Professor Javier Martin-Torres

Professor Javier Martin-Torres
Professor Javier Martin-Torres
Professor Javier Martin-Torres

Personal Chair


External Memberships

  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
  • Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society

Page 21 of 27 Results 201 to 210 of 263

  • La vida en el universo

    Martin-Torres, F. J., Buenestado, J. F.
    CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid. 128 pages
    Books and Reports: Books
  • SNC Meteorites: Atmosphere Implantation Ages and the Climatic Evolution of Mars

    Moyano-Cambero, C. E., Trigo-Rodríguez, J. M., Martín-Torres, F. J.
    The Early Evolution of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets. Trigo-Rodriguez, J., Raulin, F., Muller, C., Nixon, C. (eds.). Springer, pp. 165-172, 8 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Wet Chemistry on SAM: How it Helps to Detect Organics on Mars

    Buch, A., Freissinet, C., Szopa, C., Glavin, D., Coll, P., Cabane, M., Eigenbrode, J., Navarro-Gonzalez, R., Stern, J., Coscia, D., Teinturier, S., Dworkin, J., Mahaffy, P., MSL Science Team, Martin-Torres, F. J.
    EGU General Assembly 2013
    Contributions to Journals: Abstracts
  • EChO : Exoplanet characterisation observatory

    Tinetti, G., Beaulieu, J. P., Henning, T., Meyer, M., Micela, G., Ribas, I., Stam, D., Swain, M., Krause, O., Ollivier, M., Pace, E., Swinyard, B., Aylward, A., van Boekel, R., Coradini, A., Encrenaz, T., Snellen, I., Zapatero-Osorio, M. R., Bouwman, J., Cho, J. Y. -., Coudé de Foresto, V., Guillot, T., Lopez Morales, M., Mueller-Wodarg, I., Palle, E., Selsis, F., Sozzetti, A., Ade, P. A. R., Achilleos, N., Adriani, A., Agnor, C. B., Afonso, C., Allende Prieto, C., Bakos, G., Barber, R. J., Barlow, M., Batista, V., Bernath, P., Bézard, B., Bordé, P., Brown, L. R., Cassan, A., Cavarroc, C., Ciaravella, A., Cockell, C., Coustenis, A., Danielski, C., Decin, L., De Kok, R., Demangeon, O., Deroo, P., Doel, P., Drossart, P., Fletcher, L. N., Focardi, M., Forget, F., Fossey, S., Fouqué, P., Frith, J., Galand, M., Gaulme, P., González Hernández, J. I., Grasset, O., Grassi, D., Grenfell, J. L., Griffin, M. J., Griffith, C. A., Grözinger, U., Guedel, M., Guio, P., Hainaut, O., Hargreaves, R., Hauschildt, P. H., Heng, K., Heyrovsky, D., Hueso, R., Irwin, P., Kaltenegger, L., Kervella, P., Kipping, D., Koskinen, T. T., Kovács, G., La Barbera, A., Lammer, H., Lellouch, E., Leto, G., Lopez Morales, M., Lopez Valverde, M. A., Lopez-Puertas, M., Lovis, C., Maggio, A., Maillard, J. P., Maldonado Prado, J., Marquette, J. B., Martin-Torres, F. J., Maxted, P., Miller, S., Molinari, S., Montes, D., Moro-Martin, A., Moses, J. I., Mousis, O., Nguyen Tuong, N., Nelson, R., Orton, G. S., Pantin, E., Pascale, E., Pezzuto, S., Pinfield, D., Poretti, E., Prinja, R., Prisinzano, L., Rees, J. M., Reiners, A., Samuel, B., Sánchez-Lavega, A., Forcada, J. S., Sasselov, D., Savini, G., Sicardy, B., Smith, A., Stixrude, L., Strazzulla, G., Tennyson, J., Tessenyi, M., Vasisht, G., Vinatier, S., Viti, S., Waldmann, I., White, G. J., Widemann, T., Wordsworth, R., Yelle, R., Yung, Y., Yurchenko, S. N.
    Experimental astronomy (Print), vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 311-353
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Life on Mars

    Martín-Torres, J.
    New scientist (1971), vol. 215
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • REMS: The Environmental Sensor Suite for the Mars Science Laboratory Rover

    Gómez-Elvira, J., Armiens, C., Castañer, L., Domínguez, M., Genzer, M., Gómez, F., Haberle, R., Harri, A., Jiménez, V., Kahanpää, H., Kowalski, L., Lepinette, A., Martín, J., Martínez-Frías, J., McEwan, I., Mora, L., Moreno, J., Navarro, S., De Pablo, M., Peinado, V., Peña, A., Polkko, J., Ramos, M., Renno, N., Ricart, J., Richardson, M., Rodríguez-Manfredi, J., Romeral, J., Sebastián, E., Serrano, J., De La Torre Juárez, M., Torres, J., Torrero, F., Urquí, R., Vázquez, L., Velasco, T., Verdasca, J., Zorzano, M., Martín-Torres, J.
    Space Science Reviews, vol. 170, no. 1-4, pp. 583-640
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Clues on the importance of comets in the origin and evolution of the atmospheres of Titan and Earth

    Trigo-Rodriguez, J. M., Martin-Torres, J.
    Planetary and space science, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 3-9
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Uranus Pathfinder: exploring the origins and evolution of Ice Giant planets

    Arridge, C. S., Agnor, C. B., André, N., Baines, K. H., Fletcher, L. N., Gautier, D., Hofstadter, M. D., Jones, G. H., Lamy, L., Langevin, Y., Mousis, O., Nettelmann, N., Russell, C. T., Stallard, T., Tiscareno, M. S., Tobie, G., Bacon, A., Chaloner, C., Guest, M., Kemble, S., Peacocke, L., Achilleos, N., Andert, T. P., Banfield, D., Barabash, S., Barthelemy, M., Bertucci, C., Brandt, P., Cecconi, B., Chakrabarti, S., Cheng, A. F., Christensen, U., Christou, A., Coates, A. J., Collinson, G., Cooper, J. F., Courtin, R., Dougherty, M. K., Ebert, R. W., Entradas, M., Fazakerley, A. N., Fortney, J. J., Galand, M., Gustin, J., Matthew Hedman, M. H., Helled, R., Henri, P., Hess, S., Holme, R., Karatekin, O., Krupp, N., Leisner, J., Martin-Torres, J., Masters, A., Melin, H., Miller, S., Müller-Wodarg, I., Noyelles, B., Paranicas, C., de Pater, I., Pätzold, M., Prangé, R., Quémerais, E., Roussos, E., Rymer, A. M., Sánchez-Lavega, A., Saur, J., Sayanagi, K. M., Schenk, P., Schubert, G., Sergis, N., Sol, F., Sittler Jr, E. C., Teanby, N. A., Tellmann, S., Turtle, E. P., Vinatier, S., Wahlund, J., Zarka, P.
    Experimental astronomy (Print), vol. 33, no. 2-3, pp. 753-791
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Calculation of Refraction Indices of Planetary Atmospheres Using the HITRAN and GEISA spectroscopic databases

    Martin-Torres, J.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
  • Radiative Transfer and Error Analysis Methods for the MSL REMS Ground Temperature Sensors

    Soto, A., Martin-Torres, F. J., McEwan, I., Richardson, M.
    Contributions to Conferences: Papers
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Books and Reports

Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals

Other Contributions