Dr Sylvia Vetter

Dr Sylvia Vetter
Dr Sylvia Vetter
Dr Sylvia Vetter

Advanced Research Fellow

Accepting PhDs

Email Address
Office Address

Biological and Environmental Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, 23 St Machar Drive, Room G43 Aberdeen AB24 3UU Scotland, UK

School of Biological Sciences


Since 2012 Environmental Modelling Group, School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK

2016 Dissertation (equal to PhD), Chair of Meteorology, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Thesis title: “Carbon dioxide and water fluxes over semi-arid grassland in Inner Mongolia (China)”, Acquired title: Dr. rer. nat.

2011 Scholarship holder ESF (European Science Foundation), University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

2008 – 2012 Chair of Meteorology, TU Dresden, Germany

2004 - 2005 Graduate studies, Uppsala University, Sweden (ERASMUS)

2000 – 2007 Study of Hydrology, TU Dresden, Germany

Thesis: “Research of carbon and water budgets of pastured grassland in Bavaria based on EC data“, Degree: Dipl.-Hydrol. (equal to master’s degree)

External Memberships

Editor in Chief - International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 

Editorial Board - Sustainability 


Panel Member for the British Council - Natural Environment

Expert reviewer for NSERC-SSHRC (Sustainable agriculture research initiative)

Expert reviewer for NERC (Pushing the Frontiers)

Expert reviewer for JPI climate (call: SOLSTICE)

Expert reviewer for The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

Expert reviewer for XPRICE Carbon Removal


Research Overview

My research interests evolve around climate change and understanding the impacts of human activities on the environment, specifically emitted greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture, grasslands and land use change, impacts on soil (soil organic carbon, soil health) and possible mitigation options (including biochar).

My work includes modelling GHG emissions from agriculture and explore mitigation options by using and developing easy to use tools like the Cool Farm Tool (developed for the use of farmers, https://coolfarmtool.org/) and the CCAFS-MOT (developed for policy advisors, https://ccafs.cgiar.org/research/projects/mitigation-options-tool-agriculture-ccafs-mot) and processed based modelling with ECOSSE and DailyDayCent.

I am also interested in eddy covariance (EC) measurements of different environments. I looking after a measurement campaign, analysing and preparing the data (including meteorological parameters) and analysing and modelling water fluxes (ET and soil water).

Research Areas

Accepting PhDs

I am currently accepting PhDs in Biological and Environmental Sciences.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.

Email Me

Biological and Environmental Sciences

Accepting PhDs

Current Research

Greenhouse Gases Removal Demonstrator (GGR-D) projects (BBSRC funded) - Greenhouse gas removal with UK agriculture via enhanced rock weathering (GGR-D ERW)

Past Research

2021 - 2022 AFRICAP (GCRF funded) - Agriculture and Food-Systems resilience: increasing capacity and advising policy - https://africap.info/

2019 -2021 Soils-R-GGREAT (NERC) - Soils Research to deliver Greenhouse Gas REmovals and Abatement Technologies; The project explores soils and biochar to provide a comprehensive global assessment of soil based greenhouse gas removals (GGRs) - https://www.ggrprogramme.org.uk/

2021 Pathways to net zero (WWF funded) - Developing WWF’s preferred pathway to aligning UK agriculture and land use with net zero - https://www.wwf.org.uk/sites/default/files/2022-02/WWF_Pathways_net_zero_Report_final.pdf 

2021 New Crops and Model Comparison for Cool Farm Tool (CoolFarmAliance) - https://coolfarmtool.org/

2016-2019 BALI (NERC) - A Multidisciplinary Consortium Exploring the Biogeochemical Impacts of Tropical Forest Degradation, Agricultural Conversion and Biodiversity Loss (http://bali.nerc-hmtf.info/)

2015-2016 Mitigation potential in Indian agriculture (CIMMYT) – based on Indian agriculture the GHG emissions and SOC changes were calculated spatially and possible mitigation potential estimates

2015-2016 GHG emissions of Indian diets (WELCOME Trust) – based on Indian agriculture the GHG emissions were calculated for typical Indian diets, environmental impacts were analysed and the consequences of a changing diet explored

2014-2015 CCAFS-MOT (CCAFS) - Development of a greenhouse gas mitigation option tool for agricultural management (https://ccafs.cgiar.org/research/projects/mitigation-options-tool-agriculture-ccafs-mot)

2013-2014 Climate change mitigation in African countries (FAO) – the mitigation potential of agricultural activities were calculated spatially for Malawi, Viet Nam and Zambia

2013 GHGs for agriculture in UK (SEER - Social, Economic and Environmental Research project) - Simulations of GHG with the Cool Farm Tool for agriculture in UK

2012 Cotton in India (WWF) – estimating GHG emissions and climate change mitigation opportunities in cotton cultivation in India with the Cool Farm Tool

2008 – 2012 Eddy covariance (EC) measurements of differently grazed grasslands in Inner Mongolia (China) in the projects MAGIM and IWAS

MAGIM - funded by the German Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) as part of the Research Unit 536 Matter fluxes in grasslands of Inner Mongolia as influenced by stocking rate (MAGIM)

IWAS – funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) as part of the project International Water Research Alliance Saxony (IWAS)


Teaching Responsibilities

Course co-ordinator:

EK5510 Ecology, Conservation and Society


Contributions to the following courses:

BI35F2: Conservation Issues in Scotland - Field Trip

BI4301/BI5301 Environmental Pollution



Supervisor of PhD student 

Supervisor of Master projects

Supervisor of Honours projects

Supervisor of Honours Essay Course

Non-course Teaching Responsibilities

Guest lecture at Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany:

Contribution to the master course Bioenergy coordinated by Prof John Clifton-Brown; 2 lectures and a computer practice about greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, the carbon calculator Cool Farm Tool and mitigation potential through bioenergy


Page 2 of 2 Results 26 to 34 of 34

  • Environmental Impacts of Typical Dietary Patterns in India

    Green, R., Joy, E. J. M., Milner, J., Vetter, S. H., Harris, F., Agrawal, S., Aleksandrowicz, L., Macdiarmid, J. I., Jon, H. G., Smith, P. H., Haines, A., Dangour, A. D.
    Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Pharmacology-and-Experimental-Therapeutics (ASPET) at Experimental Biology Meeting, pp. 651.2
    Contributions to Journals: Abstracts
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural food production to supply Indian diets: Implications for climate change mitigation

    Vetter, S. H., Sapkota, T. B., Hillier, J., Stirling, C. M., Macdiarmid, J. I., Aleksandrowicz, L., Green, R., Joy, E. J. M., Dangour, A. D., Smith, P.
    Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 237, pp. 234-241
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Mathematical Modeling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture for Different End Users

    Hillier, J., Abdalla, M., Bellarby, J., Albanito, F., Datta, A., Dondini, M., Fitton, N., Hallett, P., Hastings, A., Jones, E., Kuhnert, M., Nayak, D., Pogson, M., Richards, M., Smith, J., Vetter, S., Yeluripati, J., Smith, P.
    Synthesis and modelling of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon storage in agricultural and forest systems to guide mitigation and adaptation. Del Grosso, S., Parton, W., Ahuja, L. (eds.). American Society of Agronomy, pp. 197-227, 31 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Global research alliance modelling platform (GRAMP): An open web platform for modelling greenhouse gas emissions from agro-ecosystems

    Yeluripati, J. B., del Prado, A., Sanz-CobeƱa, A., Rees, R. M., Li, C., Chadwick, D., Tilston, E., Topp, C. F. E., Cardenas, L. M., Ingraham, P., Gilhespy, S., Anthony, S., Vetter, S. H., Misselbrook, T., Salas, W., Smith, P.
    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 111, pp. 112-120
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Identifying secure and low carbon food production practices: A case study in Kenya and Ethiopia

    Bellarby, J., Stirling, C., Vetter, S. H., Kassie, M., Kanampiu, F., Sonder, K., Smith, P., Hillier, J.
    Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 197, pp. 137-146
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • First 20 years of DNDC (DeNitrification DeComposition): Model evolution

    Gilhespy, S. L., Anthony, S., Cardenas, L., Chadwick, D., del Prado, A., Li, C., Misselbrook, T., Rees, R. M., Salas, W., Sanz-Cobena, A., Smith, P., Tilston, E. L., Topp, C. F. E., Vetter, S., Yeluripati, J. B.
    Ecological Modelling, vol. 292, pp. 51-62
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • Spatial precipitation and evapotranspiration in the typical steppe of Inner Mongolia, China - A model based approach using MODIS data

    Schaffrath, D., Vetter, S. H., Bernhofer, C.
    Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 88, pp. 184-193
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Systems approaches in global change and biogeochemistry research

    Smith, P., Albanito, F., Bell, M. J., Bellarby, J., Blagodatsky, S., Datta, A., Dondini, M., Fitton, N., Flynn, H., Hastings, A. F. S. J., Hillier, J., Jones, E. O., Kuhnert, M., Nayak, D. R., Pogson, M., Richards, M. L., Sozanska-Stanton, G., Wang, S., Yeluripati, J. B., Bottoms, E., Brown, C., Farmer, J., Feliciano, D. M. S., Hao, C., Robertson, A., Vetter, S., Wong, H. M., Smith, J. U.
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 367, no. 1586, pp. 311-321
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Spatial simulation of evapotranspiration of semi-arid Inner Mongolian grassland based on MODIS and eddy covariance data

    Vetter, S., Schaffrath, D., Bernhofer, C.
    Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 65, no. 5
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
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Books and Reports

Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals