New publication involving international multicentre collaboration.
This study, published in Stem Cells this month, investigated the roles of two hippo pathway downstream effectors, Taz and Yap, in muscle stem cells with overlapping myogenic proliferation and unique differentiation functions revealed. Microarrays and proteomic analysis were used to identify potential mechanisms and binding factors.
For more information see:
Sun, C., De Mello, V., Mohamed, A., Ortuste Quiroga, H.P., Garcia-Munoz, A., Al Bloshi, A., Tremblay, A.M., von Kriegsheim, A., Collie-Duguid, E., Vargesson, N., Matallanas, D., Wackerhage, H., & Zammit, P.S. (2017) Common and distinctive functions of the Hippo effectors Taz and Yap in skeletal muscle stem cell function. Stem Cells. epub ahead of print. Link.