Professor Paul Fowler

Professor Paul Fowler
Professor Paul Fowler
Professor Paul Fowler

BSc Hons, PhD, FRSB

Chair in Translational Medical Sciences

Accepting PhDs

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 437528
Office Address
Room 3.26 Institute of Medical Sciences
Foresterhill Campus
Ashgrove Road West
AB25 2ZD

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School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition


Following his BSc Hons and PhD in Zoology, Professor Fowler worked on ovarian hormones in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Aberdeen. In 2000, he moved to the University of Aberdeen’s Institute of Medical Sciences and was its director for 6 years (2015-21). His work elucidates mechanisms regulating/dysregulating reproduction and development. He has over 170 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters and co-authored numerous European Food Standards Agency opinions. Since 2000, his research focused principally on effects of environmental/lifestyle exposures, including maternal smoking, obesity, and medication use. This aims to understand disruption of fetal development and health, principally using normal first and second trimester human fetus. Since 2009 he has led/participated in 4 large EU research programmes studying endocrine disruption and received MRC, BBSRC, Wellcome Trust, charities and PARC (Partnership of the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals, 2022-2029) funding. In 2023 he was awarded the Anne McLaren Distinguished Scientist award by the Society for Reproduction & Fertility.


  • BSc Hons Zoology 
    1982 - University of Aberdeen 
  • PhD Reproductive Biology 
    1986 - University of Aberdeen 

Memberships and Affiliations

Internal Memberships
  • Chair SMMSN Back-To-Work Group
  • Co-Chair University/NHS Grampian COVID-19 group
  • Chair SMSN Core Facilities Committee
  • Deputy Chair, University Research Facilities Working Group
  • regular Depute for Head of School meetings
  • IMS Equality & Diversity Group (Athena Swan)
  • REF2021 UoA1 Committee
  • University Health & Safety Committee
  • Division of Applied Medicine REF committee, 2012-2014
  • Joint Research Committee,  2011-2015
  • Division of Applied Medicine Executive Board,  2011-2015
  • Programme lead for the Cell, Developmental & Cancer Biology research programme, 2011-2015
  • European Advisory Committee, 2011-2014
  • College of Life Sciences & Medicine Graduate School Management Team, 2005-2009
  • IMS Safety Committee, 2004-2009
  • Medical Faculty Postgraduate Teaching Group, 1998-2005
  • Medical Faculty IT Group, 1996-2003
  • Medical Faculty Research Profile Editorial Board, 1994-1995
  • Medical Faculty Research Advisory Committee, 1992
External Memberships
  • Member, Breast Cancer UK Independent Scientific Review Panel, 2022-
  • Member, UKRI Future Leaders Interview Panel 16, 2022
  • Named, invited, signatory of the Consensus Statement on paracetamol use during pregnancy – a call for precautionary action 2021
  • Review Editor, Frontiers in Toxicology - Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology, 2020-
  • Member, Editorial Board, Molecular Human Reproduction, 2019-
  • Member, EFSA FAF (Food Additives and Flavourings) Panel, 2018-2024
  • Member, EFSA Flavourings Working Group, 2018-2024
  • Chair, EFSA Special Working Group on the evaluation of substances used to reduce microbial contamination from products of animal origin, 2018
  • Member Editorial Board, Scientific Reports, 2017-18
  • Member, Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity Research Fund Steering Committee, 2017-20
  • Member, Panel 14 (Pathophysiology) of the French National Research Agency, 2017-2019
  • Member, Grampian Biorepository Steering Group, 2016-
  • Member, promotions committee, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 2015-2016
  • Member Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) Jury, University of Rennes, France, 2015
  • Member Editorial Board, Molecular & Cellular Endocrinology, 2014-
  • Member, EFSA CEF (Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids) Panel, 2014-2018
  • Member, EFSA Flavourings Working Group, 2014-2018
  • Expert Evaluator, European Commission, 2014-
  • Vice-chair, HCERES (was AERES) research & tertiary education evaluation committee, France, 2014
  • Expert panel member, Endocrine Society & EU sponsored report & publications “Economic costs of endocrine disrupting compounds”. 2014-2016
  • Rapporteur for COST action TN1201 “genderSTE”, 2014
  • Member Editorial Board, Endocrinology, 2014-2017
  • External Examiner, taught Masters in Medical Science: Assisted Reproduction Technology, University of Nottingham, 2013-2016
  • Member, Society for Reproduction & Fertility Programme committee, 2013-2017
  • Member, AERES (now HCERES) research & tertiary education evaluation committee, France, 2013
  • Member, Promotions Panel, Technical University of Denmark, 2013
  • Named, invited, signatory of the Berlaymont Declaration on Endocrine Disruptors,
  • Member, Expert Review Panel to assess applications submitted to 2012 CRACK IT Challenges
  • Member, Expert Working Group on Bisphenol A (BPA) toxicology of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), 2012-14
  • Member, Gendered Innovations, FP7 case study panel, 2012
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, UK (FRSB), 2010
  • Member, Standing Evaluation Panel, Environmental Pollution at the Swedish Research Council Formas, 2010
  • Member, Scientific Committee, 5th Copenhagen Workshop on Endocrine Disrupters, 2009
  • Chair, Society for Reproduction & Fertility, 2009-2013
  • External Examiner, year 3 Reproductive Biology, University of Edinburgh, 2008-2013
  • External Examiner, Masters by Research (MRes), St George’s Hospital Medical School, London, 2008-2012
  • Editorial Advisory Board for Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2005-2009
  • Society for Reproduction and Fertility, Council Member, 2005-2013
  • Editorial Board of the journal Reproductive Biology & Endocrinology, 2002-2008
  • Chair, Local Organising Committee for Fertility 2003, joint meeting of BAS, BFS, SRF, 2000-2003. This conference was held in Aberdeen July 13-17 2003 and is considered to be one of the most successful Fertility conferences, with 685 delegates and £45,000 surplus
  • Society for Reproduction & Fertility, Meetings Committee, 2000-2004
  • Acted on various BFS/SRF sub-committees, including scientific referee for abstracts, poster/presentation judge and assessment of applications for the Serono/BFS Studentships etc
  • British Fertility Society Committee, 1993-1996

Latest Publications

View My Publications

Prizes and Awards

Dist Sci award twitter.jpg


FRSB, 2010


Research Overview

Since the breakthrough epidemiological studies of the 1980s it has been clear that adult human health is dependent upon fetal development and fetal programming (‘early life programming’). Fetal growth restriction, for example, can lead to hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease in the adult. This fetal programming is also termed "Developmental Origins of Health and Disease" (DOHaD) or "Fetal Origins of Adult Disease. Dysfunctional changes in the fetus can arise through a range of mechanisms, such as:

  • maternal cigarette smoking
  • maternal obesity
  • maternal deprivation
  • maternal nutrition
  • maternal environmental pollutant exposure (such as air pollution)
  • maternal medication use

We are studying these factors primarily in the human itself, by studying fetuses aborted for non-medical reasons. This is supported by the SAFeR Study (Scottish Advanced Fetal Research study). The health trajectory of an individual offspring is likely to depend upon a range of maternal and lifestyle factors, including the chemical burden carried at birth. Fetal pollutant exposure has clear adverse effects on development but we have very little knowledge about levels of fetal exposure to “real-life” complex pollutant cocktails and developmental consequences. This fundamental lack of knowledge is a major impasse to developing strategies for reducing fetal pollutant burdens and predicting likely health outcomes. Available data is limited, and often indirect (i.e. animal models or surrogates of exposure), but all studies suggest that fetal pollutant exposure affects lifelong health outcomes and, thereby, impacts on the general economy.

As well as laboratory-based studies of the human fetus my group has also become involved in epidemiological studies in the same field. Our intention with this move is to improve linkage between the individual fetus/mother (laboratory) and population-wide (epidemiology) analyses of maternal environment/lifestyle effects on the fetus and its future health.

Our aim is to understand how maternal factors disturb human fetal development, leading to offspring with greater risk of adverse health outcomes.

Our objective is to identify mechanisms linking these maternal factors with sub-optimal fetal development and lifelong health burdens.


Research Areas

Accepting PhDs

I am currently accepting PhDs in Biological and Environmental Sciences, Biomedical Sciences.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.

Email Me

Biological and Environmental Sciences

Accepting PhDs

Biomedical Sciences

Accepting PhDs

Research Specialisms

  • Toxicology
  • Developmental Biology
  • Reproductive Biology
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Endocrinology

Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Current Research

Current Team

  • Dr Laetitia Lecants (post-doc)
  • Dr Peng Liu (post-doc)
  • Ms Ausra Lionikiene(Research technician)
  • Mr Jimmy Marsden (PhD student)
  • Cosupervised PhD students: Katharina Kusse (Prof Val Speirs 1°) & Francesca Moramarco (Prof Peter McCaffery 1°)


  • Dr Pan Filis (post-doc)
  • Dr Natasha Walker (PhD in my lab funded Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity)
  • Dr Chiara Talia (PhD in my lab funded by EU MSCA-ITN PROTECTED)
  • Dr Aikaterini Zafeiri (EASTBIO PhD student)
  • Dr Claire Walker (Research technician)

Recent Visiting Scientists

  • Mr Ajay Yadav, 3 months secondment as part of PROTECTED MSCA-ITN, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, Norway
  • Ms Laetitia Lecante (3 months visit, Universite de Rennes 1, Rennes, France, PhD student)
  • Mr Glen Gauderat (3 months on Royal Society grant: Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Toulouse, France, PhD student)
  • Ms Hanna Johansson (Technical University of Denmark, PhD student)

Current Project Highlight

FREIA is an EU-funded project that aims to improve identification of chemicals that affect women’s health via disruption of the hormone system. Our project is called FREIA – Female Reproductive toxicity of EDCs: a human evidence-based screening and Identification Approach, after the Nordic Goddess of fertility.The FREIA project has received €6.1 million funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 825100 (FREIA). FREIA focused on chemicals that can disturb the endocrine sysatem, these chemicals are called "Endocrine Disrupting Compounds" (EDCs).Hormones and the endocrine system are vital for pregnancy and fetal development, making this an especially vulnerable time.

Recent plenary and invited presentations

  • Maternal exposure to air pollution nanoparticles and adverse birth outcomes. CHE (Collaborative on Health and the Environment) Webinar 19 January 2023.
  • Laying the foundations for future life and reproduction. Distinguished Scientist (Anne McLaren) Award Lecture. Fertility 2023, Belfast, 10-13 January 2023.
  • Toxicants and maternal lifestyle disturb human fetal developmental programming. Society for Reproductive Investigation Annual Conference, Fetal Physiology Satellite meeting, Boston, July 2021.
  • Exposure to the complex mixture of environmental chemicals found in human biosolids. Virtual University of Michigan Symposium on Chemical Mixtures, 12 February 2021.
  • Maternal lifestyle, endocrine disruption and the developing fetus. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 19 February 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Preparing for a healthy life – maternal lifestyle and fetal programming. Toxalim, 12 October 2018, Toulouse, France.
  • Effect of prenatal exposure to environmental toxins on female reproduction. Fertility 2018, 4-6 January 2018, Liverpool, UK.
  • Evidence for EDC involvement in reproductive dysfunction in women. Invited seminar at PhD Course in Reproductive Toxicology, Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala (CRU) and Swedish Toxicological Sciences Research Centre (SWETOX), 12-16 June 2016, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Real-world chemical mixtures disturb fetal endocrine systems and gonad development humans and animal models. Symposium: “Mixtures, medicines and diet, where now for endocrine disrupting compounds?” ECE2016: European Congress of Endocrinology, 28-31 May 2016, Munich, Germany.
  • Effects of in-utero exposure to toxicants on the fetal gonad and liver. Invited seminar, BIOSIT, combined University of Rennes, CNRS & INSERM unit, 9 November 2015, Rennes, France.
  • Sex, drugs, oestrogens and the human fetus. Invited public talk, Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society, 1 October 2015, Aberdeen, UK.
  • New insights into human fetal development: endogenous oestrogens, maternal smoking and gene methylation. 8th Copenhagen Workshop of Endocrine Disrupters, 27-30 April 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Environmental factors in sex differences and metabolism. ESE basic Endocrinology Course in reproductive Endocrinology, 18-20 February 2015, Edinburgh, UK.
  • The exposed proteome. Understanding biology and disease: the application of proteomics. University of Aberdeen Symposium, 9 December 2014, Aberdeen, UK. Regulation and dysregulation of primordial follicle formation and activation. 3rd World Congress of Reproductive Biology, 2-4 September 2014, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Environmental chemicals and fetal development. 2ieme Journee des Jeunes Chercheurs de L’IRSET, February 4th 2014, University of Rennes, France.
  • On women and sheep: making and breaking the fetal ovary. INRA, 13 December 2013, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
  • The evidence for EDC involvement in reproductive dysfunction in women. International Workshop: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Female Reproduction. 5-6 November 2013, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Environment and endocrine disruptors in fetal reproductive development.  IfLS Conference: Reproductive Biology – from gametes to systems, and between generations. 17 September 2013, Southampton, UK.
  • Human fetal reproductive development and endocrinology: effects of maternal smoking. 7th Copenhagen Workshop of Endocrine Disrupters, 28-31 May 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Impact of endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) on female reproductive health. Fertility 2013, Liverpool, January 3-5 2013.
  • Effects of exposure to environmental chemicals during pregnancy on the development of the male and female reproductive access“. 17th International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR 29012) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 29 – August 2, 2012.

Knowledge Exchange

Public Engagement

  1. Maternal exposure to air pollution nanoparticles and adverse birth outcomes. CHE (Collaborative on Health and the Environment) Webinar 19 January 2023.
  2. The Truth About Fetal Tissue Research”, Nature 528, 2015.
  3. Mother’s Smoking During Pregnancy Affects Baby’s DNA”, Scientific American, April 2016.
  4. “Science Unwrapped: Fertility”, /BBC Radio programme and Naked Scientists podcast “Is modern life affecting fertility?”  21st March 2017.
  5. Move over testosterone, another hormone is also vital for making boys – and it doesn’t come from the testes” The Conversation 14/02/2019
  6. PODCAST: Hormones: The Inside Story. Series 1: Episode 6 . Also see, Society for Endocrinology.
  7. Naked Scientists “Endocrine disruptors and fertility” BBC Radio interview & podcast, 26/02/2021

Press Releases


  • Grateful thanks to Dr Stewart Rhind (James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland) for the years of friendship and collaboration before his untimely death.

Funding and Grants

Career total = £24 million

major grants:

2007-10      Wellcome Trust (080388) Effect of in-utero exposure to environmental chemicals via maternal pasture ingestion on fetal development. £426k [PI: collaboration with Macaulay, Edinburgh, Glasgow & INRA]

2008-12      European Commission FP7 (212855) Reproductive effects of environmental chemicals in females (REEF). £2,646k. (PI: collaboration with Macaulay, Edinburgh, INRA, Nottingham, Martin-Luther, Milan]

2009-11      Chief Scientist Office (CZB/4/742) Bioincubator system to model toxic effects on the human fetal testis. £62k [PI]

2014-17      MRC (L010011/1) The human fetal liver: development and response to maternal drug use. £589k [PI: collaboration with Glasgow, Edinburgh]

2014-18      MRC DTP (K501335/1) Development of the human fetal adrenal gland and effects of maternal smoking. £63k [CoI: Bellingham, Glasgow is PI]

2016-19      Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity (YRSS/PHD/2016/05) Maternal smoking, drinking and deprivation: when and how of placental damage. £60k [PI: collaboration with Glasgow]

2017-21      European Commission H2020 MSCA-ITN (722634) PROTECTion against Endocrine Disruptors; detection, mixtures, health effects, risk assessment and communication (PROTECTED). £3,152k [CoI: Connolly Queen’s Belfast is PI]

2017-20      MRC (L011535/1) Sex-specific disease aetiology from developmental steroid insults: mechanistic understanding and biomarker development towards disease prevention. £637k [CoI: Rae, Edinburgh is PI]

2017-21      BBSRC EASTBIO DTP Mechanisms via which the human fetus is at risk from over-the-counter analgesics. £97k [PI: collaboration with Edinburgh]

2018-21      Arthritis Research UK (21800) Unlocking the joint morphogenetic code in mesenchymal stem cells from human synovium. £328k [CoI: De Bari is PI]

2019-24      European Commission H2020 (825100) Female Reproductive toxicity of Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): a human evidence-based screening and Identification Approach (FREIA). £5,217k [CoI: van Duursen, VU Amsterdam, is PI]

2022-25     Cunningham Trust (PhD-CT-21-18) Discovery of retinoic acid receptor control of stress granules as a treatment for neurodegenerative diseases. £97k [CoI: Mccaffery, Aberdeen, is PI]

2022-25     BCUK  (2122029) Evaluating the effects of BPA on breast cancer development. £99k [CoI: Speirs, Aberdeen, is PI]

2022-25     MRC (MR/W015439/1) Towards a novel treatment targeting obesity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. £380k [CoI: Duncan, Edinburgh, is PI]

2022-29     European Commission, Horizon Europe (10045444) Partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals (PARC). €400 million cofund [CoI: ANSES+199 other institutions/agencies]

2023-27    European Commission, Horizon Europe (101094099Inflammation in human early life: targeting impacts on life-course health (INITIALISE). £6,209k [CoI: Oresic, University of Turku is PI]



Teaching Responsibilities

Honours and MSc students undertake research projects in my lab.

Non-course Teaching Responsibilities

I usually have 9 tutees at any one time.


Page 5 of 6 Results 201 to 250 of 293

  • PAH Exposure

    Fowler, P. A., O'Shaughnessy, P. J., Rhind, S. M., Ayres, J.
    Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 117, no. 4, pp. A140; author reply A140-1
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • Primordial follicular assembly in humans: revisited

    Maheshwari, A., Fowler, P. A.
    Zygote, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 285-296
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Human health and the environmental impacts of using sewage sludge on forestry and for restoration of derelict land: Task 1 - Desk-based literature review of the human health impacts of spreading sewage sludge on non-agricultural land

    Ayres, J. G., Dick, S., Semple, S., Ogden, I., Fowler, P.
    Edinburgh: SNIFFER. 87 pages
    Books and Reports: Commissioned Reports
  • In utero exposure to low doses of environmental pollutants disrupts fetal ovarian development in sheep

    Fowler, P. A., Dorà, N. J., McFerran, H., Amezaga, M. R., Miller, D. W., Lea, R. G., Cash, P., McNeilly, A. S., Evans, N. P., Cotinot, C., Sharpe, R. M., Rhind, S. M.
    Molecular Human Reproduction, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 269-280
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy specifically reduces human fetal desert hedgehog gene expression during testis development

    Fowler, P. A., Cassie, S., Rhind, S. M., Brewer, M. J., Collinson, J. M., Lea, R. G., Baker, P. J., Bhattacharya, S., O'Shaughnessy, P. J.
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 93, no. 2, pp. 619-626
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Developmental Changes in Human Fetal Testicular Cell Numbers and Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Levels during the Second Trimester

    O'Shaughnessy, P. J., Baker, P. J., Montiero, A., Cassie, S., Bhattacharya, S., Fowler, P. A. F.
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 92, no. 12, pp. 4792-4801
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Human fetal testis Leydig cell disruption by exposure to the pesticide dieldrin at low concentrations

    Fowler, P. A. F., Abramovich, D., Haites, N. E., Cash, P., Groome, N. P., Al-Qahtani, A., Murray, T. J., Lea, R.
    Human Reproduction, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 2919-2927
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Maternal dietary exposure to environmental chemicals disturbs fetal ovary development

    Fowler, P. A. F., Dora, N. J., McFerran, H. L., Sharpe, R. M., McNeilly, A. S., Lea, R., Miller, K., Cash, P., Rhind, S. M.
    Human Reproduction, vol. 22, no. Suppl. 1, pp. i95-i96
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • An investigation of the effects of endometriosis on the proteome of human eutopic endometrium: A heterogeneous tissue with a complex disease

    Fowler, P. A. F., Tattum, J., Bhattacharya, S., Klonisch, T., Hombach-Klonisch, S., Gazvani, R., Lea, R. G., Miller, I. D., Simpson, W., Cash, P.
    Proteomics, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 130-142
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Assessment of ovarian reserve - should we perform tests of ovarian reserve

    Maheshwari, A., Fowler, P. A. F., Bhattacharya, S.
    Human Reproduction, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 2729-2735
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Selection of gonadotrophin surge attenuating factor phage antibodies by bioassay

    Sorsa-Leslie, T. K., Mason, H. D., Harris, W. J., Fowler, P. A. F.
    Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, vol. 3, pp. 49-66
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Developmental indices of nutritionally-induced placental growth restriction in the adolescent sheep

    Lea, R. G., Hannah, L. T., Redmer, D. A., Aitken, R. P., Milne, J., Fowler, P. A. F., Murray, J., Wallace, J. M.
    Pediatric Research, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 599-604
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Regulation of functional steroid receptors and ligand-induced responses in telomerase-immortalized human endometrial epithelial cells

    Hombach-Klonisch, S., Kehlen, A., Fowler, P. A. F., Huppertz, B., Jugert, J. F., Bischoff, G., Schlüter, E., Buchmann, J., Klonisch, T.
    Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, vol. 34, pp. 517-534
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Molecular and genetic regulation of testis descent and external genitalia development

    Klonisch, T., Fowler, P. A., Hombach-Klonisch, S.
    Developmental Biology, vol. 270, no. 1, pp. 1-18
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • The cultured rodent follicle as a model for investigations of gonadotrophin surge-attenuating factor (GnSAF) production

    Fowler, P. A. F., Spears, N.
    Reproduction, vol. 127, no. 6, pp. 679-688
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Demonstration of a non-steroidal, non-inhibin factor in the ovine corpus luteum of pregnancy that reduces pituitary responsiveness to GnRH-induced LH secretion in vitro

    Fowler, P. A. F., Groome, N. P., Al-Gubory, K. H.
    Reproduction, vol. 126, no. 1, pp. 35-42
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Effects of pregnancy on pulsatile secretion of LH and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone-induced LH release in sheep: a longitudinal study

    Al-Gubory, K. H., Hervieu, J., Fowler, P. A.
    Reproduction, vol. 125, pp. 347-355
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Ovarian gonadotrophin surge-attenuating factor (GnSAF): where are we after 20 years of research?

    Fowler, P. A. F., Sorsa-Leslie, T. K., Harris, W. J., Mason, H. D.
    Reproduction, vol. 126, no. 6, pp. 689-699
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • Transient Masculinization in the Fossa, Cryptoprocta ferox (Carnivora, Viverridae)

    Hawkins, C. E., Dallas, J. F., Fowler, P. A. F., Woodroffe, R., Racey, P. A.
    Biology of Reproduction, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 610-615
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Effect of interleukin-8 (IL-8), anti-IL-8, and IL-12 on endometrial cell survival in combined endometrial gland and stromal cell cultures derived from women with and without endometriosis

    Gazvani, R., Smith, L. M., Fowler, P. A. F.
    Fertility and Sterility, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 62-67
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • A 60-66 kDa protein with gonadotrophin surge attenuating factor bioactivity is produced by human ovarian granulosa cells

    Fowler, P. A. F., Sorsa-Leslie, T. K., Cash, P., Dunbar, B., Melvin, W. T., Wilson, Y., Mason, H. D., Harris, W. J.
    Molecular Human Reproduction, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 823-832
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Effect of maternal undernutrition on fetal testicular steroidogenesis during the CNS androgen-responsive period in male sheep fetuses

    Rae, M. T., Rhind, S. M., Fowler, P. A. F., Miller, D. W., Kyle, C. E., Brooks, A. N.
    Reproduction, vol. 124, pp. 33-39
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Environmental chemical effects on testicular function

    Fowler, P. A. F., Murray, T. J., Abramovich, D., Haites, N. E., Lea, R. G.
    Reproductive Medicine Review, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 77-100
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • Lack of association of the common immunologically anomalous LH with endometriosis

    Gazvani, R., Pakarinen, P., Fowler, P. A. F., Logan, S., Huhtaniemi, I.
    Human Reproduction, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1532-1534
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The ovarian gonadotropin receptors in health and disease

    Fowler, P. A. F., Huhtaniemi, I. T.
    Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 55-63
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • Women with poor response to IVF have lowered circulating gonadotrophin surge-attenuating factor (GnSAF) bioactivity during spontaneous and stimulated cycles

    Martinez, F., Barri, P. N., Coroleu, B., Tur, R., Sorsa-Leslie, T., Harris, W. J., Groome, N. P., Knight, P. G., Fowler, P. A.
    Human Reproduction Update, vol. 17, pp. 634-640
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • High omega-3:omega-6 fatty acid ratios in culture medium reduce endometrial-cell survival in combined endometrial gland and stromal cell cultures from women with and without endometriosis

    Gazvani, M. R., Smith, L. M., Haggarty, P., Fowler, P. A. F., Templeton, A. A.
    Fertility and Sterility, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 717-722
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Endocrine disrupting chemicals

    Murray, T. J., Lea, R. G., Haites, N. E., Abramovich, D., Fowler, P. A. F.
    Early Pregnancy, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 80-112
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • Relationship between follicle size and gonadotrophin surge attenuating factor (GnSAF) bioactivity during spontaneous cycles in women

    Fowler, P. A. F., Sorsa, T., Harris, W. J., Knight, P. G., Mason, H. D.
    Human Reproduction, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 1353-1358
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Human fetal testis: Second trimester proliferative and steroidogenic capacities

    Murray, T. J., Fowler, P. A., Abramovich, D. R., Haites, N., Lea, R. G.
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 85, pp. 4812-4817
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Proliferation and apoptosis in the developing human fetal testis: possible effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)

    Murray, T. J., Fowler, P. A. F., Haites, N. E., Abramovich, D., Lea, R.
    Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, vol. 155, no. 1-2, pp. 187
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Conclusive evidence for the production of a 60-66 kDa form of gonadotrophin surge-attenuating factor by human ovarian granulosa cells

    Fowler, P. A. F., Mason, H. D., Wilson, Y.
    Human Reproduction, vol. 14, pp. 17
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • A longitudinal study of maternal serum inhibin-A inhibin-B, activin-A activin-AB, pro-αC and follistatin during pregnancy

    Fowler, P. A., Evans, L. W., Groome, N. P., Templeton, A., Knight, P. G.
    Human Reproduction, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 3530-3536
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Measurement of inhibin-A (α βA dimer) during the oestrous cycle, after manipulation of ovarian activity and during pregnancy in ewes

    Knight, P. G., Feist, S. A., Tannetta, D. S., Bleach, E. C., Fowler, P. A., O'Brien, M., Groome, N. P.
    Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 159-166
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Measurement of inhibin-A (alpha beta A dimer) during the oestrous cycle, after manipulation of ovarian activity and during pregnancy in ewes

    Knight, P. G., Feist, S. A., Tannetta, D. S., Bleach, E. C. L., Fowler, P. A. F., O'Brien, M., Groome, N. P.
    Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 159-166
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • A longitudinal study of maternal serum inhibin-A, inhibin-B, activin-A, activin-AB, pro-alpha C and follistatin during pregnancy

    Fowler, P. A., Evans, L. W., Groome, N. P., Templeton, A., Knight, P. G.
    Human Reproduction Update, vol. 13, pp. 3530-3536
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone stimulates circulating gonadotropin surge-attenuating/inhibiting factor bioactivity in cows

    Fowler, P. A. F., Price, A. H.
    Biology of Reproduction, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 278-285
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Circulating leptin in women: a longitudinal study in the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy

    Hardie, L., Trayhurn, P., Abramovich, D., Fowler, P. A. F.
    Clinical Endocrinology, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 101-106
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Maternal pituitary gonadotroph function in relation to GnRH receptor and LH beta mRNA content during pregnancy in ewes

    Fowler, P. A. F., McNeilly, A. S.
    Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, vol. 110, no. 2, pp. 267-278
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Maternal pituitary gonadotroph function in relation to GnRH receptor and LHβ mRNA content during pregnancy in ewes

    Fowler, P. A., McNeilly, A. S.
    Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, vol. 110, no. 2, pp. 267-278
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Effect of mifepristone (RU486) on the pituitary response to gonadotrophin releasing hormone in women

    Kazem, R., Messinis, L. E., Fowler, P. A. F., Groome, N. P., Knight, P. G., Templeton, A.
    Human Reproduction, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 2585-2590
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Changes in peripheral serum levels of total activin A during the human menstrual cycle and pregnancy

    Muttukrishna, S., Fowler, P. A. F., George, L., Groome, N. P., Knight, G. P.
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 81, no. 9, pp. 3328-3334
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The effects of steroidal and non-steroidal ovarian hormones on pituitary responsiveness to gonadotrophin surge-attenuating factor

    Byrne, B., Fowler, P. A. F., Templeton, A.
    Journal of Endocrinology, vol. 150, no. 3, pp. 413-422
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Purification of GnSAF from human follicular fluid for production of a monoclonal antibody

    Bates, R. L., Fowler, P. A., Melvin, W. T.
    Biochemical Society Transactions, vol. 24, no. 2
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Role of progesterone and nonsteroidal ovarian factors in regulating gonadotropin-releasing hormone self-priming in vitro

    Byrne, B., Fowler, P. A. F., Templeton, A.
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 1454-1459
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The nature and function of putative gonadotropin surge-attenuating inhibiting factor (GnSAF/IF)

    Fowler, P. A. F., Templeton, A.
    Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 103-120
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • Identification of gonadotrophin surge-inhibiting factor (GnSIF)/attenuin in human follicular fluid

    Mroueh, J. M., Arbogast, L. K., Fowler, P. A. F., Templeton, A., Friedman, C. I., Danforth, D. R.
    Human Reproduction, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 490-496
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Immunopurified human gonadotropin surge-attenuating factor (GnSAF/IF) bioactivity has a molecular mass of 60-70 kDa

    Fowler, P. A. F., Danforth, D., Templeton, A.
    Biology of Reproduction, vol. 54, pp. 144
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Measurement of Serum Concentrations og Inhibin-A (ALPHA-BETA(A) DIMER) During Human-Pregnancy

    MUTTUKRISHNA, S., GEORGE, L., Fowler, P. A. F., GROOME, N. P., Knight, G.
    Clinical Endocrinology, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 391-397
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Gonadotropin Surge-Attenuating Factor Bioactivity in Serum from Superovulated Women is not Blocked by Inhibin Antibody

    BYRNE, B., Fowler, P. A. F., Fraser, M., CULLER, M. D., Templeton, A.
    Biology of Reproduction, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 88-95
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
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