
Centre for Genome-Enabled Biology and Medicine


Our Bioinformatics team in CGEBM work collaboratively with researchers using genomics data to address their research question. We assist researchers by developing strategies and tools, running analyses, and providing training. Our involvement in projects can be with CGEBM or externally generated data and we can get involved at any point from project planning and grant applications through to publication.

Established in 2009, as part of an MRC funded initiative, our aim is to assist researchers in exploring and understanding their data, with a particular focus on data produced by sequencing technologies. We have extensive experience of working with next-generation sequencing data, including Illumina, Ion Torrent and long-read technologies such as Oxford Nanopore and PacBio. If you have other high-density datasets, please get in touch to discuss as we may have the expertise to enable or speed up your analyses.

Our services are available to researchers and research students throughout the University and beyond.

Our bioinformatics team offer a portfolio of training workshops to enable researchers develop the skills required to understand and analyse their own data. Our training workshops typically run from October to May, and our annual schedule is released late autumn shortly after the start of the academic year.

Using the Bioinformatics Service

To use the services we provide, you should contact us with details of your requirements, and we will contact you for further details as relevant. There is no charge for these consultations.

For PhD students, please invite your supervisor to the initial meeting.

Once your requirements have been established, you will be provided with a quotation and schedule for completion of the analyses and delivery of the required outputs. We can work with you iteratively for in depth hypothesis-driven mining of the initial outputs, if required.

It is recommended that you get in touch with us as early as possible. If you wish to work with us and are applying for funding, we advise contacting us at the grant writing stage to ensure that adequate estimates are included for the bioinformatics support required and enable us to provide guidance on experimental design and analytical approach, where relevant.