Professor Angus Watson

Professor Angus Watson
Professor Angus Watson
Professor Angus Watson

Clinical Chair in Surgery


Page 8 of 10 Results 71 to 80 of 92

  • Development of a Patient-Specific 3D-Printed Liver Model for Preoperative Planning

    Madurska, M. J., Poyade, M., Eason, D., Rea, P., Watson, A. J.
    Surgical Innovation, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 145-150
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Comparison of stapled haemorrhoidopexy with traditional excisional surgery for haemorrhoidal disease (eTHoS): a pragmatic, multicentre, randomised controlled trial

    Watson, A. J. M., Hudson, J., Wood, J., Kilonzo, M., Brown, S. R., McDonald, A., Norrie, J., Bruhn, H., Cook, J. A., eTHoS study group
    The Lancet, vol. 388, no. 10058, pp. 2375-2385
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Comments to ‘Rubber band ligation versus excisional haemorrhoidectomy for haemorrhoids’

    Brown, S. R., Watson, A.
    Techniques in coloproctology, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 659-661
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • The use of cardiac rehabilitation services to aid the recovery of patients with bowel cancer: a pilot randomised controlled trial with embedded feasibility study

    Hubbard, G., Munro, J., O'Carroll, R., Mutrie, N., Kidd, L., Haw, S., Adams, R., Watson, A. J. M., Leslie, S. J., Rauchaus, P., Campbell, A., Mason, H., Manoukian, S., Sweetman, G., Treweek, S.
    Health Services and Delivery Research, vol. 4, no. 24
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Co-designing inflammatory bowel disease (Ibd) services in Scotland: Findings from a nationwide survey

    Schoultz, M., MacAden, L., Watson, A. J.
    BMC Health Services Research, vol. 16, 231
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Haemorrhoidal artery ligation versus rubber band ligation for the management of symptomatic second-degree and third-degree haemorrhoids (HubBLe): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial

    Brown, S. R., Tiernan, J. P., Watson, A. J., Biggs, K., Shephard, N., Wailoo, A. J., Bradburn, M., Alshreef, A., Hind, D., The HubBLe Study team
    The Lancet, vol. 388, no. 10042, pp. 356-364
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Nicorandil, Gastrointestinal Adverse Drug Reactions and Ulcerations: A Systematic Review

    Pisano, U., Deosaran, J., Leslie, S. J., Rushworth, G. F., Stewart, D., Ford, I., Watson, A. J.
    Advances in Therapy, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 320-344
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • The HubBle trial: Haemorrhoidal artery ligation (HAL) versus rubber band ligation (RBL) for symptomatic second- and third-degree haemorrhoids: A multicentre randomized controlled trial and health-economic evaluation

    Brown, S., Tiernan, J., Biggs, K., Hind, D., Shephard, N., Bradburn, M., Wailoo, A., Alshreef, A., Swaby, L., Watson, A., Radley, S., Jones, O., Skaife, P., Agarwal, A., Giordano, P., Lamah, M., Cartmell, M., Davies, J., Faiz, O., Nugent, K., Clarke, A., Macdonald, A., Conaghan, P., Ziprin, P., Makhija, R.
    Health Technology Assessment, vol. 20, no. 88, pp. 1-180
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Experiences of recruiting to a pilot trial of Cardiac Rehabilitation In patients with Bowel cancer (CRIB) with an embedded process evaluation: lessons learned to improve recruitment

    Hubbard, G., Campbell, A., Davies, Z., Munro, J., Ireland, A. V., Leslie, S., Watson, A. J., Treweek, S.
    Pilot & Feasibility Studies, vol. 1, 15
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Different forms of helper tolerance to carcinoembryonic antigen: Ignorance and regulation

    Pickford, W. J., Watson, A. J. M., Barker, R. N.
    Clinical Cancer Research, vol. 13, no. 15, pp. 4528-4537
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
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Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Journals