Dr Varuni Wimalasiri

Dr Varuni Wimalasiri
Dr Varuni Wimalasiri
Dr Varuni Wimalasiri


Business School


I am a lecturer in Management (Organisational Psychology) and a Chartered Occupational Psychologist (HCPC). I received my Phd from the University of Nottingham (2007) and undertook an EPSRC postdoctorate (Risk and the design engineer) at Loughborough University (2007-2009).  I have worked at Exeter, Sussex and Bournemouth Universities. Between 2015-2017 I worked in the 3rd sector on projects equalities, women and work.

In my research I use principles of Psychology to address the following questions:

  • How does intersectionality, identity and equality effect the women's experience of work and their wellbeing?
  • How might we design diversity programmes to address more obvious but also hidden inequalities at work?
  • How are marginalised communities in Society, impacted further by workplace inequalities ?

I have published my work in journals such as Human Relations, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Management, Personnel Review and Work and Stress, amongst others. I have received funding from the Economics and Social Sciences Research Council (ESRC), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), The Big Lottery (UK) and The Railway Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), among others. My research informs UN's sustainable goal 5 (Equality for Women and Girls). More information about this research can be found by accessing the following link: Equality for Every Woman and Girl - At Work. 

I am a member of the strategic EDI board of the British Psychological Society (BPS). And currently the Chair of the Business School EDI committee. 

I welcome queries from Phd students who are interested in pursuing doctoral research in my areas of interest. Also queries from those in the third sector working with minority and marginalised communities.

Memberships and Affiliations

Internal Memberships

I am the Chair for the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee of the Business School, at the University of Aberdeen.

External Memberships

I am a board member of the EDI board of the British Psychological Society. And a member of the ESRC peer review college.


Prizes and Awards

Grants and awards

ESRC IAA fund (Sussex University) (2021-2022) Food as identity and food as enterprise: Assisting economic empowerment of women refugees through  including intersectionality lead start-up strategies for food-related enterprise. Wimalasiri, V. Bessant, J. Vignoles, V. and Industry Partners – Diversity Business Incubator.

Bournemouth University GCRH funding (2019) Identifying the needs of women refugees and asylum seekers in Devon in relation to finding and engaging in employment and careers. In partnership with Devon County Council. Wimalasiri, V.

The Lloyds Bank Social entrepreneurs start up programme, in partnership with the school of social entrepreneurs (SSE) and jointly funded by the Big Lottery (2018). Woman's Work: Reconnecting women refuges back to work. Oct 2017 – Oct 2018. Wimalasiri, V.

ESRC Impact cultivation award and social policy network funding (via University of Exeter), (2014) Creativity in the Emergency Services. Wimalasiri, V,  Black, S. and Robinson, M. (in collaboration with South West Ambulance Services)

EPSRC Bridging the gaps fund (via University of Exeter), (2011) With Drurie, R. Wyatt K. Craft A. et al.  Creativity: A multidisciplinary perspective. Wimalasiri, V with Drurie, Wyatt, Craft et al 

Seedcorn grant, School of Management, University of Plymouth (2010) Wimalasiri, V. Transfer of non-technical skills to assist problem-solving in A&E contexts.

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (2007) Risk and the Design Engineer. Daniels, K.J., Cheyne, A.J.T., Cohen, L., Hislop, D., Wimalasiri, V.,& Beesley, N.

British Academy of Management (2009) Funding for seminar series for special interest group in Organizational Psychology held in Universities Cambridge, Loughborough, Warwick, and the Open University. Billsberry J. and Wimalasiri V.

Funding and scholarship awarded for Phd: Developing Solutions Scholarship (University of Nottingham) + Railway Safety and Standards Board funding (2002-2005) 


Funding and Grants

Research funding

ESRC IAA (2021-2022) Wimalasiri, V, Bessant, J., Vignoles, V.,  and Industry partners - Food as identity and food as enterprise. 

Bournemouth University GCRH funding (2019) Wimalsiri V. Identifying the needs of women refugees and asylum seekers in Devon. In partnership with Exeter City Council.

The Lloyds Bank Social entrepreneurs start up programme, in partnership with the School of Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) and jointly funded by the Big lottery Wimalasiri, V. 

ESRC impact cultivation award and social policy funding (University of Exeter) (2011) Drurie, R., Wyatt, K., Craft, A., Wimalasiri, V. Creativity: A multidisciplinary perspective

EPSRC (2007-2009) Risk and design engineer. Daniels, K., Cheyne, A.J.T., Cohen, L, Hislop, D., Beesley, N., Wimalasiri, V. 


Other Funding 

Wherle, K., Alonso, A., Buiter, A., Koessler, F., Pajic,S., van Rossenberg, Y., Wimalasiri, V., Searle, R., (2024) Unpacking the role of Work and organizational Psychology for Forced Migration and Displacement. European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Small group meeting funding 

Billsberry J. and Wimalasiri, V. (2009) British Academy of Management. British Academy of Management. Seminar series for special interest group in Work and Organizational Psychology.


Page 2 of 2 Results 26 to 27 of 27

  • Attributing Causes for Error: A Study Comparing Designers and End-Users in the Offshore Industry

    Wimalasiri, V., Beesley, N., Cheyne, A., Daniels, K.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Risk and the Design Engineer

    Beesley, N., Cheyne, A., Daniels, K., Wimalasiri, V.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
Show 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 results per page


Books and Reports

Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals