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Teaching Fellow/Neach-Teagaisg Na Gaidhlig, Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
The School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture seeks to appoint a full-time Teaching Fellow in Gaelic to contribute to the undergraduate programme in Gaelic Studies. A key requirement of the position is the ability to teach language classes at all levels and to be able to contribute otherwise to the degree programme in Gaelic Studies. Tha Sgoil Cànain, Litreachais, Ciùil & Cultair Lèirsinnich ag iarraidh Neach-teagaisg làn-ùine fhastadh ann an Gàidhlig gus cur ris an teagasg sna fo-cheumannan le Gàidhlig. Tha e riatanach gum bi an neach san dreuchd comasach air clasaichean cànain a lìbhrigeadh aig gach ìre agus comasach air cur ris na ceumannan ann an Eòlas na Gàidhlig ann an dòighean eile a bharrachd.
Advanced Research Fellow, Natural & Computing Sciences
We are seeking to recruit an enthusiastic Advanced Research Fellow with a strong background in solid-state battery chemistry to join a vibrant research team under the leadership of Dr Ieuan Seymour in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Aberdeen. This post is supported by Dr Ieuan Seymour’s UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship on ‘Sustainability from Cradle to Grave: Halide Based Electrolytes for All-Solid-State-Batteries’.
Research Fellow, Natural & Computing Sciences
The Institute of Mathematics in Aberdeen is currently advertising a postdoctoral position funded by an EPSRC Network grant under the title “The Mathematical Foundation of Artificial Intelligence – An Erlangen programme.” The network, led by Oxford, includes 6 institutions, 38 researchers, and a growing number of business partners. The programme aims to produce a study based on rigorous mathematical principles that would bring better understanding of existing AI methods as well as a new generation of methods that have guaranteed expressive and generalisation power, better interpretability, scalability, and data- and computational-efficiency.
Research Fellow, Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
The School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition (SMMSN) has a long history of developing novel imaging technologies especially in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In 1980, the University of Aberdeen performed the world’s first diagnostic MRI scan of a patient, using a scanner invented and built in here. Based on this legacy, the University of Aberdeen continues to promote and push the boundaries of MRI technology development.
Research Fellow, Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
A talented and creative researcher is sought to take part in a highly interdisciplinary project funded by the European Research Council (ERC). The overall aim of the project is to understand how intercellular signalling in developing embryos allows them to self-organize into complex structures. Our approach is to develop sophisticated mathematical models – informed by state-of-the-art biological knowledge and experimental data – to understand these counterintuitive reaction-diffusion mechanisms. We are particularly interested in discovering genuinely novel classes of reaction-diffusion mechanism, beyond the classic paradigms from applied mathematics and physics (e.g., Turing patterns). This will involve: (i) developing new analytical/theoretical tools for the study of reaction-diffusion systems, (ii) performing large scale, machine-learning-assisted numerical screens of putative reaction-diffusion circuits, and (iii) studying specific biological systems in collaboration with experimentalists to guide our models.