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Page 236 of 246 Results 2351 to 2360 of 2455

  • Developing new modes of governance

    Paterson, J. B., Lebessis, N.

    Governance in the European Union: Cahiers of the Forward Studies Unit. , E. C., De Schutter, O., Lebessis, N., Paterson, J. (eds.). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp. 259-294, 35 pages

    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters

  • Floating Charges and Subsequent Securities

    Styles, S. C.

    Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 73-85

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Article 3 of the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction: the role of courts in granting themselves custody rights.

    Beaumont, P. R.

    Kansai University Review of Law and Politics, vol. 22, pp. 47-70

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • The Contraceptive Pill, Negligence and Causation: Views on Vadera v. Shaw

    Goldberg, R. S.

    Medical Law Review, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 316-338

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Pain, animals and the law

    Radford, M. J.

    Pain: Its Nature and Management in Man and Animals. , L. S. o. S. P., Morton, D. (eds.). Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd

    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters

  • Democracy by default: the Representation of the People Act 2000

    Green, writing as Lardy,, H.

    Modern Law Review, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 63-81

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Minority Language Rights in International Law

    Dunbar, R. D.

    International and Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 90-120

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • A kétharmados törvények helye a magyar jogforrási hierarchiában (Qualified Majority and the Hierarchy of Sources of Law in Hungary)

    Cserne, P., Jakab, A.

    Fundamentum, pp. 40–49

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Access to the Scottish Countryside: Proposals for Reform

    McKenzie-Skene, D. W., Robinson, J. R.

    Juridical Review, pp. 95-110

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Adjournments of Summary Criminal Cases in the Sheriff Courts

    Leverick, F., Duff, P. R.

    Contributions to Conferences: Other Contributions

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