Professor Celso Grebogi

Professor Celso Grebogi
Professor Celso Grebogi
Professor Celso Grebogi

CEng, MS, PhD, Drhc-mult, FRSE, FTWAS, MAE, FABC, FAPS, FInstP

Sixth Century Chair in Nonlinear & Complex Systems

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 272791
Office Address

Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology

King's College, University of Aberdeen

Old Aberdeen AB24 3UE, UK

School of Natural and Computing Sciences


Professor Celso Grebogi is the Sixth Century Chair at King’s College, University of Aberdeen, UK. He is the Founding Director of the Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology, whose work in systems biology and complex systems became leading in UK. He is the Co-founder of the Aberdeen-Lanzhou-Tempe Research Centre, whose work is in the new interdisciplinary field: Relativistic Quantum Chaos. He has been an External Scientific Member (Mitglied) of the Max-Planck-Society since 1998. He got his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Maryland in 1978, Postdoc in Physics and Applied Mathematics at UC Berkeley in 1978-1981. He was at the University of Sao Paulo as Professor of Physics, and, before that, with the University of Maryland as Professor of Mathematics. He is a leading expert in chaotic and complex nonlinear dynamics, including fractal geometry and complex networks. He has made a huge impact in the area of control of chaos. His seminal paper was selected by Physical Review Letters as a milestone in the past 50 years. He was awarded the Citation Laureate - Researcher of Nobel Class - in 2016, followed by a Motion to that effect supported by the Scottish Parliament. His scientific accomplishments include over 500 publications and over 500 invited talks. He received numerous distinctions, including multiple Doctor Honoris Causa and many Honorary Professorships, the Humboldt Senior Prize, Fulbright Fellowship, and Toshiba Chair as a World-renown Scholar, the Lagrange Award, the Max-Planck-Society Badge of Honour, and the James Yorke Award. He is Fellow in various scientific societies, including the Royal Society of Edinburgh, The World Academy of Sciences, the Academia Europaea, the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, The American Physical Society and the UK Institute of Physics. He has 32,000 citations and h-index = 84 in Scopus, and 47,000 citations and h-index = 96 in Google Scholar.


Memberships and Affiliations

Internal Memberships


  • BSc, Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Parana, 1970
  • Adjunct Professor, Pontifical Catholic University, 1971-1974
  • M.S., Physics, University of Maryland 1975
  • Ph.D., Physics, University of Maryland, 1978
  • Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of California at Berkeley, 1978-1981
  • Research Scientist, University of Maryland, 1981-1990
  • Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Maryland, 1990-1993
  • Full Professor of Mathematics, University of Maryland, 1993-2001
  • Consultant for the US Navy, 1983-1995
  • Visiting Scientist, University of California at Santa Barbara, 1984
  • Consultant, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1984-1985
  • Consultant, Science Applications International, 1986-1988
  • Visiting Scholar, Waseda University, 1996
  • Visiting Professor, University of Potsdam, 1996-1997
  • External Scientific Member (Mitglied), Max-Planck-Society, since 1998
  • Professeur Invité, Université du Le Havre Normandie, 2001
  • Professor Titular, University of Sao Paulo, 2001-2005
  • Sixth Century Chair in Nonlinear and Complex Systems, University of Aberdeen, since 2005
  • Director of the Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems Group. The Northern Research Partnership of Scottish Universities, 2007-2010
  • Founding Director of the Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology, since 2009
  • Visiting Professor, Institute of Medical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2010-2013
  • Senior Fellow of the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, 2011-2013
  • Co-founder of the Aberdeen-Lanzhou-Tempe Joint Research Centre for Computation and Complexity, 2012
  • Visiting Professor, Xi'an University of Technology, since 2017


External Memberships


  • Fellow of the American Physical Society, 1991
  • Fellow of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, 2003
  • Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS/UNESCO), 2004
  • Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK), 2011
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2012
  • Member of the Academia Europaea, 2019
  • External Scientific Member (Mitglied), Max-Planck-Society, since 1998
  • Honorary Member of the International Physics and Control Society, 2009
  • Member of over a two dozen Editorial Boards and Associate Editorships over the years
  • Membership in various scientific societies



Prizes and Awards


  • Fulbright Fellowship Award, 1974
  • Distinguished Scientist Lecturer, Carnegie Mellon University, 1989
  • Toshiba Chair as World-renowned Scholar, 1995
  • Awarded the North British Differential Equations Lecture Tour, 1996
  • Senior Humboldt Prize, 1996
  • Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow Award, University of Maryland, 1996
  • Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Potsdam, Germany, 1997
  • Humboldt Prize Revisited Award, 2003
  • Controlling Chaos, Physical Review Letters selected it as a milestone  in the past 50 years, 2008
  • Honorary Professorship, Xi'an University of Technology, China, 2012
  • Honorary Pofessorship, Lanzhou University, China, 2012
  • Doctor Honoris Causa, Le Havre Normandie University, France, 2014
  • Honorary Professorship, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, 2015
  • Awarded the Citation Laureate - Researcher of Nobel Class, 2016
  • Motion S5M-01678 supported in the Scottish Parliament: "Aberdeen Academic Included in Citation Laureate", 27/09/2016
  • Honorary Professorship, Tianjin University, China, 2018
  • Honorary Expert, Weifang/Weicheng City, Shandong, China, 2018
  • Honorary Professorship, Huaqiao Unviversity, China, 2018
  • Honorary Expert, National Institute of Metrology, Yantai, China, 2019
  • Burgess of Guild, The Burgesses of Guild of the City and Royal Burgh of Aberdeen, Scotland, 2022
  • Badge of Honour from the President of the Max-Planck-Society, 22 June 2023
  • Lagrange Award for Lifetime Achievement in Nonlinear Physical Science, 10 July 2023
  • James Yorke Award for for breakthrough achievements in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, 22 June 2024
  • Scopus: 32,000 citations in indexed journals, h-index = 84
  • Google Scholar: 47,000 citations, h-index = 96



Research Overview

Dynamics of nonlinear and complex systems including chaotic dynamics, fractal geometry, systems biology, population dynamics, neurodynamics, fluid advection, relativistic quantum nonlinear dynamics, and nanosystems.


Page 18 of 22 Results 426 to 450 of 543


    LAI, Y. C., BLUMEL, R., OTT, E., GREBOGI, C., Lai, Y.
    Physical Review Letters, vol. 68, no. 24, pp. 3491-3494
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Algebraic decay and phase-space metamorphoses in microwave ionization of hydrogen Rydberg atoms

    Lai, Y., Grebogi, C., Blümel, R., Ding, M.
    Physical Review A, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 8284-8287
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Chaos in a Double Pendulum

    Shinbrot, T., Grebogi, C., Wisdom, J., Yorke, J. A.
    American Journal of Physics, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 491-499
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Determination of Crisis Parameter Values by Direct Observation of Manifold Tangencies

    Sommerer, J. C., Grebogi, C.
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 383-396
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Using the sensitive dependence of chaos (the ‘‘butterfly effect’’) to direct trajectories in an experimental chaotic system

    Shinbrot, T., Ditto, W., Grebogi, C., Ott, E., Spano, M., Yorke, J. A.
    Physical Review Letters, vol. 68, no. 19, pp. 2863-2866
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Using Chaos to Direct Orbits to Targets in Systems Describable by a One-Dimensional Map

    Shinbrot, T., Ott, E., Grebogi, C., Yorke, J. A.
    Physical Review A, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 4165-4168
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Antimonotonicity: inevitable reversals of period-doubling cascades

    Dawson, S. P., Grebogi, C., Yorke, J. A., Kan, I., Kocak, H.
    Physics Letters A, vol. 162, no. 3, pp. 249-254
    Contributions to Journals: Articles

    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings

    LAI, Y. C., GREBOGI, C., YORKE, J. A., Lai, Y.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Chaotic Scattering in Time-Dependent Hamiltonian Systems

    Lai, Y., Grebogi, C.
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 667-679
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Experimental confirmation of the scaling theory for noise-induced crises

    Sommerer, J. C., Ditto, W. L., Grebogi, C., Ott, E., Spano, M. L.
    Physical Review Letters, vol. 66, no. 15, pp. 1947-1950
    Contributions to Journals: Articles

    Physics Letters A, vol. 153, no. 2-3, pp. 105-109
    Contributions to Journals: Articles

    DING, M. Z., GREBOGI, C., OTT, E., YORKE, J. A.
    Physics Letters A, vol. 153, no. 1, pp. 21-26
    Contributions to Journals: Articles

    Physical Review A, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 1754-1769
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Controlling Chaotic Dynamical Systems

    Romeiras, F. J., Ott, E., Grebogi, C., Dayawansa, W. P.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Controlling chaotic dynamical systems

    Romeiras, F. J., Ott, E., Grebogi, C., Dayawansa, W. P.
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings
  • Cubic maps as models of two-dimensional antimonotonicity

    Dawson, S. P., Grebogi, C.
    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 137-144
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Pointwise Dimension and Unstable Periodic Orbits

    Grebogi, C., Ott, E., Yorke, J. A.
    Essays on Classical and Quantum Dynamics: A Festschrift in Honor of Albert W.Saenz. Ellison, J., Uberall, H. (eds.). Gordon & Beach, pp. 57-62, 6 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Strange Saddles in Scattering Hamiltonian Systems

    Hsu, G. H., Bleher, S., Grebogi, C., Ott, E.
    em Essays on Classical and Quantum Dynamics. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, pp. 63-69
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Using chaos to direct trajectories to targets

    Shinbrot, T., Ott, E., Grebogi, C., Yorke, J. A.
    Physical Review Letters, vol. 65, no. 26, pp. 3215-3218
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Transition to chaotic scattering

    Ding, M., Grebogi, C., Ott, E., Yorke, J. A.
    Physical Review A, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 7025-7040
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Bifurcation to chaotic scattering

    Bleher, S., Grebogi, C., OTT, E.
    Physica. D, Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 87-121
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Shadowing of physical trajectories in chaotic dynamics: Containment and refinement

    Grebogi, C., Hammel, S. M., Yorke, J. A., Sauer, T.
    Physical Review Letters, vol. 65, no. 13, pp. 1527-1530
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Controlling chaos

    OTT, E., GREBOGI, C., YORKE, J. A.
    Physical Review Letters, vol. 64, no. 11, pp. 1196-1199
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Multifractal properties of snapshot attractors of random maps

    Romeiras, F. J., Grebogi, C., Ott, E.
    Physical Review A, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 784-799
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
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Books and Reports

Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals