

At the university, there are a range of assistive hardware tools available for staff and students; these could be for temporary injuries or for a more long-term condition. Speak to a member of the team for further details on how to loan this equipment.

Assistive Technology Booth Tour

The Assistive Technology Booths (ATBs) are accessible, single occupancy rooms available for use by students with disabilities, specific learning difficulties or medical condition. They provide a selection of assistive software and hardware that couldn't practically be provided on the regular Classroom Computers.

Each of the booths has a PC, printer and scanner. The PC is the same as the classroom computers with access to the usual university resources and software. In addition to this, they provide access to additional Assistive Technology software and hardware to enhance overall provision.

If you would like to have access to the booths, please discuss this with a Disability Adviser or the Assistive Technology Team.

How to book a booth

If you have access, you can then book any of the booths in advance using our online booking system.

We would ask you to be mindful of the needs of other students when booking and using the booths. Click the links below for some guidelines and 'DOs and DON'Ts'. Note that there are certain restrictions to when and for how long you can book a booth. This is intended to prevent booth 'hogging'.

There are booths located at both the Old Aberdeen and Foresterhill campuses.

Old Aberdeen

  • Edward Wright Building - Ground Floor, Block A, Booth 1:
    Claro, MindGenius, NVDA, Ease of Access, Global Auto Correct, Dragon, SuperNova, ABBYY Finereader.
  • Edward Wright Building - Ground Floor, Block A, Booth 2:
  • Claro, MindGenius, NVDA, Ease of Access, Global Auto Correct, Dragon.
  • MacRobert Building - 1st Floor, Room 113a, look for a side door as you enter the large computer room: Claro, MindGenius, NVDA, Ease of Access, Global Auto Correct, Dragon.
  • The Sir Duncan Rice Library - 1st Floor (107 and 108):
    Claro, MindGenius, NVDA, Ease of Access, Global Auto Correct, (ABBYY Finereader in 108).
  • The Sir Duncan Rice Library - 4th Floor (407 and 408):
    Claro, MindGenius, NVDA, Ease of Access, Global Auto Correct (ABBYY Finereader in 407).


  • Polwarth Medical Library - located to the left of the issue desk:
    Claro, MindGenius, NVDA, Ease of Access, Global Auto Correct, Dragon.
  • Suttie Centre - located within the main computer classroom on the ground floor:
    Claro, MindGenius, NVDA, Ease of Access, Global Auto Correct, Dragon, SuperNova, ABBYY Finereader.