Centre for Energy Law External Talks 2013

Centre for Energy Law External Talks 2013

This is a past event

Dr Anatole Boute

  • "Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources in Russia's Isolated Regions", European-Russian expert roundtable on climate and sustainable energy policy organized by the European University St. Petersburg, in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 13 December 2013.
  • The Russian Perspective on the ECT Investment Protection Regime”, 24th Ministerial Meeting of the Energy Charter, Nicosia, Cyprus, 5 December 2013. View presentation.
  • “Energy Trade and Investment Law”, Energy Law in Europe, Leiden, November 2013.
  • “The Concept of Liberalization under EU and Russian Energy Law”, University of Tartu, October 2013.
  • “EU-Russia Renewable Energy Cooperation”, Conference on Russia in the World, University of Helsinki, October 2013.
  • “The Principle of the Economic Well-founded Nature of Prices under Russian Electricity Law”, conference on The Development of Russian Law, University of Helsinki, October 2013.
  • “EU-Russia Climate Cooperation: Post-2012 Cooperation”, Conference on EU-Russia Energy Law: Legal Aspects of Guaranteeing Security of Energy Supply and Demand, Groningen, 30-31 May 2013.
  • “Protection against Renewable Energy Tariff Cuts under the Principle of Legal Certainty”, European Energy Law Seminar, Noordwijk aan Zee, 28 May 2013.
  • “International Action to Combat Climate Change: Obligation to Cooperate under the Good Neighbourliness Principle?”, Conference on The Principle of Good Neighbourly Relations in Europe: Theory and Practice, University of Groningen, 8 March 2013.
  • "Renewable Energy Federalism: A Comparative Perspective”, conference on Energy Law Transition, University of Eastern Finland, 5 March 2013.

Greg Gordon

  • Greg Gordon presented a paper on Onshore Oil and Gas Licensing and Community Interests in the UK at the Energy Policy Conference organised by the Robert Gordon University on 14 and 15 November 2013.
  • Greg Gordon presented a draft of “Energy Law in the UK”, a chapter in the forthcoming Third Edition of Roggenkamp et al’s “Energy Law in Europe” (Oxford University Press) at a Workshop held in Leiden, the Netherlands, as part of the preparation for that volume. The chapter is being co-authored by Mr Gordon, Prof John Paterson and Prof Aileen McHarg (University of Strathclyde).
  • “Offshore Oil and Gas Policy: Tax, Infrastructure and the Challenge of the Maturing Province”, Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum, January 2013, Glasgow.

Professor John Paterson

  • “Energy Policy and Scotland’s Constitutional Future – Setting the Scene” Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum, January 2013, Glasgow.

Dr Olivia Woolley

  • “Reforming Gas Sector Governance in the UK to Promote Decarbonisation: A Study of Biomethane Injection into Gas Grids”, University of Stirling Low Carbon Energy Conference, 5 April 2013
  • “Using Cooperation Mechanisms under the Renewable Energy Directive”, Symposium on Regional German-Dutch Energy Cooperation, Hannover, 28 January 2013