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Radical Songs
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The Voice of Radicalism

Burnett and Bruce


Burnett and Bruce


"Bonnets o' Blue"


Hurrah for Burnett and Bruce!
Hurrah for Burnett and Bruce!
And wha wadna wish guid luck to the cause,
May never guid luck be their fa'.

Stand forward for Burnett and Bruce,
Ye men of the spade and the plough!
Ne'er shrink from the strife, but like true Scottishmen,
Your manhood straight-forward avow.
Hurrah, &c.

"There's freedom to him that would vote,
There's freedom to him that would write:
But them that would not the truth should be heard,
It is them that the truth would endite."
Hurrah, &c.

Like our fathers of old, stand firm by our rights,
Nor by threats nor persuasions be swayed,
Stand by Burnett and Bruce, and the day is our own,
Nor by Tories let us be dismayed.
Hurrah, &c.

Now the day is at hand-our honour's at stake,-
On our good name, will we leave a stain?
No! we never the standard of truth will desert,
But our rights we will firmly maintain.
Hurrah, &c.


Grace Banks
David Hunter
Shirley Watt
Eric White


From The Aberdeen Pirate Thurs Nov 29 1832.
Political ballads, set to well-known tunes, were popular during the nineteenth century. This electioneering song discussing Aberdeenshire Whig candidates, is anti-Tory in sentiment.

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