

Database Design

The team can provide a service to design and develop databases (either Microsoft Access Web or SNAP) to capture data from on-line or paper questionnaires. This will significantly enhance data quality and ensure that data analysis can be successfully carried out at a later stage.

Database Support and/or Development

The team are able to provide support for existing research databases and development services ranging from generation of reports, customised queries, forms design, data analysis right through to re-development of the database.

Database Analysis

Data can be extracted in a variety of formats to allow ease of analysis, e.g. into SPSS, SAS or Stata. For larger databases using SQL Server, applications can be developed to carry out more complex analyses, such as event-time cubes, life tables and survival analysis.

Web Applications

For studies with geographically diverse subjects and/or locations, internet based data collection is ideal. We have dedicated staff to design, manage and host your data collection website. We can design and build highly scalable and customised websites hosted on a secure, confidential platform.

Record Linkage

A service can be provided to match participants in research projects to patients registered on CHI and upload the corresponding CHI Numbers to the clinical database, enabling follow-up of patients where ethical approval has been obtained.

Population Studies

The team can provide a service to extract random samples of patient demographic information from the Grampian CHI population, subject to Caldecott Guardian approval. A CHI patient matching service is also available, to enable research databases to be populated with patient CHI Numbers for later follow-up or record linkage.

Control patients can be extracted from CHI according to specified criteria for case-control studies.

PCCIU Research

The team also works on extracting data for collaborations using the Primary Care Data sets. This is an extensive anonymised database which details patient encounters, diagnoses, measurements and prescriptions from GPASS practices and is collected bi-annually. For more information on how you may be able to use this database please email or visit their website -

Safe Haven

For more information regarding the Grampian Data Safe Haven (DaSH) please email or visit their website -

AMND Extractions

The team also works on extractions for the AMND database, for more information on this please visit their website.