The School of Law Research Seminar Series aims to foster and sustain the School's excellent research environment. They are delivered on campus and/or online by guest speakers from other universities in the UK or abroad, or members of staff on a wide range of topics. They provide an opportunity to share, engage with, and build upon a research piece, whether at an advanced or final stage of development. Research seminars usually last for approximately 60 minutes, including a 40 minute presentation followed by a 20 minute discussion. Everyone, staff and students, are welcome and there is no need to register.
The Convenor of the Research Seminar Series is Professor Irène Couzigou
Seminar Timetable 2024-25
- Second Half-Session
Wednesday, 22 January, 2 - 3pm - Hybrid Event (A21): Regime creation, raw data and intellectual property: holding power and opening doors by Abbe Brown
Wednesday, 22 January, 3.15 - 4.15pm - Online Event: Canada’s journey with online harms legislation by Emily Laidlaw
Wednesday, 26 February, 1.15 - 2.15pm - Hybrid Event (A21): The Ownership of Carbon by Professor Jill Robbie
Wednesday, 26 February, 2.30 - 3.30pm - Hybrid Event (A21): The Cross-Border Recognition of Changes in the Legal Sex of Transgender Persons: The Landmark ECJ ruling in the Mirin case by Prof Alina Tryfonidou
Wednesday, 19 March, 1.15 - 2.15pm - Hybrid Event (A21): Trade Usages in the Context of and Beyond the CISG (Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods) by Dr Boris Praštalo
Wednesday, 19 March, 2.30 - 3.30pm - Hybrid Event (A21): Responsibility and Accountability for Conducts in Cyberspace by Dr François Delerue
- First Half-Session
Wednesday, 16 October, 1.30 - 2.30pm - Hybrid Event (C11): Law and Legal Consciousness in Medieval Scotland by Professor Hector MacQueen
Wednesday, 16 October, 2.45 - 3.45pm - Hybrid Event (C11): Ideology of Justice: The ICTY as a site of knowledge production by Dr Marina Veličković
Wednesday, 13 Novemebr, 1.30 - 2.30pm - Hybrid Event (C11): Social Policy and Qualitative Research by Dr Claire Houghton
Wednesday, 13 Novemebr, 2.45 - 3.45pm - Hybrid Event (C11): Misleading information and investor protection in cross-border scenarios: the location of the financial loss by Dr Sara Sánchez Fernández
Seminar Timetable 2023-24
- First Half-Session
Thursday, 14 September, 12-1pm - On- Campus Event (NK14): 'Is Nordic Law a Legal Family? ' by Jaakko Husa
Wednesday, 18 October, 1-2.00pm - Hybrid Event (C11/Teams): 'The Purposes of Preambles in the History of Legislation in Europe ' by Brage Thunestvedt Hatløy
Wednesday, 18 October, 2-3.00pm - Hybrid Event (C11/Teams): ''Legal Doctrinal Scholarship and the Social Sciences ' by Matyas Bodig
Tuesday, 24 October, 3-4.30pm - Hybrid Event (A21/Teams): 'International Refugee Law in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities by Sandrine Turgis
Wednesday, 15 November, 1.10-2.10pm - Hybrid Event (C11/Teams): 'Climate Change and the European Convention on Human Rights ' by Erin Ferguson
Wednesday, 15 November, 2.20-3.20pm - Hybrid Event (C11/Teams): 'Entrenching Human Rights Protections in the UK's Devolved Nations '' by Kasey McCall-Smith
Wednesday, 15 November, 3.30-4.30pm - Hybrid Event (C11/Teams): 'Family Law Reform at the Scottish Law Commission: Civil Remedies for Domestic Abuse ' by Gillian Black
- Second Half-Session
Wednesday, 20 March, 1.15 - 2.15pm, Hybrid Event: 'Law Reform in Scotland: Moveable Transactions as a Case Study ' by Professor Andrew Steven
Wednesday, 20 March, 2.30 - 3.30pm, Hybrid Event: 'Responsibility to Protect: Challenges and Opportunities '' by Professor Christina Binder
Wednesday, 21 February, 1.10-2.10pm, Hybrid Event: 'International Criminal Tribunals and Domestic Accountability: In the Court's Shadow ' by Patryk I. Labuda
Wednesday, 21 February, 2.20-3.20pm, Hybrid Event: 'A Court of Specialists: Judicial Behavior on the UK Supreme Court ' by Chris Hanretty
Wednesday, 21 February, 3.30-4.30pm, Hybrid Event: 'International Tax Law in a Changing Landscape ' by Xiaorong (Sharron) Li
Wednesday, 24 January, 1.15-2.15pm, Hybrid Event: Climate Change and the Limits of International Fisheries Law by Mitchell Lennan
Seminar Timetable 2022-23
- First Half-Session
Friday 14 October, 2-3.30pm - Teams Event: Self-defense in the Fight against Terrorism: The Enlargement of the Right of Self-defense by Dr Mélanie Dubuy
Monday 24 October, 2-3.30pm - Hybrid Event (On Campus Venue KCF7): Don't Worry About the Government- National Security and the Rule of Law by Ronald Clancy QC
Thursday 3 November, 1-2.30pm - Hybrid Event (On Campus Venue KCF7): From Validity to Valency by Professor Pauline Westerman
Thursday 17 November, 1-2:30pm - Hybrid Event (On Campus Venue OSR): A 'right to deepfake' in Europe? Assessing the regulation of deepfakes under the lens of Article 10 ECHR by Dr Mathilde Pavis & Dr Dimitrios Kagiaros
- Second Half-Session
Monday 23 January, 1-3pm - Hybrid Event (On Campus Venue KCG11): Law and policies for the digital economy. The role of comparative law by Professor Guido Smorto
Wednesday 1 February, 2-3pm - Hybrid Event (On Campus Venue Taylor A21): Volcanic Eruptions and International Law - Lessons from Iceland by Professor Bjarni Már Magnússon
Thursday 9 February, 2-3.30pm - Hybrid Event (On Campus Venue New Kings NK1): Challenges Raised by International Cybercrimes by Ian Whitehurst
Thursday 16 February, 10-11:30am - Online Event: The Commercialisation of Your Physical Self - An Introduction to Personal Genomics by Dr Andelka M. Phillips
Tuesday 21 February, 1-2.30pm - Hybrid Event (On Campus Venue: C11): Promoting sustainable foreign direct investments through investment treaties: the long-awaited evolution of international investment law . by Dr. Lukas Vanhonnaeker
Friday, 17 March, 2-3.30pm - Online Event: Military Assistance to Ukraine: A Form of Collective Self-defence? by Professor Antonello Tancredi
Tuesday, 25 April, 3-4,30PM - Hybrid Event: Fair and Equitable Treatment and the Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators by Fahira Brodlija
Wednesday, 24 May, 2-3pm - Hybrid Event: The Short-Lived Hungarian Floating Security and the Scottish Experience with the Floating Charge by Professor Tibor Tajti
Seminar Timetable 2021-22*
- First Half-Session
Friday 05 November, 1-2pm, Teams Event: Transforming Perceptions: The Development of Pre-pack Regulations in England and Wales by Dr Bolanle Adebola
Wednesday 08 December, 2-3pm, Teams Event: The Nature of Cryptocurrency: Lessons from Banco de Portugal v Waterlow & Sons Ltd by Dr Israel Cedillo Lazcano
- Second Half-Session
Thursday 3 February, 3-4.30pm, Teams Event: White Hat Hackers: When is Hacking Legal and Ethical by Dr Sara Correia
Friday 11 March, 5-6.30pm, Teams Event: Hard Legal Problems and Comparative Legal Analysis: The case of parental child abduction in international and Islamic law by Professor Anver Emon
Wednesday 17 April, 3-4.30pm, Teams Event: International Tort Litigation in the Internet and Artificial Intelligence Era: An EU approach by Professor Guillermo Palao
Monday 2 May, 2-3.30pm, Teams Event: Concerning the Origins of the Scots Law Doctrine of Marriage by Cohabitation with Habit and Repute: Review post Requiem by Thomas M. Green
Seminar Timetable 2020-21*
*Please note that the 20/21 School of Law Research seminars will take place online via Microsoft Teams. Links will be provided closer to the date and time on our webpage and social media.
- First Half-Session
- Monday 26th October, 1-2,30pm, Teams Meeting: 'Comparative Law's Pyrrhic Victory? ' by Professor Jaakko Husa
- Monday 2nd November, 4-5,30pm, Teams Meeting: 'Between Truth and Power: The Legal Constructions of Informational Capitalism ' by Professor Julie E. Cohen
- Thursday 19th November, 2-3,30pm, Teams Meeting: 'International Health Law: An Emerging Branch of International Law ' by Dr Pedro Villarrea
- Friday 27th November, 1-2pm, Teams Meeting: Creating a Multilateral Investment Court: why and how? by Colin M. Brown
- Tuesday 1st December, 5-6,30pm, Teams Meeting: Participation in policy making and the duty to consult by Professor Janet McLean (Professor of Law, The University of Auckland)
- Thursday 10th December, 10,30am-12pm, Teams Meeting: Is Private International Law a Pill that Courts Just Cannot Swallow? The Case of Matrimonial Property in Israel by Dr Sharon Shakargy (the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Law, Israel)
- Wednesday 16th December, 11am-12pm, Teams Meeting: International Investment Law and Developing Nations: the case of African countries by Dr Emilia Onyema (SOAS University of London)
- Second Half-Session
- Friday 12th February, 11-12.00pm, Teams Meeting: 'The draft Data Governance Act and Digital Services Act: a digital constitution for Europe or just too much regulation? ' by Professor Alain Strowel
- Thursday 18th February, 3-4.30pm, Teams Meeting: 'Sovereignty of the Westminster Parliament versus Sovereignty of the Scots People ' by Mr Scott Styles (Cancelled)
- Thursday 4th March, 1-2pm, Teams Meetig: 'Superior Bargaining Power in Digital Networks by Dr Claudio Lombardi '
- Tuesdasy 27th April, 2-3.30pm, Teams Meeting: 'Cyber-attacks and the Law on the Use of Force by Professor Nicholas Tsagourias
Seminar Timetable 2019-20
- First Half-Session
- Wednesday 2nd October, 1-2pm, Taylor Building C11: 'Strategic Litigation and Tobacco Control ' by Prof Fiona Smith (University of Leeds)
- Friday, 11th October, 4-5.30pm, Taylor Building C11: 'The evolution of land law: some French and Scottish perspectives ' by Dr David Richard (Layer and Founder of Lex Terra Avocat) and Mr Malcolm Combe (University of Aberdeen)
- Friday, 18th October, 4-5.30pm, Taylor Building C11: 'The Moral Conflict of Law and Neuroscience ' by Peter Alces (William and Mary Law School)
- Wednseday, 23rd October, 1-2.30pm, Taylor Building C11: 'Litigating Climate Change under UNCLOS ' by Prof Alan Boyle (University of Edinburgh)
- Thursday, 31st October, 4-5.30pm, Taylor Building C11: 'Environmental Rights in Cultural Context ' by Professor Dirk Hanschel (University of Halle-Wittenberg)
- Friday, 1st November, 4-5.30pm, Taylor Building C11: “It's a regulator, but not as we know it”: the Oil and Gas Authority by Prof Terry Daintith (University of London)
- Wednesday, 6th November 1-2.30pm, Taylor Building A21, 'Expedited Procedures in International Commercial Arbitration and Investment Arbitration ' by Rahul Donde
- Wednesday, 13th November, 1-2.30pm, 'The State Theory of Hugo Grotius: Lessons for our Time ?' by Prof Nehal Bhuta (University of Edinburgh)
- Wednesday, 20th November, 1-2.30pm, 'Rejecting Retributivism: Free Will, Punishment, and Criminal Justice ' by Professor Gregg Caruso
- Wednesday, 29th November 4-5.30pm, 'The prospects for an ambitious treaty on marine biodiversity for the high seas ' by Joanna Mossop (Edinburgh Law School)
- Second Half-Session
- Wednesday 15th January, 1-2.30pm, Taylor Building C11: 'Climate Change and the Voiceless: Protecting Future Generations, Wildlife, and Natural Resources ' by Prof Randall S. Abate (Monmouth University)
- Tuesday 28th January, 2-3:30pm, Meeting Room 1, SDRL: 'It is all in EU law? - Remaining questions on investment protection and investor-state dispute settlement within the EU legal order' by Katariina Särkänne (UEF Law School)
- Friday 7th February 4-5.30pm, Taylor C11: 'The Fine Line between Collective Self-Defence and Intervention by Invitation' by Prof Claus Kreß (University of Cologne)
- Wednesday 19th February ,1-2.30pm, Taylor C11: 'Enforcement of heritable securities in Scotland: reforming the law ' by Dr Frankie McCarthy (University of Glasgow)
- Wednesday 4th March 1-2.30pm, Taylor C11: 'Iraq's Oil and Gas Industry ' by Janan Al-Asady
- Friday 20th March 4-5.30pm, Taylor C11: 'AI, Ethics and Global Governance: Reigning in Technology or Ethics-Washing ?' by Dr Angela Daly (Strathclyde Law School)
Seminar Timetable 2018-19
- First Half-Session
- Wednesday 3rd of October 2018 1-3pm, Taylor Building C11: 'Brexit and limping divorce statuses: A critical analysis of the ties that bind us to national law' by Dr Maebh Harding, Associate Professor, Warwick Law School
- Wednesday 10th of October 2018 1-3pm, Taylor Building C11. 'The Power(s) of Global Constitutionalism' by Professor Anthony Lang, University of St Andrews
- Wednesday 24th of October 2018 1-3pm, Taylor Building C11. 'Modern Energy Law ' by Professor Raphael Heffron, University of Dundee
- Wednesday 31st of October 2018 1-3pm, Taylor Building C11 'The Making Available Right: Realizing the Potential of Copyright's Dissemination Function in the Digital Age ' by Dr Cheryl Foong, Curtin University
- Friday 9th of November 2018 4-6pm, The Sir Duncan Rice Library Room 224, 'Kompetenz - Kompetenz in International Commercial Arbitration: Is It Time For Uniformity? ' by André Monteiro, Visiting Scholar at Queen Mary University of London
- Tuesday 20th of November 2018 4-6pm, The Old Senate Room, 'Joe Thomson and Contract Law in Scotland: Against Legal Nationalism? ' by Professor Hector MacQueen, University of Edinburgh
- Friday 30th of November 2018 1-3pm, New Kings NK7, 'Horizontal Censorship: Employers' Power to Regulate Socio-Political Speech ' by Professor Graeme Orr, University of Queensland
- Second Half-Session
- Wednesday 16th January, 2:15pm, Old Senate Room: 'Feminism and the Limits of Law: Reflections from the Scottish Feminist Judgments Project ' by Dr Chloe Kennedy (University of Edinburgh) and Professor Sharon Cowan (University of Edinburgh)
- Thursday 7th February, 12-2pm, The Sir Duncan Rice Library meeting room 3: 'Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms in EU law ' by Dr Ignacio Herrera-Anchustegui (University of Bergen)
- Friday 22nd February, 4-5pm, Taylor Building C11: 'Regulating Campaign Spending in the Age of the Internet ' by Professor Lori Ringhand
- Friday 1st March, 4-5pm, Taylor Building C11: 'The Right to Self-Defence under International Law: Reading and Re-reading the Caroline Correspondence, 1838-1842 ' by Professor Dino Kritsiotis (University of Nottingham)
- Thursday 7th March 11am -12 noon, MR304 MacRobert Building: 'The South African Land Reform Programme And Expropriation Without Compensation: A Silver Bullet Or A (Calculated) Shot in The Dark? ' by Juanita Pienaar
- Wednesday 20th March 2-3pm, MacRobert Building MR310. 'Is the scope of damages for copyright infringement contrary to the rule of law?' by Dr Hayleigh Bosher (Brunel University London)
- Wednesday 27th March 1-2pm, Taylor Building C11. 'The Use of Blockchain Technology in Cross Border Legal Cooperation' by Dr Florian Heindler (Sigmund Freud University) and Dr Burcu Yüksel (University of Aberdeen)
- Friday 26th April, 4-5pm, Taylor Building C11: 'Cryptocurrencies in the English and Scots common law of property ' by Professor David Fox (University of Edinburgh)
Seminar Timetable 2017-18
- First Half-Session
- Friday 22nd September 2017 4-5pm, Taylor Building C11: Women in legal academia in Germany - Professor Phillip Hellwege , Professor for Private Law, Business Law, and Legal History at the University of Augsburg, Germany
- Friday 29th September 2017 4-5pm, Taylor Building C11: The role of Rawls and Dworkin in the regulation of oil and gas extraction: an exploratory study - Professor Tina Hunter , University of Aberdeen
- Friday 6th October 2017 4-5.30pm, Taylor Building C11: Critical issues in investment arbitration. Some considerations from recent cases under the ECT , Professor Maria Chiara Malaguti , Professor of International Law at Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore (Milan/Rome, Italy)
- Friday 13th October 2017 4-5pm, Taylor Building C11: Abandoning Principles: The Right (and Wrong) of Abandonment of Land in Scots Law - Malcolm Combe , University of Aberdeen
- *Cancelled* Wednesday 18th October 2017 1-2pm, Taylor Building C11: Cross-border portability of refugees' personal status - Bridging private international law and migration law - Professor Jinske Verhellen, Ghent University, Belgium
- Wednesday 1st November 2017 1-2pm, Taylor Building C11: Investment Arbitration in the EU? A song from the past or a new beat? - Gloria Alvarez , University of Aberdeen
- Wednesday 8th November 2017 1-2pm, Taylor Building C11: A Law & Economics Analysis in Support of Corporate Social Responsibility: Prevention of 'Accidental' Stock Market Over-Valuations for Innovative Corporations - Dr Roy Partain , University of Aberdeen
- Friday 17th November 2017 4-5.30pm, Taylor Building C11: Fact-Finding in International Law: The Role of Commissions of Inquiry - Professor Larissa van den Herik , Vice Dean, Professor of Public International Law, Leiden University, Netherlands
- Guest Lecture Wednesday 22nd November 2017 1-2.30pm, Regent Lecture Theatre: Changing lives and (occasionally) changing the law: An illustration of the work of University Law Clinics - Stephan van der Merwe , Senior Attorney, Notary Public and Lecturer, University of Stellenbosch Legal Aid Clinic
- Thursday 30th November 2017 12-1pm, Taylor Building A21: Property Theory Perspectives on the Community Right to Buy - Professor John Lovett , Loyola University New Orleans College of Law, Louisiana, USA
- Second Half-Session
- Friday 26th January 2018 4-5pm, Taylor Building C11: The Role of Standards of Review in Labour Law - David Cabrelli , Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law at The University of Edinburgh
- Wednesday 31 January 2018 2-4pm, Taylor Building A19:Values and Decisions: Division in the Supreme Court - Rachel Cahill-O'Callaghan , Senior lecturer at the University of Cardiff
- Friday 9th February 2018 4-5.30pm, New Kings NK1: Brexit trade negotiations - where is the UK heading? - Luis Gonzalez Garcia
- Friday 16th February 2018 4-5pm, Taylor Building C11: A Multi-Speed European Union, Brexit, and the Future of Judicial Cooperation - Eva Lein, Professor at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- Friday 23rd February 2018 4-5pm, Taylor Building C11: Cross-border portability of refugees' personal status - Bridging private international law and migration law - Professor Jinske Verhellen, Ghent University, Belgium
- Wednesday 28th February 2018 1-2pm, Taylor Building C11: Courting Environmental Justice: The Adjudicatory Dimensions of the National Green Tribunal India - Dr Gitanjali Nain Gill, Professor of Environmental Law at Northumbria Law School
- Friday 9th March 2018 4-5.30pm, Taylor Building C11: North Korea and the Use of Force - Matthias Hartwig, Senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany
- Friday 23rd March 2018 4-5pm, Taylor Building C11: The Right to Self-Determination and its Limitations - Scotland and Catalonia Compared - Professor Dirk Hanschel, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany