Ms Susan Elphinstone

Ms Susan Elphinstone
Ms Susan Elphinstone
Ms Susan Elphinstone

Teaching Fellow



Susan is a Nutritionist and has worked at the Institute of Applied Health Sciences (IAHS) since 2021. She is a Teaching Fellow and works as a course coordinator for PU5560 Advanced Research Project (90 credits) and PU5922 Masters Research projects (60 credits).

Susan worked as a Chiropractor in private practice before completing her MSc Clinical Nutrition at the University of Aberdeen and beginning her career in academia.  She was awarded the Elphinstone PhD Scholarship in 2021.  Her research is focused on the dietary information and support needs of people living with and beyond cancer. Key focuses of Susan's research include:

  • Mapping the dietary information support landscape within the UK for managing the effects of cancer impacting nutrition, food choice, and eating behaviour of people living with and beyond cancer.
  • Evaluating the current written dietary information resources published by UK cancer charities
  • Exploring the barriers and facilitators to meeting dietary information needs. 
  • Understanding how best to support people with dietary information and support strategies that can be implemented in their daily lives to support quality of life, appropriate eating behaviour, and psychosocial wellbeing. 



  • MTech Chiropractic 
    2006 - Durban University of Technology 
  • MSc Clinical Nutrition 
    2020 - University of Aberdeen 

Internal Memberships

IAHS Postgraduate Education Group

Prizes and Awards

Elphinstone PhD Scholarship, University of Aberdeen


Teaching Responsibilities

Susan is currently a Course Coordinator for the 60 and 90-credit Research Project courses.