Professor David Burslem

Professor David Burslem
Professor David Burslem
Professor David Burslem

Interdisciplinary Institute Director - Environment & Biodiversity

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 272695
Office Address

Room 1.25 Cruickshank Building

Senior Vice Principals

Page 2 of 5 Results 51 to 100 of 216

  • Soil fungal networks moderate density-dependent survival and growth of seedlings

    Liang, M., Shi, L., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Johnson, D., Fang, M., Zhang, X., Yu, S.
    New Phytologist, vol. 230, no. 5, pp. 2061-2071
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Arbuscular mycorrhizal trees influence the latitudinal beta-diversity gradient of tree communities in forests worldwide

    Zhong, Y., Chu, C., Myers, J. A., Gilbert, G. S., Lutz, J. A., Stillhard, J., Zhu, K., Thompson, J., Baltzer, J. L., He, F., LaManna, J. A., Davies, S. J., Aderson-Teixeira, K. J., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Alonso, A., Chao, K., Wang, X., Gao, L., Orwig, D. A., Yin, X., Sui, X., Su, Z., Abiem, I., Bissiengou, P., Bourg, N., Butt, N., Cao, M., Chang-Yang, C., Chao, W., Chapman, H., Chen, Y., Coomes, D. A., Cordell, S., de Oliveira, A. A., Du, H., Fang, S., Giardina, C. P., Hao, Z., Hector, A., Hubbell, S. P., Janík, D., Jansen, P. A., Jiang, M., Jin, G., Kenfack, D., Král, K., Larson, A. J., Li, B., Li, X., Li, Y., Lian, J., Lin, L., Liu, F., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Luan, F., Luo, Y., Ma, K., Malhi, Y., McMahon, S. M., McShea, W., Memiaghe, H., Mi, X., Morecroft, M., Novotny, V., O'Brien, M. J., Ouden, J. d., Parker, G. G., Qiao, X., Ren, H., Reynolds, G., Samonil, P., Sang, W., Shen, G., Shen, Z., Song, G. M., Sun, I., Tang, H., Tian, S., Uowolo, A. L., Uriarte, M., Wang, B., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Weiblen, G. D., Wu, Z., Xi, N., Xiang, W., Xu, H., Xu, K., Ye, W., Yu, M., Zeng, F., Zhang, M., Zhang, Y., Zhu, L., Zimmerman, J. K.
    Nature Communications, vol. 12, no. 1, 3137
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Three decades of post-logging tree community recovery in naturally regenerating and actively restored dipterocarp forest in Borneo

    Hayward, R. M., Banin, L. F., Burslem, D. F., Chapman, D. S., Philipson, C. D., Cutler, M. E., Reynolds, G., Nilus, R., Dent, D. H.
    Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 488, 119036
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Species packing and the latitudinal gradient in beta-diversity

    Cao, K., Condit, R., Mi, X., Chen, L., Ren, H., Xu, W., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Cai, C., Cao, M., Chang, L., Chu, C., Cui, F., Du, H., Ediriweera, S., Gunatilleke, C. S. V., Gunatilleke, I. U. A. N., Hao, Z., Jin, G., Li, J., Li, B., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Ni, H., O'Brien, M. J., Qiao, X., Shen, G., Tian, S., Wang, X., Xu, H., Xu, Y., Yang, L., Yap, S. L., Lian, J., Ye, W., Yu, M., Su, S., Chang-Yang, C., Guo, Y., Li, X., Zeng, F., Zhu, D., Zhu, L., Sun, I., Ma, K., Svenning, J.
    Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological Sciences, vol. 288, no. 1948, 20203045
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Regrowing a tropical forest - is it better to plant trees or leave it to nature?

    Burslem, D., Philipson, C. D., Cutler, M. E.
    The Conversation
    Contributions to Specialist Publications: Articles
  • Management policies for invasive alien species: Addressing the impacts rather than the species

    Garcia Diaz, P., Cassey, P., Norbury, G. L., Lambin, X., Montti, L., Pizarro, J. C., Powell, P. A., Burslem, D. F., Cava, M., Damasceno, G., Fasola, L., Fidelis, A., Huerta, M. F., Langdon, B., Linardaki, E., Moyano, J., Nuñez, M. A., Pauchard, A., Phimister, E., Raffo, E., Roesler, I., Rodríguez-Jorquera, I., Tomasevic, J. A.
    BioScience, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 174–185
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Drivers of Bornean orangutan distribution across a multiple-use tropical landscape

    Milne, S., Martin, J. G., Reynolds, G., Vairappan, C. S., Slade, E. M., Brodie, J. F., Wich, S., Williamson, N., Burslem, D. F.
    Remote Sensing, vol. 13, no. 3, 458
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • ForestGEO: Understanding forest diversity and dynamics through a global observatory network

    Davies, S. J., Abiem, I., Abu Salim, K., Aguilar, S., Allen, D., Alonso, A., Anderson-Teixeira, K., Andrade, A., Arellano, G., Ashton, P. S., Baker, P. J., Baker, M. E., Baltzer, J. L., Basset, Y., Bissiengou, P., Bohlman, S., Bourg, N. A., Brockelman, W. Y., Bunyavejchewin, S., Burslem, D. F., Cao, M., Cárdenas, D., Chang, L. W., Chang-Yang, C. H., Chao, K. J., Chao, W. C., Chapman, H., Chen, Y. Y., Chisholm, R. A., Chu, C., Chuyong, G., Clay, K., Comita, L. S., Condit, R., Cordell, S., Dattaraja, H. S., de Oliveira, A. A., den Ouden, J., Detto, M., Dick, C., Du, X., Duque, ?., Ediriweera, S., Ellis, E. C., Obiang, N. L. E., Esufali, S., Ewango, C. E., Fernando, E. S., Filip, J., Fischer, G. A., Foster, R., Giambelluca, T., Giardina, C., Gilbert, G. S., Gonzalez-Akre, E., Gunatilleke, I. A., Gunatilleke, C. V., Hao, Z., Hau, B. C., He, F., Ni, H., Howe, R. W., Hubbell, S. P., Huth, A., Inman-Narahari, F., Itoh, A., Janík, D., Jansen, P. A., Jiang, M., Johnson, D. J., Jones, F. A., Kanzaki, M., Kenfack, D., Kiratiprayoon, S., Král, K., Krizel, L., Lao, S., Larson, A. J., Li, Y., Li, X., Litton, C. M., Liu, Y., Liu, S., Lum, S. K., Luskin, M. S., Lutz, J. A., Luu, H. T., Ma, K., Makana, J. R., Malhi, Y., Martin, A., McCarthy, C., McMahon, S. M., McShea, W. J., Memiaghe, H., Mi, X., Mitre, D., Mohamad, M., Monks, L., Muller-Landau, H. C., Musili, P. M., Myers, J. A., Nathalang, A., Ngo, K. M., Norden, N., Novotny, V., O'Brien, M. J., Orwig, D., Ostertag, R., Papathanassiou, K., Parker, G. G., Pérez, R., Perfecto, I., Phillips, R. P., Pongpattananurak, N., Pretzsch, H., Ren, H., Reynolds, G., Rodriguez, L. J., Russo, S. E., Sack, L., Sang, W., Shue, J., Singh, A., Song, G. Z. M., Sukumar, R., Sun, I. F., Suresh, H. S., Swenson, N. G., Tan, S., Thomas, S. C., Thomas, D., Thompson, J., Turner, B. L., Uowolo, A., Uriarte, M., Valencia, R., Vandermeer, J., Vicentini, A., Visser, M., Vrska, T., Wang, X., Wang, X., Weiblen, G. D., Whitfeld, T. J., Wolf, A., Wright, S. J., Xu, H., Yao, T. L., Yap, S. L., Ye, W., Yu, M., Zhang, M., Zhu, D., Zhu, L., Zimmerman, J. K., Zuleta, D.
    Biological Conservation, vol. 253, 108907
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Pantropical modelling of canopy functional traits using Sentinel-2 remote sensing data

    Aguirre-Gutiérrez, J., Rifai, S., Shenkin, A., Oliveras, I., Bentley, L. P., Svátek, M., Girardin, C. A., Both, S., Riutta, T., Berenguer, E., Kissling, W. D., Bauman, D., Raab, N., Moore, S., Farfan-Rios, W., Figueiredo, A. E. S., Reis, S. M., Ndong, J. E., Ondo, F. E., N'ssi Bengone, N., Mihindou, V., Moraes de Seixas, M. M., Adu-Bredu, S., Abernethy, K., Asner, G. P., Barlow, J., Burslem, D. F., Coomes, D. A., Cernusak, L. A., Dargie, G. C., Enquist, B. J., Ewers, R. M., Ferreira, J., Jeffery, K. J., Joly, C. A., Lewis, S. L., Marimon-Junior, B. H., Martin, R. E., Morandi, P. S., Phillips, O. L., Quesada, C. A., Salinas, N., Schwantes Marimon, B., Silman, M., Teh, Y. A., White, L. J., Malhi, Y.
    Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 252, 112122
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Linking functional traits to multiscale statistics of leaf venation networks

    Blonder, B., Both, S., Jodra, M., Xu, H., Fricker, M., Matos, I. S., Majalap, N., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Teh, Y., Malhi, Y.
    New Phytologist, vol. 228, no. 6, pp. 1796-1810
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Contrasting growth responses to aluminium addition among populations of the aluminium accumulator Melastoma malabathricum

    Mahmud, K., Burslem, D. F.
    AoB PLANTS, vol. 12, no. 5, plaa049
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Evaluating the potential of full-waveform lidar for mapping pan-tropical tree species richness

    Marselis, S. M., Abernethy, K., Alonso, A., Armston, J., Baker, T. R., Bastin, J. F., Bogaert, J., Boyd, D. S., Boeckx, P., Burslem, D. F., Chazdon, R., Clark, D. B., Coomes, D., Duncanson, L., Hancock, S., Hill, R., Hopkinson, C., Kearsley, E., Kellner, J. R., Kenfack, D., Labrière, N., Lewis, S. L., Minor, D., Memiaghe, H., Monteagudo, A., Nilus, R., O'Brien, M., Phillips, O. L., Poulsen, J., Tang, H., Verbeeck, H., Dubayah, R.
    Global Ecology and Biogeography, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 1799-1816
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Active restoration accelerates the carbon recovery of human modified-tropical forests

    Philipson, C. D., Cutler, M. E., Brodrick, P. G., Asner, G. P., Boyd, D. S., Moura Costa, P., Fiddes, J., Foody, G. M., van der Heijden, G. M., Ledo, A., Lincoln, P. R., Margrove, J. A., Martin, R. E., Milne, S., Pinard, M., Reynolds, G., Snoep, M., Snoep, M., Tangki, H., Wai, Y. S., Wheeler, C., Burslem, D.
    Science, vol. 369, no. 6505, pp. 838-841
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • CONTAIN: Optimising the long-term management of invasive alien species using adaptive management

    Lambin, X., Burslem, D., Caplat, P., Cornulier, T., Gabriella, D., Fasola, L., Fidelis, A., Garcia-Diaz, P., Langdon, B., Linardaki, E., Montti, L., Moyano, J., Nuñez, M. A., Palmer, S. C., Pauchard, A., Phimister, E., Pizarro, J. C., Powell, P., Raffo, E., Rodríguez-Jorquera, I. A., Roesler, I., Tomasevic, J. A., Travis, J. M., Verdugo, C.
    NeoBiota, vol. 59, pp. 119-138
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Incorporating connectivity into conservation planning for the optimal representation of multiple species and ecosystem services

    Williams, S. H., Scriven, S. A., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Hill, J. K., Reynolds, G., Agama, A. L., Kugan, F., Maycock, C. R., Khoo, E., Hastie, A. Y. L., Sugau, J. B., Nilus, R., Pereira, J. T., Tsen, S. L. T., Lee, L. Y., Juiling, S., Hodgson, J. A., Cole, L. E. S., Asner, G. P., Evans, L. J., Brodie, J. F.
    Conservation Biology, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 934-942
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Soil fungal networks maintain local dominance of ectomycorrhizal trees

    Liang, M., Johnson, D., Burslem, D., Yu, S., Fang, M., Taylor, J., Taylor, A. F. S., Helgason, T., Liu, X.
    Nature Communications, vol. 11, 2636
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Exploring the role of genetic diversity and relatedness in tree seedling growth and mortality: A multispecies study in a Bornean rainforest

    Tito de Morais, C., Kettle, C. J., Philipson, C. D., Maycock, C. R., Burslem, D. F., Khoo, E., Ghazoul, J.
    Journal of Ecology, vol. 108, no. 3, pp. 1174-1185
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Imaging spectroscopy reveals the effects of topography and logging on the leaf chemistry of tropical forest canopy trees

    Swinfield, T., Both, S., Riutta, T., Bongalov, B., Elias, D., Majalap-Lee, N., Ostle, N., Svátek, M., Kvasnica, J., Milodowski, D., Jucker, T., Ewers, R. M., Zhang, Y., Johnson, D., Teh, Y. A., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Malhi, Y., Coomes, D.
    Global Change Biology, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 989-1002
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access

    Kattge, J., Bönisch, G., Díaz, S., Lavorel, S., Prentice, I. C., Leadley, P., Tautenhahn, S., Werner, G. D., Aakala, T., Abedi, M., Acosta, A. T., Adamidis, G. C., Adamson, K., Aiba, M., Albert, C. H., Alcántara, J. M., Alcázar C, C., Aleixo, I., Ali, H., Amiaud, B., Ammer, C., Amoroso, M. M., Anand, M., Anderson, C., Anten, N., Antos, J., Apgaua, D. M. G., Ashman, T. L., Asmara, D. H., Asner, G. P., Aspinwall, M., Atkin, O., Aubin, I., Baastrup-Spohr, L., Bahalkeh, K., Bahn, M., Baker, T., Baker, W. J., Bakker, J. P., Baldocchi, D., Baltzer, J., Banerjee, A., Baranger, A., Barlow, J., Barneche, D. R., Baruch, Z., Bastianelli, D., Battles, J., Burslem, D. F., Swaine, E., The Nutrient Network
    Global Change Biology, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 119-188
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Comparative vessel traits of Macaranga gigantea and Vatica dulitensis from Malaysian Borneo

    Jotan, P., Maycock, C. R., Burslem, D. F., Berhaman, A., Both, S.
    Journal of Tropical Forest Science, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 25-34
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Leaf venation networks of Bornean trees: images and hand-traced segmentations

    Blonder, B., Both, S., Jodra, M., Majalap, N., Burslem, D., Teh, Y. A., Malhi, Y.
    Ecology, vol. 100, no. 11, e02844
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The Forest Observation System, building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass

    Schepaschenko, D., Chave, J., Phillips, O. L., Lewis, S. L., Davies, S. J., Réjou-Méchain, M., Sist, P., Scipal, K., Perger, C., Herault, B., Labrière, N., Hofhansl, F., Affum-Baffoe, K., Aleinikov, A., Alonso, A., Amani, C., Araujo-Murakami, A., Armston, J., Arroyo, L., Ascarrunz, N., Azevedo, C., Baker, T., Bałazy, R., Bedeau, C., Berry, N., Bilous, A. M., Bilous, S. Y., Bissiengou, P., Blanc, L., Bobkova, K. S., Braslavskaya, T., Brienen, R., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Condit, R., Cuni-Sanchez, A., Danilina, D., Del Castillo Torres, D., Derroire, G., Descroix, L., Sotta, E. D., d'Oliveira, M. V. N., Dresel, C., Erwin, T., Evdokimenko, M. D., Falck, J., Feldpausch, T. R., Foli, E. G., Foster, R., Fritz, S., Garcia-Abril, A. D., Gornov, A., Gornova, M., Gothard-Bassébé, E., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Guedes, M., Hamer, K. C., Susanty, F. H., Higuchi, N., Coronado, E. N. H., Hubau, W., Hubbell, S., Ilstedt, U., Ivanov, V. V., Kanashiro, M., Karlsson, A., Karminov, V. N., Killeen, T., Koffi, J. K., Konovalova, M., Kraxner, F., Krejza, J., Krisnawati, H., Krivobokov, L. V., Kuznetsov, M. A., Lakyda, I., Lakyda, P. I., Licona, J. C., Lucas, R. M., Lukina, N., Lussetti, D., Malhi, Y., Manzanera, J. A., Marimon, B., Junior, B. H. M., Martinez, R. V., Martynenko, O. V., Matsala, M., Matyashuk, R. K., Mazzei, L., Memiaghe, H., Mendoza, C., Mendoza, A. M., Moroziuk, O. V., Mukhortova, L., Musa, S., Nazimova, D. I., Okuda, T., Oliveira, L. C., Ontikov, P. V., Osipov, A. F., Pietsch, S., Playfair, M., Poulsen, J., Radchenko, V. G., Rodney, K., Rozak, A. H., Ruschel, A., Rutishauser, E., See, L., Shchepashchenko, M., Shevchenko, N., Shvidenko, A., Silveira, M., Singh, J., Sonké, B., Souza, C., Stereńczak, K., Stonozhenko, L., Sullivan, M. J. P., Szatniewska, J., Taedoumg, H., Ter Steege, H., Tikhonova, E., Toledo, M., Trefilova, O. V., Valbuena, R., Gamarra, L. V., Vasiliev, S., Vedrova, E. F., Verhovets, S. V., Vidal, E., Vladimirova, N. A., Vleminckx, J., Vos, V. A., Vozmitel, F. K., Wanek, W., West, T. A. P., Woell, H., Woods, J. T., Wortel, V., Yamada, T., Nur Hajar, Z. S., Zo-Bi, I. C.
    Scientific Data, vol. 6, 198
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Reconciling the contribution of environmental and stochastic structuring of tropical forest diversity through the lens of imaging spectroscopy

    Bongalov, B., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Jucker, T., Thompson, S. E. D., Rosindell, J., Swinfield, T., Nilus, R., Clewley, D., Phillips, O. L., Coomes, D. A.
    Ecology Letters, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 1608-1619
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Changes in leaf functional traits of rainforest canopy trees associated with an El Niño event in Borneo

    Nunes, M. H., Both, S., Bongalov, B., Brelsford, C., Khoury, S., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Philipson, C. D., Majalap, N., Riutta, T., Coomes, D. A., Cutler, M. E. J.
    Environmental Research Letters, vol. 14, no. 8, 085005
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The world’s tallest tropical tree in three dimensions

    Shenkin, A., Chandler, C., Boyd, D., Jackson, T., bin Jami, J., Disney, M., Majalap, N., Nilus, R., Foody, G., Reynolds, G., Wilkes, P., Cutler, M., Van Der Heijden, G. M., Burslem, D., Coomes, D., Bentley, L. P., Malhi, Y.
    Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, vol. 2, 32
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Careful prior specification avoids incautious inference for log-Gaussian Cox point processes

    Sørbye, S. H., Illian, J. B., Simpson, D. P., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Rue, H.
    Journal of the royal statistical society series c-Applied statistics, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 543-564
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Exploring temporality in socio-ecological resilience through experiences of the 2015–16 El Niño across the Tropics

    Whitfield, S., Beauchamp, E., Boyd, D. S., Burslem, D., Byg, A., Colledge, F., Cutler, M. E., Didena, M., Dougill, A., Foody, G., Godbold, J. A., Hazenbosch, M., Hirons, M., Ifejika Speranza, C., Jew, E., Lacambra, C., Mkwambisi, D., Moges, A., Morel, A., Morris, R., Novo, P., Rueda, M., Smith, H., Solan, M., Spencer, T., Thornton, A., Touza, J., White, P. C.
    Global Environmental Change, vol. 55, pp. 1-14
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Logging and soil nutrients independently explain plant trait expression in tropical forests

    Both, S., Riutta, T., Paine, C. E. T., Elias, D. M. O., Chino, R., Jain, A., Johnson, D., Kritzler, U. H., Kuntz, M., Majalap-Lee, N., Mielke, N., Pillco, M. X. M., Ostle, N. J., Teh, Y. A., Malhi, Y., Burslem, D. F. R. P.
    New Phytologist, vol. 221, no. 4, pp. 1853-1865
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees

    Chu, C., Lutz, J. A., Kamil, K., Vrska, T., Yin, X., Myers, J. A., Abiem, I., Alonso, A., Bourg, N., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Cao, M., Chapman, H., Condit, R., Fang, S., Fischer, G. A., Gao, L., Hao, Z., Hau, B. C., He, Q., Hector, A., Hubbell, S. P., Jiang, M., Jin, G., Kenfack, D., Lai, J., Li, B., Li, X., Liu, Y., Luo, Y., Ma, K., McShea, W., Memiaghe, H. R., Mi, X., Ni, M., O'Brien, M. J., de Oliveira, A. A., Orwig, D. A., Parker, G. G., Qiao, X., Ren, H., Reynolds, G., Sang, W., Shen, G., Su, Z., Sui, X., Sun, I., Tian, S., Wang, B., Wang, X., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Weiblen, G., Wen, S., Xi, N., Xiang, W., Xu, H., Xu, K., Ye, W., Zhang, B., Zhang, J., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhu, K. Z., Zimmerman, J., Storch, D., Baltzer, J. L., Anderson-Teixeira, K. J., Mittelbach, G. G., He, F.
    Ecology Letters, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 245-255
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Controls on foliar aluminium accumulation among populations of the tropical shrub Melastoma malabathricum L. (Melastomataceae)

    Khairil, M., Burslem, D. F. R. P.
    Tree Physiology, vol. 38, no. 11, pp. 1752–1760
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Seed limitation, not soil legacy effects, prevents native understory from establishing in oak woodlands in Scotland after removal of Rhododendron ponticum

    MacLean, J. E., Mitchell, R. J., Burslem, D., Genney, D., Hall, J., Pakeman, R. J.
    Restoration Ecology, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 865-872
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Global importance of large‐diameter trees

    Lutz, J. A., Furniss, T. J., Johnson, D. J., Davies, S. J., Allen, D., Alonso, A., Anderson-Teixeira, K. J., Andrade, A., Baltzer, J., Becker, K. M. L., Blomdahl, E. M., Bourg, N. A., Bunyavejchewin, S., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Cansler, C. A., Cao, K., Cao, M., Cardenas, D., Chang, L., Chao, K., Chao, W., Chiang, J., Chu, C., Chuyong, G. B., Clay, K., Condit, R., Cordell, S., Dattaraja, H. S., Duque, A., Ewango, C. E. N., Fischer, G. A., Fletcher, C., Freund, J. A., Giardina, C., Germain, S. J., Gilbert, G. S., Hao, Z., Hart, T., Hau, B. C. H., He, F., Hector, A., Howe, R. W., Hsieh, C., Hu, Y., Hubbell, S. P., Inman-Narahari, F. M., Itoh, A., Janik, D., Kassim, A. R., Kenfack, D., Korte, L., Kral, K., Larson, A. J., Li, Y., Lin, Y., Liu, S., Lum, S., Ma, K., Makana, J., Malhi, Y., McMahon, S. M., McShea, W. J., Memiaghe, H. R., Mi, X., Morecroft, M., Musili, P. M., Myers, J. A., Novotny, V., de Oliveira, A., Ong, P., Orwig, D. A., Ostertag, R., Parker, G. G., Patankar, R., Phillips, R. P., Reynolds, G., Sack, L., Song, G. M., Su, S., Sukumar, R., Sun, I., Suresh, H. S., Swanson, M. E., Tan, S., Thomas, D. W., Thompson, J., Uriarte, M., Valencia, R., Vicentini, A., Vrska, T., Wang, X., Weiblen, G. D., Wolf, A., Wu, S., Xu, H., Yamakura, T., Yap, S., Zimmerman, J. K.
    Global Ecology and Biogeography, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 849-864
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Front Cover: Global Ecology and Biogeography Volume 27, Issue 7

    Lutz, J. A., Furniss, T. J., Johnson, D. J., Davies, S. J., Allen, D., Alonso, A., Anderson-Teixeira, K. J., Andrade, A., Baltzer, J., Becker, K. M. L., Blomdahl, E. M., Bourg, N. A., Bunyavejchewin, S., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Cansler, C. A., Cao, K., Cao, M., Cardenas, D., Chang, L., Chao, K. J., Chao, W., Chiang, J., Chu, C., Chuyong, G. B., Clay, K., Condit, R., Cordell, S., Dattaraja, H. S., Duque, A., Ewango, C. E. N., Fischer, G. A., Fletcher, C., Freund, J. A., Giardina, C., Germain, S. J., Gilbert, G. S., Hao, Z., Hart, T., Hau, B. C. H., He, F., Hector, A., Howe, R. W., Hsieh, C., Hu, Y., Hubbell, S. P., Inman-Narahari, F. M., Itoh, A., Janik, D., Kassim, A. R., Kenfack, D., Korte, L., Kamil, K., Larson, A. J., Li, Y., Lin, Y., Liu, S., Lum, S., Ma, K., Makana, J., Malhi, Y., McMahon, S. M., McShea, W. J., Memiaghe, H. R., Mi, X., Morecroft, M., Musili, P. M., Myers, J. A., Novotny, V., de Oliveira, A., Ong, P., Orwig, D. A., Ostertag, R., Parker, G. G., Patankar, R., Phillips, R. P., Reynolds, G., Sack, L., Song, G. M., Su, S., Sukumar, R., Sun, I., Suresh, H. S., Swanson, M. E., Tan, S., Thomas, D. W., Thompson, J., Uriarte, M., Valencia, R., Vicentini, A., Vrška, T., Wang, X., Weiblen, G. D., Wolf, A., Wu, S., Xu, H., Yamakura, T., Yap, S., Zimmerman, J. K.
    Global Ecology and Biogeography, vol. 27, no. 7
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Logging disturbance shifts net primary productivity and its allocation in Bornean tropical forests

    Riutta, T., Malhi, Y., Kho, L. K., Marthews, T. R., Huaraca Huasco, W., Khoo, M., Tan, S., Turner, E., Reynolds, G., Both, S., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Teh, Y. A., Vairappan, C. S., Majalap, N., Ewers, R. M.
    Global Change Biology, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 2913-2928
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Topography shapes the structure, composition and function of tropical forest landscapes

    Jucker, T., Bongalov, B., Burslem, D., Nilus, R., Dalponte, M., Lewis, S. L., Phillips, O. L., Qie, L., Coomes, D. A.
    Ecology Letters, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 989-1000
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Estimating aboveground carbon density and its uncertainty in Borneo’s structurally complex tropical forests using airborne laser scanning

    Jucker, T., Asner, G. P., Dalponte, M., Brodrick, P. G., Philipson, C. D., Vaughn, N. R., Teh, Y. A., Brelsford, C., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Deere, N. J., Ewers, R. M., Kvasnica, J., Lewis, S. L., Malhi, Y., Milne, S., Nilus, R., Pfeifer, M., Phillips, O. L., Qie, L., Renneboog, N., Reynolds, G., Riutta, T., Struebig, M. J., Svátek, M., Turner, E. C., Coomes, D. A.
    Biogeosciences, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 3811-3830
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Field methods for sampling tree height for tropical forest biomass estimation

    Sullivan, M. J. P., Lewis, S. L., Hubau, W., Qie, L., Baker, T. R., Banin, L. F., Chave, J., Cuni Sanchez, A., Feldpausch, T. R., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Arets, E., Ashton, P., Bastin, J., Berry, N. J., Bogaert, J., Boot, R., Brearley, F. Q., Brienen, R., Burslem, D. F. R. P., de Canniere, C., Chudomelová, M., Dančák, M., Ewango, C., Hédl, R., Lloyd, J., Makana, J., Malhi, Y., Marimon, B. S., Marimon Junior, B. H., Metali, F., Moore, S., Nagy, L., Núñez Vargas, P., Pendry, C., Ramírez-Angulo, H., Reitsma, J., Rutishauser, E., Abu Salim, K., Sonké, B., Sukri, R. S., Sunderland, T., Svátek, M., Umunay, P. M., Vasquez Martinez, R., Vernimmen, R. R. E., Vilanova Torre, E., Vleminckx, J., Vos, V., Phillips, O. L.
    Methods in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1179-1189
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Partitioning of soil phosphorus among arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal trees in tropical and subtropical forests

    Liu, X., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Taylor, J. D., Taylor, A. F. S., Khoo, E., Majalap-Lee, N., Helgason, T., Johnson, D.
    Ecology Letters, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 713-723
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Evaluation of Tree Species for Biomass Energy Production in Northwest Spain

    Álvarez-Álvarez, P., Pizarro, C., Barrio-Anta, M., Cámara-Obregón, A., Bueno, J. L. M., Álvarez, A., Gutiérrez, I., Burslem, D. F. R. P.
    forests, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1-15
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Are patterns of fine-scale spatial genetic structure consistent between sites within tropical tree species?

    Smith, J. R., Ghazoul, J., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Itoh, A., Khoo, E., Lee, S. L., Maycock, C. R., Nanami, S., Ng, K. K. S., Kettle, C. J.
    PloS ONE, vol. 13, no. 3, e0193501
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Understorey plant community composition reflects its invasion history decades after invasive Rhododendron ponticum has been removed

    MacLean, J. E., Mitchell, R. J., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Genney, D., Hall, J., Pakeman, R. J.
    Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 874-884
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Invasion by Rhododendron ponticum depletes the native seed bank with long-term impacts after its removal

    MacLean, J. E., Mitchell, R. J., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Genney, D. R., Hall, J., Pakeman, R. J.
    Biological Invasions, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 375-384
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Tree size and climatic water deficit control root to shoot ratio in individual trees globally

    Ledo, A., Paul, K. I., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Ewel, J. J., Barton, C., Battaglia, M., Brooksbank, K., Carter, J., Eid, T. H., England, J. R., Fitzgerald, A., Jonson, J., Mencuccini, M., Montagu, K. D., Montero, G., Mugasha, W. A., Pinkard, E., Roxburgh, S., Ryan, C. M., Ruiz-Peinado, R., Sochacki, S., Specht, A., Wildy, D., Wirth, C., Zerihun, A., Chave, J.
    New Phytologist, vol. 217, no. 1, pp. 8-11
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • High frequency of positive interspecific interactions revealed by individual species–area relationships for tree species in a tropical evergreen forest

    Nguyen, H. H., Petritan, I. C., Burslem, D. F.
    Plant Ecology and Diversity, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 441-450
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Long-term carbon sink in Borneo’s forests halted by drought and vulnerable to edge effects

    Qie, L., Lewis, S. L., Sullivan, M. J. P., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Pickavance, G. C., Sunderland, T., Ashton, P., Hubau, W., Abu Salim, K., Aiba, S., Banin, L. F., Berry, N., Brearley, F. Q., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Dančák, M., Davies, S. J., Fredriksson, G., Hamer, K. C., Hédl, R., Kho, L. K., Kitayama, K., Krisnawati, H., Lhota, S., Malhi, Y., Maycock, C., Metali, F., Mirmanto, E., Nagy, L., Nilus, R., Ong, R., Pendry, C. A., Poulsen, A. D., Primack, R. B., Rutishauser, E., Samsoedin, I., Saragih, B., Sist, P., Ferry Slik, J. W., Sukri, R. S., Svátek, M., Tan, S., Tjoa, A., van Nieuwstadt, M., Vernimmen, R. R. E., Yassir, I., Kidd, P. S., Fitriadi, M., Ideris, N. K. H., Serudin, R. M., Abdullah Lim, L. S., Saparudin, M. S., Phillips, O. L.
    Nature Communications, vol. 8, 1966
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Intraspecific trait variation can weaken interspecific trait correlations when assessing the whole-plant economic spectrum

    Laughlin, D. C., Lusk, C. H., Bellingham, P. J., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Simpson, A. H., Kramer-Walter, K. R.
    Ecology and Evolution, vol. 7, no. 21, pp. 8936-8949
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Improving the usability of spatial point process methodology: an interdisciplinary dialogue between statistics and ecology

    Illian, J. B., Burslem, D. F. R. P.
    AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 495-520
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The epiphytic bryophyte community of Atlantic oak woodlands shows clear signs of recovery following the removal of invasive Rhododendron ponticum

    Maclean, J. E., Mitchell, R. J., Burslem, D. F., Genney, D., Hall, J., Pakeman, R. J.
    Biological Conservation, vol. 212, no. Part A, pp. 96-104
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Area-based vs tree-centric approaches to mapping forest carbon in Southeast Asian forests from airborne laser scanning data

    Coomes, D. A., Dalponte, M., Jucker, T., Asner, G. P., Banin, L. F., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Lewis, S. L., Nilus, R., Phillips, O. L., Phua, M., Qie, L.
    Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 194, pp. 77-88
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Testing the importance of a common ectomycorrhizal network for dipterocarp seedling growth and survival in tropical forests of Borneo

    Brearley, F. Q., Saner, P., Uchida, A., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Hector, A., Nilus, R., Scholes, J. D., Egli, S.
    Plant Ecology & Diversity, vol. 9, no. 5-6, pp. 563–576
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
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