The School of Psychology at the University of Aberdeen nurtures a culture that is inclusive and welcoming to all. It has been officially recognised for its efforts to advance gender equality - becoming the first of the University's Schools to receive an Athena SWAN Bronze Award (2016) and also the first to receive an Athena SWAN Silver Award (2020). The School's successful applications were led by Dr Margaret Jackson and Dr Doug Martin , respectively, with essential support from the rest of the self-assessment team - a working group of colleagues based in the School of Psychology and the two University Athena SWAN officers, Dr Maria-Grazia Cascio and Clare Matysova . Read about these achievements on the University website .
Click here to see who's currently on the School's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
An example of an initiative that helped the School meet the Bronze Award criteria was the establishment of a Family Conference Support Award , which provides financial support for women and men with child caring responsibilities to attend conferences.
Our School is also home to an active Early Career Researcher Forum , encompassing postgraduates and postdoctoral researchers.
The School has also made a formal commitment to ensuring key meetings and events are held within core-business hours.
Enquiries can be sent to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Chair: Dr Clare Sutherland.