Dr Heidi Mehrkens

Dr Heidi Mehrkens
Dr Heidi Mehrkens
Dr Heidi Mehrkens

M.A., Dr. Phil., TU Braunschweig


Accepting PhDs

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 272466
Office Address

School of Divinity, History, Philosophy & Art History

Crombie Annexe

Meston Walk

King’s College

Old Aberdeen

AB24 3FX

Room: 111

School of Divinity, History, Philosophy & Art History


I completed my degree in Modern History, Medieval History and Law at the Technical University of Braunschweig. As a lecturer (2005-2012) I gathered experience in teaching and researching modern European history, with a particular interest in the fields of political cultural history, military history, the history of monarchies and the history of the media in the long nineteenth century.

Between 2012-2016 I worked as a research fellow at the University of St Andrews, before joining Aberdeen's School of Divinity, History, Philosophy & Art History for the AY 2016-17.

Memberships and Affiliations

Internal Memberships
  • Director of Communications (DHPA) 2018-2021
  • Communications Champion (DHPA) 2018-2021
  • UoA International Study Centre Link Tutor (DHPA) 2019-present
  • PLTHE and DTOC admission board (DHPA) 2018-present
  • Co-curricular learning (STAR / Leadership Training) steering board (DHPA) 2018-2021  
  • Senior Personal Tutor (DHPA) 2021-2022, 2023-present
  • Interim Undergraduate Programme Coordinator (History) 2020 (Jan-July) and 2023 (Aug-Dec)
  • First Year Coordinator (History) 2017-2019, 2021-2022, 2023-present
  • Work placement organisation (History) 2017-2019
  • Personal Tutor (History) 2016-present
  • Communications Lead (History) 2017-2021
External Memberships

I represent the Aberdeen History department at the History UK Steering Group (2020-present) and am a member of the History UK Working Group "Employability" (2023).

Prizes and Awards

AUSA and University of Aberdeen Excellence Awards 2021: Best Personal Tutor (winner)

AUSA and University of Aberdeen Excellence Awards 2022: Best Personal Tutor (shortlisted)

AUSA and University of Aberdeen Excellence Awards 2023: Most Inspiring (shortlisted)


Research Overview

I am a researcher in European modern history with a particular interest in cultural historical approaches and the history of emotions.

I am able to supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students looking to research within the following areas:

  • history of European constitutional monarchies 
  • political and media history of nineteenth-century Europe
  • military history, cultural history of warfare and war experience
  • history of acts of terror and politically motivated violence

Research Areas

Accepting PhDs

I am currently accepting PhDs in History.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.

Email Me


Accepting PhDs

Research Specialisms

  • European History
  • Military History
  • French History
  • International History
  • Modern History

Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Current Research

I am currently working on a monograph on succession in the constitutional monarchies of Prussia, France and Great Britain (1815-1914). 

I am also researching the history of the duchy of Brunswick 1815-1840 and its court and the connections between European monarchies and their military in the long 19th century. 

Past Research

I recently explored British concepts of military heroism and fame.


My doctoral thesis on the Franco-Prussian war 1870/71 formed part of the DFG-funded research project “France and Germany at War (18th–20th centuries)” led by Professor Ute Daniel (TU Braunschweig) and Professor Gerd Krumeich (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf).

From 2012-2016 I worked as a research fellow with the AHRC-funded research project “Heirs to the throne in the Constitutional Monarchies of Nineteenth-Century Europe (1815-1914)”, based at the University of St Andrews. Together with Frank Lorenz Mueller I edited two volumes on royal heirs in European monarchies.  


My current supervision areas are: History.

I am currently lead PhD supervisor for a project on the gendered history of post-WW1 performance magic.


Teaching Responsibilities

I am coordinating a number of undergraduate courses, including:


HI1027: Making History

HI2025: The Face of Battle: Historical Perspectives on Warfare

HI306B: Serving the Nation: The Military and Society in 19th-Century Europe

HI357A: Acts of Terror: Violence and Authority in 19th Century Europe

HI401D: Special Subject: Restorations and Innovations: Europe 1815-1848

HI4023: Special Subject: European Constitutional Monarchies in the Long 19th Century

HI4516: Undergraduate History Dissertation


Level 5 and Postgraduate

Dissertation and research supervision


PhD Supervision

Current lead supervisor for a project on the gendered history of post-WW1 performance magic.

I am currently second supervisor for several PhD research projects, including on military history (Napoleonic era and WW1).


Page 2 of 4 Results 11 to 20 of 33

  • Ein Opfer des Krieges und der Kriegsgesetze?: Die Beschießung von Bazeilles im Deutsch-Französischen Krieg 1870

    Mehrkens, H.
    Krieg in der industrialisierten Welt. Majerus, B., Kolnberger, T., Ortner, M. C. (eds.). Caesarpress, pp. 3-24, 22 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • How European was Nineteenth-Century Royal Soft Power?

    Mehrkens, H.
    Royal Heirs and the Uses of Soft Power in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Muller, F., Mehrkens, H. (eds.). Palgrave, pp. 303-308, 6 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Royal Heirs and the Uses of Soft Power in Nineteenth-Century Europe

    Mehrkens, H. (ed.), Muller, F. L. (ed.)
    Palgrave, Houndmills Basingstoke. 319 pages
    Books and Reports: Books
  • Louis Antoine de Bourbon, Duc d’Angoulême: The loyal Dauphin

    Mehrkens, H.
    Non-textual Forms: Web Publications and Websites
  • Immer an der richtigen Tür stehen: Die welfisch-preußische Hochzeit 1913 aus britischer Perspektive

    Mehrkens, H.
    Die preußisch-welfische Hochzeit 1913. Daniel, U., Frey, C. (eds.). Appelhans, pp. 81-91, 11 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Prince Imperial Louis Napoléon Bonaparte: A Child of France

    Mehrkens, H.
    Non-textual Forms: Web Publications and Websites
  • Sons and Heirs:: Succession and Political Culture in Nineteenth-Century Europe

    Mehrkens, H. (ed.), Muller, F. L. (ed.)
    Palgrave Macmillan. 288 pages
    Books and Reports: Books
  • The impossible task of replacing a model heir: The death of Ferdinand-Philippe d’Orléans and the ‘new France’

    Mehrkens, H.
    Sons and Heirs: Succession and Political Culture in Nineteenth Century Europe. Müller, F. L., Mehrkens, H. (eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 196-210, 15 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Habsburg: A family affair and a tottering throne

    Mehrkens, H.
    Non-textual Forms: Web Publications and Websites
  • Edward (David) Prince of Wales: Monarchy and Motorcars

    Mehrkens, H.
    Non-textual Forms: Web Publications and Websites
Show 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 results per page


Books and Reports

Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Journals

Non-textual Forms