Dr Marco Palomino

Dr Marco Palomino
Dr Marco Palomino
Dr Marco Palomino

Senior Lecturer

Accepting PhDs

Office Address
236-A Meston Building
Old Aberdeen Campus
Meston Walk
AB24 3UE

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School of Natural and Computing Sciences


Dr Marco Palomino's research lies on the field of natural language processing and, particularly, sentiment analysis, the process of computationally identifying and categorising opinions expressed in text.

Previously, I have carried out work on the following areas:

  • Spatiotemporal databases: A spatiotemporal database is a repository that records and manages both space and time information. Typically, such databases capture the movement of objects. I am interested in detecting periodic patterns on such databases, because this may reveal underlying structures and help in making predictions.
  • Social robots: Technology has the potential to support the ageing in place of healthy older adults. I have investigated how home automation could enable older people to live independently for longer, while exploring the engagement of older adults with technology.
  • Web-based horizon scanning: My research focused on the acquisition of real-time, web-based information on emerging trends, opportunities and constraints that might affect the probability of achieving management goals and objectives. At the time, my work allowed for better preparedness and the incorporation of mitigation and exploitation into the policy making process.
  • Web crawling: Search engines make use of large indices of word occurrences on Web pages to cross-reference Web sites to keywords. Such indices are maintained by crawlers, a special kind of computer program that browses the Web autonomously. I reviewed several alternatives to split a crawler's work into multiple processes and examined their weaknesses and strengths experimentally.

External Memberships

Professional Memberships

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE).

Peer Review

  • Member of the Reviewer Board of the Mathematics journal (ISSN 2227-7390; Impact Factor: 2.4).



Prizes and Awards

In 2014, Marco Palomino won a Highly Commended Paper award by the Emerald Literati Network. The award was granted at the 2014 Meeting of the Academy of Management. Emerald runs these awards to acknowledge the excellent contributions made by its authors, editors, and reviewers.


Research Overview

Dr Marco Palomino's My research lies on the field of natural language processing and, particularly, sentiment analysis, the process of computationally identifying and categorising opinions expressed in text.

Research Areas

Accepting PhDs

I am currently accepting PhDs in Computing Science.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.

Computing Science

Accepting PhDs

Current Research

Recently, Dr Marco Palomino has published research on the following topics.

Spatiotemporal databases: A spatiotemporal database is a repository that records and manages both space and time information. Typically, such databases capture the movement of objects. I am interested in detecting periodic patterns on such databases, because this may reveal underlying structures and help in making predictions. You can read about my recent work at https://www.mdpi.com/2504-2289/8/6/59


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Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Journals