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About this site

This Website is the result of a collaborative project between the British Hypertension Society and the British Medical Journal. It was designed and constructed by the Faculty of Medicine & Medical Sciences Medi-CAL Unit at the University of Aberdeen. Its content was prepared by clinical experts at the University of Aberdeen and the Blood Pressure Unit of Beaumont Hospital, Dublin and members of the BHS Working Party Group.


Principal clinical contributor
Dr Mary Joan MacLeod BSc, MB ChB, MRCP

BHS Working Party

Eoin T O'Brien
Blood Pressure Unit, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin

James C Petrie
University of Aberdeen

William A Littler
University of Birmingham

Michael de Swiet
Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London

Paul L Padfield
University of Edinburgh

Michael  J Dillon
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London

Andrew Coats
National Heart and Lung Institute, London

F�insi� Mee
Nurses Hypertension Association, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin


Web site and CD ROM developer
Shirley Moore BEng MSc

Additional web site and CD ROM development
Joanne H Riach BSc

Nigel Lukins, Shirley Moore, David Adams

John McIntosh

John Sangster, Stuart Duncan

Project manager
Iciar Frade BSc

Project director
Neil Hamilton BSc PhD


Thanks go to David Robinson of the Medi-CAL Unit for the development of the initial Javascript tutorial, to Keith Duguid, Department of Medical Illustration for the voiceovers for some of the videos and to Dr Iain Garden Richardson, Robert Gordon University for the video digitising.


[Home] [Recommendations] [Tutorial] [References] [About]

� BHS 1999, � Medi-CAL Unit, University of Aberdeen 1999