The constitution in the 18 th century protected landowners' rights. British
radicals rejected this. They believed that:
- The middle class, rather than
the upper class should be in parliament
- Councillors should be elected.
As there were no elections, councillors chose themselves
- Entry to government
service should be by competition
- Members of the established churches
should not have the power to make public appointments
- The Church of
Scotland and the Church of England should be disestablished. The 'established'
churches were the official churches of the state. Their members had
a great deal of power. Disestablishing them would take away this power
- Tariffs (taxes) should not be applied to imported food. The radicals
believed in free trade
- Land rights should be reformed to favour of
tenant farmers rather than landowners
Most radicals followed a Utilitarian philosophy. They believed that the
country should use its resources efficiently. They also believed in bringing 'the
greatest good to the greatest number'. This means that more people, rather
than less, should benefit from a policy.
However, most radicals:
- Did not believe that every man and woman should
have the vote
- Were against trade unions
- Supported a welfare system that was harsh
on the poor and unemployed