Letter Writing

Letter Writing

This activity combines reading, writing, and craft as the pupils learn about letter writing in Walter Scott's day. The pupils create a crest for A page from the PowerPoint with instructions on how to fold a letter. themselves and then write a letter about their favourite poem. They then fold up their letter, in an early nineteenth century style, seal it with thier crest, and then pass it on to their classmate. The PowerPoint also includes extracts from four short poems, which the pupils can use as their favourite poem, if they don't have one of their own. Alternatively, this activity can be completed after the pupils have completed a poetry activity, such as the short poems activity. Finally, there is an extract from a letter that Walter Scott wrote with understanding questions.

A recommended order for actvities is:

Click here for the activity PowerPoint.

Click here for the teacher's guide.

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This work was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Grant Number AH/V011111/1.

It is part of The Edinburgh Edition of Walter Scott's Poetry: Engaging New Audiences. It was developed by Dr Anna Fancett as part of the Walter Scott Research Centre at the University of Aberdeen with the support of Abbotsford, Scott's home in the Scottish Borders and The Association for Scottish Literature.