Research Seminar - Dr Alistair Rieu-Clarke

Research Seminar - Dr Alistair Rieu-Clarke

This is a past event

Making an impact - The UN Watercourses Convention and its entry into force


The convention on the law of non-navigational uses and international watercourses (watercourses convention) was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1997.  Then in 2006, following a slow ratification process, WWF, the Centre for Water Law, Policy & Science, University of Dundee (CWLPS) and others, sought to raise awareness of the benefits of the Convention, and promote its entry into force.  This work has led to the Convention entering into force in 2014.  CWLPS’s role in this effort has been to deepen knowledge and understanding of the benefits of states joining the Convention; and work with them to support the ratification process.  Such efforts have led to the CWLPS being awarded the Leaders for a Living Planet award from WWF, and the recent REF law sub-panel describing an impact case study on the CWLPS’s watercourses convention work as being of, ‘outstanding impact in terms of its reach and significance’.  A fundamental question that has guided much of CWLPS’s research efforts in this area is: how can a global convention make a difference to lives and livelihoods within individual river basins or aquifers?  A further question that is also critical to the work of CWLPS is: how the legal research community can effectively engage with and influencenational policy-making process?  

Dr Alistair Rieu-Clarke
Hosted by
School of Law
MacRobert MR252

Please visit our Research Seminar webpage for our full programme.