Senior Lecturer
- Office Address
- School/Department
- School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
Originally from Belgium, I completed a PhD on French post-Holocaust literature at the University of Leuven and held post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Leuven and Lessius University College. I joined the University of Aberdeen as Senior Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies in August 2022. I previously held a post as Associate Professor of French at the University of Leicester. As part of a research project on self-translation I also undertook a three-month research stay at Harvard University in 2010 supported by a Fulbright Visiting Fellowship.
My research combines literary studies with a range of interdisciplinary perspectives. I have in particular worked on survivor narratives and the representation of the Holocaust in contemporary Francophone fiction and bande dessinée. My research also focuses on issues of migration, bilingualism and translation. As part of my work, I have undertaken various research collaborations in the field of drama and the visual arts, particularly graphic novels, post-Holocaust art and political cartooning.
I am the author of Témoignage et littérature d’après Auschwitz (2020) and have co-edited several volumes and thematic issues, including: Un ciel de sang et de cendres. Piotr Rawicz et la solitude du témoin (2013); Ego-histories of France and the Second World War: Writing Vichy (2018, co-edited with Manuel Bragança); Tradition and Innovation in Franco-Belgian bande dessinée (2021); Migration, Memory and the Visual Arts: Second-Generation (Jewish) Artists (forthcoming 2023).
I am the PI of ‘Covid in Cartoons’ (AHRC, 2021-2022 350k), an interdisciplinary research project conduced with Dr Di Levine (University of Leicester), Shout Out UK and Cartooning for Peace. I’m also currently leading a BA/Leverhulme research project with Manu Braganca on The Future of WWII France in Academia.
External Memberships
I am currently Vice-Chair External Engagement and Communications for the University Council of Modern Languages. I'm a member of the Editorial Board of Modern and Contemporary France and of the AHRC Peer Review College. I have been part of the Executive Committee of the AUPHF+ as membership secretary from 2018 until 2021.
Prizes and Awards
- 'The Future of WWII France in Academia: Contemporary Research Paradigms, Trajectories and Challenges' (BA/Leverhulme Small Grant, £4,772.90), PI, with Dr Manu Bragança, 2022-2014 - with further funding from MHRA, UCML, IMLR, SFS, SSFH.
- 'Covid in Cartoons' (AHRC-funded (£352054 at 100% FEC and £296928 at 80% FEC), PI, in partnership with Dr Di Levine (LIAS) Cartooning for Peace and Shout Out UK, 2021-2022.
- ‘Political Cartooning and Global Challenges: Maximising impact across settings and stakeholders’, 'ESRC IAA funding, £9,996.8), with Sarah Weidman and Kara Blackmore, University of Leicester ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, Large Rapid Response scheme, 2021-2022.
- Design Methodology Hub, (Research England Fund for Participatory Research, £10,000), with Dr Di Levine and the University of Nairobi, 2022.
- 'Political Cartooning and Peace-Building in Conflict and Post-Conflict Contexts (GCRF IRDF ODA Block Grant (£9676), PI, with Dr Di Levine, 2021-22. With further College Research Development Fund support (data analysis ‘Social cohesion with a pencil stroke’ – political cartooning in Ivory Coast), 2021-2022 (£3,270.80)'
- Across the Seasons: Memory Matters Today' (Toni Schiff Memorial Fund, £9,132.90), PI, with Caroline Sharples (UCLan) and CCM Theatre, 2015-2016.
- 'France, Vichy and me', (BA/Leverhulme Small Grant, (£6,266.30), Co-I, with Manu Braganca (Queen's University Belfast), 2014-2016. With further grants and support (£6,265) from the SSFH, the SFS, the ASMCF, the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, the School of Modern Languages at the University of Leicester, the Centre for Collaborative Research in the Humanities at Queen’s University Belfast, the QUB Research Initiative Fund.
Supervision expertise covers contemporary literature, Holocaust literature, genocide representations, bande dessinée, translation studies, visual cultures.
Past PhD supervision (supervised to completion)
Ana Rodrigues dos Santos: Critical Functions of Contemporary Visual and Digital Poetry (University of Leicester, 1st supervisor)
Margrethe Stuttaford: The British and German translations of Pippi Longstocking: A translational stylistics analysis (University of Leicester, 1st supervisor)
Anna Scanlon; The Image of Anne Frank in Modern Theatre (University of Leicester, 2nd supervisor)
Mashael Al-Mutairi Quality: Assessment of the Translation of the Arab Spring Presidential Speeches (University of Leicester, 2nd supervisor)
Chokri Ghezal: Negotiating Translation Options with Potential Readers: Applying Skopos Theory to Culturally-bound texts (University of Leicester, 2nd supervisor)
Funding and Grants
- 'The Future of WWII France in Academia: Contemporary Research Paradigms, Trajectories and Challenges' (BA/Leverhulme Small Grant, £4,772.90), PI, with Dr Manu Bragança, 2022-2014 - with further funding from MHRA, UCML, IMLR, SFS, SSFH.
- 'Covid in Cartoons' (AHRC-funded (£352054 at 100% FEC and £296928 at 80% FEC), PI, in partnership with Dr Di Levine (LIAS) Cartooning for Peace and Shout Out UK, 2021-2022.
- ‘Political Cartooning and Global Challenges: Maximising impact across settings and stakeholders’, 'ESRC IAA funding, £9,996.8), with Sarah Weidman and Kara Blackmore, University of Leicester ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, Large Rapid Response scheme, 2021-2022.
- Design Methodology Hub, (Research England Fund for Participatory Research, £10,000), with Dr Di Levine and the University of Nairobi, 2022.
- 'Political Cartooning and Peace-Building in Conflict and Post-Conflict Contexts (GCRF IRDF ODA Block Grant (£9676), PI, with Dr Di Levine, 2021-22. With further College Research Development Fund support (data analysis ‘Social cohesion with a pencil stroke’ – political cartooning in Ivory Coast), 2021-2022 (£3,270.80)'
- Across the Seasons: Memory Matters Today' (Toni Schiff Memorial Fund, £9,132.90), PI, with Caroline Sharples (UCLan) and CCM Theatre, 2015-2016.
- 'France, Vichy and me', (BA/Leverhulme Small Grant, (£6,266.30), Co-I, with Manu Braganca (Queen's University Belfast), 2014-2016. With further grants and support (£6,265) from the SSFH, the SFS, the ASMCF, the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, the School of Modern Languages at the University of Leicester, the Centre for Collaborative Research in the Humanities at Queen’s University Belfast, the QUB Research Initiative Fund.
Page 1 of 4 Results 1 to 25 of 78
The role of multisystemic resilience in fostering critical agency: UK adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Weidman, S., Levine, D. T., Louwagie, F., Blackmore, K., Theron, L. C., Stekel, D. J.Current Psychology, vol. 43, pp. 16833–16847Contributions to Journals: ArticlesWhy Comics?
Louwagie, F.Non-textual Forms: Digital or Visual Products- [ONLINE] Link to event, without video
Littérature de témoignage: œuvres et réception critique
Louwagie, F.Traumatisme et mémoire culturelle: France et espaces francophones. Segler-Meßner, S., von Treskow, I. (eds.). de Gruyter, pp. 233-252, 20 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110420746-016
The Covid-19 pandemic considered through the lens of political cartoons
Louwagie, F.Contributions to Conferences: Oral PresentationsSelf-Translation and Literary Reception in the Works of Ouyang Yu and Raymond Federman
Louwagie, F.Contributions to Conferences: Oral PresentationsCultural Connections through Political Cartoons: Global and Creative Perspectives in the Covid Classroom
Louwagie, F.Contributions to Conferences: Oral PresentationsPrésentation de la revue European Judaism consacré à l’art de la deuxième génération
Louwagie, F.Contributions to Conferences: Oral PresentationsCatriona MacLeod, Invisible Presence: The Representation of Women in French-Language Comics
Louwagie, F.H-France Reviews, vol. 23, 57Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and ArticlesThematic issue of European Judaism: Displacement, Memory and the Visual Arts
Magonet, J. (ed.), Louwagie, F., Wiltshire, I.European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe , vol. 56, no. 1Contributions to Journals: Special IssuesIntroduction Displacement, Memory and the Visual Arts: Second-Generation (Jewish) Artists
Louwagie, F., Wiltshire, I.European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe , vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 1-21Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3167/ej.2023.560102
Youth Perspectives and Political Cartooning on the Covid-19 Pandemic: Public Engagement through the Arts
Louwagie, F., Harvey-Hobbs, R.Contributions to Conferences: Oral PresentationsCommunity-building through political cartoons in Kenya, South Africa and Côte d’Ivoire
Louwagie, F., Weidman, S., Bamberg, I., Karimi Mwiti, B., Thembekile Levine, D., Illingworth, J.Working Papers: Working Papers- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.29311/lwps.202284092
Covid in Cartoons: critical literacy and resilience during the pandemic
Louwagie, F.Contributions to Conferences: Oral PresentationsL'engagement désengagé d'Henri Raczymow’
Louwagie, F.Continuum: revue des écrivains israéliens de langue française, vol. 19Contributions to Journals: ArticlesComing of age through bande dessinée: An interview with Michel Kichka
Louwagie, F., Lambert, S., Kichka, M.European Comic Art, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 51-73Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3167/eca.2021.140204
- [ONLINE] AM at University of Leicester
Tradition and Innovation in Franco-Belgian bande dessinée: Introduction
Louwagie, F., Lambert, S.Tradition and Innovation in Franco-Belgian bande dessinée, pp. 1-12Contributions to Journals: EditorialsBook review: 'Peter Davies, Wtiness Between Languages. The Translation of Holocaust Testimonies in Context, Camden House, 2018'
Louwagie, F.Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 394-395Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14725886.2021.1944474
Book review: 'Judith M. Hughes, Witnessing the Holocaust. Six Literary Testimonies, Bloomsbury, 2018'
Louwagie, F.Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 395-396Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14725886.2021.1944475
Book review: Ewa Stańczyk (ed), Comic Books, Graphic Novels and the Holocaust: Beyond Maus
Louwagie, F., Crucifix, B.European Comic Art, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 89-92Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and ArticlesTémoignage et littérature d'après Auschwitz
Louwagie, F.Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. 383 pagesBooks and Reports: Books- [ONLINE] https://brill.com/view/title/57146
- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004430686
Testifying to Genocide: A Creative and Critical Use of Memory and Testimony in Holocaust Education in the UK and Canada
Louwagie, F., Sharples, C., Schallié, C., Webb, A.The Palgrave Handbook of Testimony and Culture. Jones, S., Woods, R. (eds.). Palgrave, pp. 405-427, 23 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-13794-5_18
Introduction: Key Cultural Texts in Translation
Malmkjaer, K., Serban, A., Louwagie, F.Key Cultural Texts in Translation. Malmkjær, K., Serban, A., Louwagie, F. (eds.). John Benjamins Antiquariat, pp. 1-6, 6 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/btl.140.intro
Key Cultural Texts in Translation
Malmkjaer, K., Serban, A., Louwagie, F.John Benjamins Antiquariat. 320 pagesBooks and Reports: Books- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/btl.140
Conclusion: cross-perspective on ego-history
Braganca, M., Louwagie, F.Ego-histories of France and the Second World War Writing Vichy. Palgrave, pp. 299-315, 17 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70860-7_17
Ego-histories of France and the Second World War: Writing Vichy
Bragança, M., Louwagie, F.PalgraveBooks and Reports: Books- [ONLINE] https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9783319708591
- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70860-7