Rythme et résonance / Rhythm and Resonance 9 September 2014, 10.30 - 16.15, Humanity Manse, University of Aberdeen
10: 30 - 11.00 Coffee and welcome
11:00 Professor Eric Benoît (Université de Bordeaux-3), "Tensions dans la voix poétique" (40 minute paper)
11:55 Dr David Evans (St. Andrews), “Entre formes fixes et formes fluides: textures insaisissables dans la poésie française du dix-neuvième siècle” (20 minute paper)
12:30 Lunch
1:15 Dr Elodie Laügt (St. Andrews), "Le marquage du temps dans la pratique poétique de Sabine Macher" (20 minute paper)
1:45 Dr Àine Larkin (Aberdeen), “Anne F. Garréta's paroxysmal rhythms / Les rythmes paroxystiques d'Anne F. Garréta” (20 minute paper)
2:15 Dr Clémence O'Connor (Aberdeen), “Soustraire l'arrivée': Heather Dohollau, une poétique de la lenteur” (20 minute paper)
2:45 Dr Greg Kerr (Glasgow), “Impersonality and commonality of experience in the poetic constraints of Michelle Grangaud” (5 minute paper)
3:00 Dr Adrienne Janus (Aberdeen): wrap-up + questions for further discussion
3:10 Coffee and further discussion
4:15 End of workshop
'Satirical Voices: (Re-)Imagining Satire from Antiquity to the Present'
A workshop organised by the Sir Herbert Grierson Centre for Textual Criticism and Comparative Literary History, and the Centre for Celtic Studies
Friday and Saturday, 23-24 May 2014, at the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, Humanity Manse
Sir Herbert Grierson was a Classicist by training; the main objective of this workshop is to explore Classical satire and its reception in the mediaeval and modern worlds. Given the universality of satire as a political and literary tool from Antiquity to the present, we will discuss satirical writing as 're-imagined' in vernacular European literatures. This meeting is intended as the beginning of a programme of collaboration with scholars at other universities, leading to a larger collaborative project for which external grants will be sought. We will hold a series of networking events focusing on the mediaeval and modern reception of Classical literature; the project will culminate in January 2016, with a conference to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Sir Herbert Grierson's birth, on 'Receptions of Classical Literature', and/or the legacies of Sir Herbert Grierson.
Friday 23 May
11-11.30am Coffee & Welcome
Professor Jane Stevenson (Regius Professor of Humanity): 'Faking a Poetess?'
Dr Syrithe Pugh (English): '“Mixed with some Satyrical bitternesse”: Spenser's Reading of Virgil's Eclogues in The Shepheardes Calender'
Chair: Dr Aideen O'Leary
12.30-1.30pm Lunch for all attendees
Professor Patrick Crotty (Irish and Scottish Studies): 'A Peregrination Around Captain Grose: Some Contexts for Brian Merriman's “The Midnight Court”'
Chair: Dr Aideen O'Leary
Dr Samantha Newington (Divinity): 'Greek Satyr - a Play on Words and Image'
Dr Elizabeth Elliott (English): '“Unbound ingyne”: Allan Ramsay and the Appeal of Medieval Satire'
Chair: Dr Syrithe Pugh
3.30-4pm Coffee
Dr Paul Flaig (Film and Visual Culture): 'How to Make Adorno Laugh: Juvenal, Harpo Marx, and Comic Utopia'
Dr Jesse Barker (Hispanic Studies): '“A Brilliant Idea, but Frozen”: Satirising Consumer Culture and the Pursuit of Happiness in Recent Spanish Narrative'
Chair: Dr Margaret Jubb
Saturday 24 May
10.30-11am Coffee
Dr Aideen O'Leary (Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies): 'Receptions and Reversals of Persius in Eleventh-century Normandy'
Chair: Dr Syrithe Pugh
Dr Vivien E. Williams (Centre for Robert Burns Studies, University of Glasgow): 'Mock-eulogies, Indecent Practices and the Whore of Babylon: a Study of Satirical Bagpipe Iconography'
Chair: Dr Aideen O'Leary
12.30-1.30pm Lunch for all attendees
Dr Michael Brown (History): 'Jonathan Swift and the Shadow of Mandeville'
Dr David Wheatley (English): 'The Case of Kevin Higgins, or The Present State of Irish Poetic Satire'
Chair: tbc
2.30-3pm Coffee & Conclusion
'The State of the Text'
22-23 Nov 2013