Teaching Fellow/Neach-Teagaisg Na Gaidhlig, Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture (LAN140A)

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Teaching Fellow/Neach-Teagaisg Na Gaidhlig, Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture (LAN140A)

The School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture seeks to appoint a full-time Teaching Fellow in Gaelic to contribute to the undergraduate programme in Gaelic Studies. A key requirement of the position is the ability to teach language classes at all levels and to be able to contribute otherwise to the degree programme in Gaelic Studies.  Tha Sgoil Cànain, Litreachais, Ciùil & Cultair Lèirsinnich ag iarraidh Neach-teagaisg làn-ùine fhastadh ann an Gàidhlig gus cur ris an teagasg sna fo-cheumannan le Gàidhlig. Tha e riatanach gum bi an neach san dreuchd comasach air clasaichean cànain a lìbhrigeadh aig gach ìre agus comasach air cur ris na ceumannan ann an Eòlas na Gàidhlig ann an dòighean eile a bharrachd.

Job Description

The postholder will ideally be expected to take up the position by the middle of December 2024. Thathar an dùil gun tòisich an neach a chuirear san dreuchd ann am meadhan na Dùbhlachd 2024.

It is expected that applicants will normally be based in Aberdeen. Applications for job-share are also welcome. Thathar an dùil gum bi tagraichean mar as trice stèidhichte ann an Obar Dheathain. Cuirear fàilte cuideachd air tagraidhean airson co-roinn obrach.

Gaelic is one of the subject areas of the School. Applicants should have a degree in Gaelic and be a fluent speaker of the language. Tha Gàidhlig air aon de na cuspairean san Sgoil. Bu chòir ceum ann an Gàidhlig a bhith aig tagraichean agus feumar a bhith fileanta sa chànan.

Salary will be at the appropriate point on Grade 6, £37,999 - £45,163 per annum, and negotiable with placement according to qualifications and experience.

Gheibhear tuarastal aig an ìre fhreagarraich de Ìre Phàighidh 6, £37,999 - £45,463 per annum, agus faodar an ìre sin aontachadh a rèir theisteanasan agus eòlais.

Informal enquiries should be made to Professor Michelle MacLeod, Personal Chair, Gaelic, e-mail: m.macleod@abdn.ac.uk

Prior to employment, the successful candidate must be able to demonstrate their right to work in the UK. This role may be eligible for sponsorship under the Skilled Worker route under the UKVI immigration rules but is dependent on factors specific to the candidate and if tradeable points can be used under the rules.

Information on other visa options is available at https://www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa.

Please do not hesitate to contact Grant Rae, HR Adviser (e-mail: grant.rae@abdn.ac.uk) for further information.

Mus faigh iad obair, feumaidh an tagraiche soirbheachail a bhith comasach air sealltainn gu bheil còir aca air obair san RA. Dh’ fhaodadh gum bi an dreuchd seo airidh air sponsoireachd fon t-slighe Neach-obrach Sgileil a thaobh riaghailtean in-imrich UKVI ach tha e an urra ri suidheachadh sònraichte an tagraiche agus ma ghabhas puingean malairt cleachdadh fo na riaghailtean.

Tha fiosrachadh mu roghainnean bhìosa eile ri fhaighinn aig https://www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa.

Na bi leisg fios a chur gu Grant Rae, Comhairliche HR (Foghlainneach Ceumnaiche) (post-d: grant.rae@abdn.ac.uk) airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.

The closing date for the receipt of applications is /’S e an ceann-latha airson iarrtasan 15 November 2024

Please Note

If you are unable to complete an application online, please contact the Recruitment Team (HRRecruitment@abdn.ac.uk) to make alternative arrangements for submitting your application within plenty of time before the advertised post closes.

Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
Staff Category
Position Type
Full Time
Grade 6
£37,999 - £45,163
Ref No
Closing Date