX 2016

    Contributions to Conferences: Posters

  • The potential for land sparing to offset greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture

    Lamb, A., Green, R., Bateman, I., Broadmeadow, M., Bruce, T., Burney, J., Carey, P., Chadwick, D., Crane, E., Field, R., Goulding, K., Griffiths, H., Hastings, A., Kasoar, T., Kindred, D., Phalan, B., Pickett, J., Smith, P., Wall, E., zu Ermgassen, E. K. H. J., Balmford, A.

    Nature Climate Change, vol. 6, pp. 488-492

    Contributions to Journals: Letters

  • Biorefinery with Open Mixed Cultures for Biofuels and Chemicals Production from Organic Waste: Biodegradation of Unpretreated Cellulose

    Dionisi, D., Bolaji, I. O.

    Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 49, pp. 157-162

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

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